
A One Size Fits All Diet Plan...

What could buying a wedding suit have to do
with building muscle and losing bodyfat?

Well, a lot more than you might think!
Especially when it comes to muscle building nutrition.

Let me explain...

My buddy Vince DelMonte and I were chatting about
this not too long ago and he discovered something
quite interesting while shopping for a wedding suit
of all things.

Here's what Vince said:

"I always thought that creating a custom
tailored suit was extremely complex, ultra
expensive, and required an experienced tailor.
Yet, I found a tailor who explained how the
whole process works.

Every custom suit begins with a simple
"one size fits all" template. But over
multiple fittings and modifications, eventually
the suit becomes a custom tailored suit."

When it comes to planning out a nutrition program,
the process is no different. You need to begin
with a simple, basic "one size fits all" nutritional
template and test it, tweak it, and make changes based
on the results you experience.

Only by starting with the basics can you arrive at the
final destination - a perfect nutrition program that will
help you build a perfectly sculpted lean muscular body.

There is NO magic diet plan

There is no quick fix fad dietbook
"Eat right for your blood type" kind of solution.

The best (and fastest) way to get in killer shape
with full muscle development and lean ripped definition
is to follow a meal plan that is based on proven
nutritional principles plus your own informed
trial - and - error modifications.

In other words, you begin with a basic eating plan
that's based on the best nutrition information available,
test it and modify it based on your results.

The problem for most of us is that the 95% of the
nutrition info that's out there is down right confusing,
contradicting, completely unnecessary and ridiculous.

Getting the perfect body and perfect
meal plan must begin with an ORIGIN

If you're not prepared to put in some time, effort,
discipline and pay attention to a few details, then
getting and keeping a rock hard body may NOT be possible
for you.

Sorry but it's the truth...

However, if you do agree that you need a
simple "done-for-you" meal plan to start with
now, then test it, and modify it as needed.

Then I want to share some of the best Muscle Building
& Fat Loss meal plans that I've ever seen called,
"Done-For-You Meal Plans".

Every caloric amount is included.
84-days of variety for each plan.
Grocery lists, delicious recipes and more.

Click here for more information:

Today is the first day of a 72-hour HALF-PRICE special
because these plans just went LIVE today. I highly
recommend you pick up your 84-day meal plans if you're
ready to lose your gut, trim off those love handles
and get ripped in a hurry!


The half-price sale ends Friday night, July 3rd,
and for the next few days you'll be able to get
some cool fast-action bonuses to help nail down
your muscle building and fat loss goals
and build your ultimate body even faster.

Click here to get your copy right now:

Are You Overtraining In Your Workouts?

I've got a question for you...

"How can you tell if you are overtraining in your workouts?"

Overtraining has been a hot topic in the bodybuilding
and fitness world for the last couple decades and there
is a lot of confusion surrounding the whole concept of
how much training is enough and how much is too much.

There are generally 3 schools of thought
when it comes to overtraining:

- Some people think it doesn't exist and that the more
training you do the better.

- Some people think that everyone is overtraining and that
we all need to drastically reduce our training volume.

- And finally some people (like myself) believe that it
is an individual thing and we all react differently to
training volume.

You can't simply look at someone's workout routine
and tell if they are overtraining or not. It depends
on the individual person. We all have different work
capacities and some people can handle more workout
volume then others and still make progress.

Another very often over looked factor when it comes to
overtraining is your lifestyle outside the gym.

So for example someone who has a stressful life,
physically demanding job, or doesn't get much sleep.
Will overtrain much quicker then someone else who has
lower level of stress, less demanding job, and gets
8+ hours of sleep each night.

The best way to know if you are overtraining with your
workouts is to do a self-evaluation of yourself and your
overall workout progress.

One thing to keep track of is how you are feeling
physically. If you generally feel energetic and up beat,
then this is a good sign that you are NOT overtraining.

However, if you feel tired and burnt out most of the
time, then this could be a sign of overtraining.

Anther important factor that you want to monitor is
your strength gains in the gym. If you are making
strength gains on your major lifts on a regular basis
then this is a good sign that you are NOT overtraining.

However, if you are not making any strength gains,
or even worse, losing strength. Then you are probably
overtraining and need to make some drastic changes with
how you approach your workouts.

And I have some good news for you because I have put
together a complete video training system that will help
you get down to the nitty gritty and dissect your workouts
and turn them inside out so you can quickly develop the
lean muscular body that you truly deserve!

By following along with this killer video training system
it's almost as if we become training partners as I take
you with me in the gym and cover the very best muscle
building workouts in detail.

You'll learn the best training methods that will help you
avoid the overtraining trap by adapting your workouts to
your individual fitness level. This will help you build
lean muscle faster and enjoy the process along the way.

You can grab your copy of these videos either as a
digital download or in hard copy DVD's and have
them rushed to your door at:

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Female Bodybuilder Denise Hosher Squats a Dude

One of my all-time favorite female bodybuilders Denise Hosher squats some dude pretty effortlessly in this video.

I would have rather seen her training in the gym under a squat rack but seeing her in this amazingly lean condition makes it worth listining to the dude babble.

Monica Brant Doing Stiff Legged Deadlifts in a Shiny Black Thong

What more could you as for?

IFBB Figure Pro Monica Brant.

Stiff Legged Deadlifts.

Shiny Black Thong Outfit.

Great 80's Hair...

Incredible 2009 FIBO Female Muscle Gallery

GeneX just put up the most complete and incredible gallery of female muscle from the 2009 FIBO Expo in Essen Germany.

Man I wish I had been there but the 400+ pics in this gallery sure help!

Check Out The Gallery Here:

End of Year Clearance at!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Won His First Bodybuilding Contest At Age 60...

I just wanted to share this awesome e-mail that I got the other day from George Mueller telling me about his experience from his first bodybuilding competition!

George used my bodybuilding competition training book Your First Bodybuilding Competition as his contest guide and this is what he has to say...

Hi Lee,

I just wanted to say a big thank you for all the valuable information that you share on your website, and particularly your new book “Your First Bodybuilding Competition”.

I've been reading fitness and nutrition books all my life and in recent years checking out all the bodybuilding websites online. When I first stumbled upon your website I was very impressed to say the least!

I've always worked out and kept myself in reasonable shape year round. But as I was approaching my 60th birthday I decided that was going to do something totally different and really push myself and see what I could achieve. So registered to enter a bodybuilding contest!

I knew it would be quite a challenge, but I followed your book to the letter. I consider it my Bodybuilding Bible! You covered all facets of competition, from dieting, to posing, and all the fine details of what to do leading up to the contest, and getting ready backstage. It was so in-depth and so complete. You left nothing to chance!

When my big competition day rolled around I was in the best shape of my life and ready to show the judges the results of all my hard work. And it paid off for me because I took home the 1st place trophy in the master’s category!

Thanks again Lee!
George Mueller

George looks better at 60 then most guys do who are half his age. It just goes to show that age is no barrier to building a lean athletic physique. Great job George! You are an inspiration to us all.

(Click on the pic below to enlarge.)

If you would like to make a complete physique transformation like George did, then pick up a copy of Your First Bodybuilding Competition at:

This is the exact program that George followed to help him win his very first bodybuilding competition at 60 years young!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

How To Calculate Your Daily Calories

Here's a simple formula you can use to estimate your total caloric
needs for the day*

Change your weight in pounds to kilograms: Divide your weight by 2.2.

Your basal metabolic rate is approximately one calorie a kilogram
an hour. Multiply your weight in kilograms by the 24 hours in a day.
This is the number of calories you burn just being alive each day.

Now factor in activity: Multiply your calories needed a day (from #2
above) by the following factors, depending on your activity level:

Light activity: multiply #2 by 1.3
Moderate: multiply #2 by 1.4
Heavy: multiply #2 by 1.5

If you sit at a desk for your job, and workout 30 minutes a day, this is
considered light activity. If your job involves more motion, and you
are active in addition to your workout (you take stairs, walk to work, do
a lot of housework, etc.), this is considered moderate activity.
Construction work, athletic activity, etc. is considered heavy activity.
Most Americans are in the "light activity" level.

Lose Fat, Gain Muscle, Shape Up. Sign up for our Free Weekly Bodybuilding,
Fitness and Health Tips Newsletter, and you will be automatically entered
in our monthly drawing to win Free Bodybuilding Supplements and other great prizes.
Stay informed, stay motivated, win free stuff, join today!

Click Here To Sign Up Free

Monday, June 22, 2009

Train Beyond Failure With Partial Reps

Here's an advanced workout technique that will help you train to failure, and even take your sets beyond failure with short range of motion partial reps. This will maximize muscular growth stimulation and help you make faster gains in your workouts.

To get more advanced training tips like this then get your copy of the Blast Your Bench training system. This is a complete 4 phase mass and power building program that will increase your core lifts (i.e. bench, squat, and deadlift) by as much as 50 pounds and pack on several inches of solid muscle mass in the process.

To get more info check out

Sunday, June 21, 2009

2009 NPC Jr. Nationals Bikini Results and Photos

2009 NPC Jr. Nationals Bikini
June 20th - 21st, 2009
Rosemont, Illinois

Earned IFBB Bikini Pro Cards:
Marzia Prince
Sonya Vecchiarelli
Janet Harding
Jennifer Celeste
2009 Overall Bikini Winner: Marzia Prince

Bikini A Class
1. Sonya Vecchiarelli
2. Khang Nguyen
3. Angela Harrell
4. Maggie Secord
5. Cher Nicolas

Bikini B Class
1. Janet Harding
2. Toniann Rotante
3. Catherine Torres
4. Adrienne Gatch

Bikini C Class
1. Jennifer Celeste
2. Melissa Grady
3. LeighAnn Kerr
4. Meggan Clay
5. Lisa Taylor
6. Wendy Gardner
7. Kiresten Erickson
8. Amanda Berthad
9. Mekesha Tankersley

Bikini D Class
1. Shay Monroe
2. Jamie Polk
3. Kat Holmes
4. Tanya McCort
5. Elizabeth Scheer-Radinovic
6. Holly Huizinga
7. Jessica Vettraino
8. Yvonne Valcius
9. Tammy Hennington
10. Kimberlee Strickland
11. Melissa Marx
12. Jamie Hamm

Bikini E Class
1. Jamie Baird
2. Angela Leong
3. Jennifer Buckles
4. Diana Fields
5. Erka Nouh
6. Judy Weichman
7. Kelly Murray
8. Elke Hanschke
9. Allyssa Lorenz
10. Ahsley Shoultz

Bikini F Class
1. Marzia Prince
2. April Curry
3. Jessica Lawrence
4. April Kesterson
5. Tianna Flores
6. Lisa Bockwell

For Contest Photos Go Here:

Photo Credit: Bill Comstock

2009 NPC Jr. Nationals Fitness Results and Photos

2009 NPC Jr. Nationals Fitness
June 20th - 21st, 2009
Rosemont, Illinois

Earned IFBB Pro Fitness Cards:
Camala Rodriguez
Victoria Larvie
Desiree Walker

2009 Overall Fitness Champion: Camala Rodriguez

Class A
1. Victoria Larvie
2. Paige Oliver
3. Venus Nguyen
4. Skye Fisher
5. Babette Mulford
6. Cicely Kyle
7. Rachel Patton
8. Khade Ariel
9. Paula Williams-Gulman
10. Tracy Winters

Class B
1. Desiree Walker
2. Abbey Busby
3. Leigh Yeager
4. Tara LaValley
5. Jennifer Marchetta
6. Nez Zamorano
7. Stephanie Yu

Class C
1. Camala Rodriguez
2. Stefanie Bambrough
3. Kayde Puckett
4. Stacy Wright

For Contest Photos Go Here:

Photo Credit: Bill Comstock

2009 NPC Jr. Nationals Figure Results and Photos

2009 NPC Jr. Nationals Figure
June 20th-21st, 2009
Rosemont, Illinois

Earned IFBB Pro Cards:
Christina Vargas
Karly Woodle
Terri Turner
Jodie Minear

2009 Overall Champion: Terri Turner

Class A
1. Christina Vargas
2. Mandy Henderson
3. Catherine Chlipala
4. Ecaterina Pasiakos
5. Alicia Bell
6. Anisa Boscia
7. Kelli Dominguez
8. Susan Gisselberg
9. Sarah Blackwell
10. Heather Frey
11. Jessica Simonet
12. Dora Trikoupis

Class B
1. Josie Zamora
2. Soleivi Hernandez
3. Candice Houston
4. Ann Pratt
5. Tara Green
6. Jackie Swainhoppe
7. Cheryl Brown
8. Shannon Bennett
9. Amber Ross
10. Keisha Pedigo
11. Danielle Agrapides
12. Jami Frenkel
13. Kelli Horn
14. Christine Mader
15. Kari Keenan
16. Lynne Roth
16. Kim Currie
16. Sarah McKinney
16. Melane Benitez
16. Leigh Kenow
16. Heather Misra
16. Amber Foss

Class C
1. Karly Woodle
2. Emily Nicholson
3. Chrissy Burton
4. Monica Specking
5. Pamela Soper
6. Ann Titone
7. Marla Smith
8. Casey Brocato
9. Khristy Poteat
10. Carradine McAlpine
11. Ana Tigre
12. Lori Pavesi
13. Jaime Taylor
14. Lauren Krysa
15. Jeni Hanson
15. Shawna Reinhart
16. Amanda Merlo
16. Linda Pierson
16. Lauren Gail-Rosen
16. Tanya Kesti
16. Ali Swanson
16. Barbi Draper
16. Heidi Hansen
16. Andrea Leonard
16. Christina Watson
16. Lori Henning
16. Breanne Mollman
16. Leslie Samples

Class D
1. Terri Turner
2. Marie Newman
3. Jenny Lewis
4. Karin Kimura
5. Jena Robertson
6. Teale Mueller
7. Shelley Hillesheim
8. Marlinea Echohawk
9. Qawnana Crockett
10. Mikaila Soto
11. Kristy McKinney
12. Ryan Everson
13. Lisa Vetere
14. Joy Lewis
15. Ali Schirra
16. Teresa Brant
16. Elisa Passaro
16. Jessica Moyer
16. Erin Brady
16. Nikki Mathies
16. Katerina Tarbox
16. Juliet Banks
16. Amy Pike
16. Celeste Bonin
16. Jillian Reville
16. Adrienne Costanzo
16. Laura Bailey
16. Dorothy Trojanowicz
16. Lacey Taylor
16. Autumn Edwards
16. Ashley Cooper
16. Renata Jandakova
16. Katherine Peterson
16. Shannon Jensen

Class E
1. Elizabeth Earhart
2. Jaime Meade
3. Jennifer Woodruff
4. Patricia Nguyen
5. Veronica Miller
6. Ilona Maj
7. Alyssa Stroud
8. Laura Mealey
9. Danielle Edmonds
10. Katie Heath
11. Jennifer Lay
12. Krystal Gearhart
13. Alonia Cottrell
14. Stephanie Flores
15. Deanna Rabosky
16. Tiani Thorne
16. Kristina Brunner
16. Ann Marie-Orr
16. Genevieve Holgate
16. Loraine Toone
16. Hannah Fox
16. Regina LeBlanc
16. Sharon Hoover
16. Kat Morrill

Class F
1. Jodie Minear
2. Amanda Breznau
3. Jeanne Nimmer
4. Julie Jepson-Garcia
5. Jennifer Hernandez
6. Alexandra Huston
7. Shirley Hughes
8. Gwen Hawley
9. Darlene Tafoya
10. Jennifer Rankin
11. Charis Foraker
12. Christian Hammond
13. Ashley Brand
14. Tara Thatcher
15. Colleen Robin-Smith
16. Amanda Victoria-Lorimer
16. Tina White
16. Stephanie Strong
16. Beth Peshia
16. Carole Uhrig
16. Jennifer Peckham
16. Shera Dolph
16. Diana Sesto
16. Marcie Guy
16. Kim Hattrup
16. Caryn Baker
16. Cynthia McIntrye
16. Becky Youngberg

For Contest Photos Go Here:

Photo Credit: Bill Comstock

2009 NPC Jr. Nationals Men's Bodybuilding Results and Photos

2009 NPC Jr. Nationals Men's Bodybuilding
June 20th - 21st, 2009
Rosemont, Illinois

Guest Poser: IFBB Pro Marcus Haley

2009 Overall Champion: Jonathan Delarosa

Super Heavyweight
1. Nick Zak
2. Eric Posejpal
3. Brian Yersky
4. Tyler Berry
5. Alfred Davis
6. Timmy Gaillard
7. Nicholas Palermo
8. Les Galloway
9. John Johnson
10. Jermichael Pratt
11. Vince Wright
12. John Quint
13. DeCarlo Lewis
14. Duane Ellis
15. Marlon Foots
16. Klaus Pritschet
16. Sherwin Pagtakhan

1. Zinjun Croon
2. Rafael Jaramillo
3. Kevin Jordon
4. Robert Youells
5. Sergio Oliva
6. Ransford Jackson
7. Juan Morel
8. Joe Romine
9. Chris Tuttle
10. Sean Barber
11. Bekim Rizvani
12. Lance Johnson
13. Jason David
14. Brett Becker
15. Anthony King
16. Shawn Simonet
16. Nate Petersen
16. T.J. Schoenborn
16. Maurice Black
16. Christopher Hobbs
16. Wes Simon
16. Jamie Davila
16. James Campbell
16. Anthony Friedreich
16. Ryan Fasano
16. Scott Stevenson
16. Max Fairchild

Light Heavyweight
1. Jonathan Delarosa
2. Michael Termini
3. Richard Burke
4. Brian Thompson
5. Mike Gritti
6. Nate Hoppe
7. Ali Mokalled
8. Lee Richard
9. Eric Mason
10. Billy Moritz
11. Libel Remedios
12. Mike Best
13. Chris Mahon
14. Lorenzo Pate
15. Matthew Johnson
16. Luric Edison
16. Jonathan Bradley
16. Sean Royer
16. Tony DArceneaux
16. Brandon Richards

1. Malachi Walker
2. Will Ko
3. Gregory Sadowski
4. Richard Bartley
5. Yusef Al-Awaji
6. Landley Mannery
7. Matt Ammann
8. Santino Pusedu
9. Benjamin Sonnier
10. Stephen Cornella
11. Benny Brantley
12. John Durante
13. Lucas Carter
14. Aaron Kanner
15. Chris Santamaria
16. Jason Blackwell
16. Kai Au
16. Byron White
16. Daniel Klawitter
16. Joe Daniels
16. Jeff Conway

1. Luis Santa
2. John Dewey
3. Jason Allinder
4. Luis Reyes
5. Geno Frissora
6. Pat Angland
7. Jason Turner

1. Brandon Williams
2. Alfredo Prince
3. Christopher San-Juan
4. Shawn Boutwell
5. Jack Oehlers
6. Jason Theobald
7. Omar Serano
8. Michael Manibog
9. Marc Shulman
10. Craig Hall
11. Oscar Quijada
12. Chad Frenzel
13. Jerry Goldstein
14. Marc Escobia
15. Mace Oropeza
Chris Norton

1. Albert LaLonde
2. Angel Trujillo
3. Christopher Coughlin
4. Dustie Gaskins
5. Brandon Turner

For Contest Photos Go Here:

Happy Birthday to Rachel McLish

Inside Bodybuilding sends out huge Birthday Wishes today to IFBB Pro Female Bodybuilder and Bodybuilding Legend Rachel McLish.

Born Raquel Livia Elizondo on June 21st, 1955 (making her a young and never more beautiful 54 today) in Harlingen, Texas, Rachel made bodybuilding - and female bodybuilding - history by becoming the very first IFBB Ms. Olympia in 1980 and was inducted into the IFBB Hall of Fame in 1999.

Rachel's Contest History:
1980 US Bodybuilding Championship - 1st
1980 Frank Zane Invitational - 2nd
1980 IFBB Ms. Olympia - 1st
1981 IFBB Ms. Olympia - 2nd
1982 Pro World Championship - 1st
1982 IFBB Ms. Olympia - 1st
1983 Caesars World Cup - 3rd
1984 IFBB Ms. Olympia - 2nd

Rachel went on to star in the 1985 documentary Pumping Iron II: The Women as well as a number of action films including Aces: Iron Eagle III(1992) and Raven Hawk (1996).

Saturday, June 20, 2009

2009 NPC Jr. Nationals Women's Bodybuilding Results and Photos

2009 NPC Jr. Nationals Women's Bodybuilding
June 19th - 20th, 2009
Rosemont, IL

2009 Overall Champion: Suzanne Germano

1. Dana Richards
2. Andrea Giacomi
3. Catherine Skelly

Light Heavyweight
1. Kristi Bruce
2. Roxanne Edwards
3. Sara Mathison
4. Judy Gaillard
5. Lequida Sanders
6. Jocelyn Gorman

1. Suzanne Germano
2. Alisha Morrow
3. Laurie Smith
4. Joy Henderson

1. Christina Taylor
2. Michelle DeVere
3. Sirvan Hefta
4. Rochelle Tarin

For Contest Photos Go Here:

End of Year Clearance at!
How Children Feel on Psychiatric Medication