
Thursday, January 22, 2009

Ray Mentzer Workout How To Increase Muscle Density

Ray Mentzer Bodybuilder

Ray Mentzer (brother of Mike Mentzer) was Jr. Mr. America 1976,
Mr. USA 1978 and Mr. America 1979.

High Intensity Training For Muscle Growth

Ray, like his brother, trained using Heavy Duty High Tntensity
Training. Although he stopped competing in 1982 he continued to
train as hard as ever and eventually surpassed Mike in size and
muscle density, reaching 270 lbs which was unheard of in the

rly 80's.

Intensity For Density The Ray Mentzer Workout

Ray Mentzer's training was very similar to a workout Arthur
Jones put him through when Ray worked for Nautilus.

This was his 2 to 3 day a week full body routine.

Leg Press

Leg Extension

Leg Curl

Calf Raise

Upright Row


Behind Neck Lat Pulldown

Pec Deck or Dumbell Fly

Bench Press

Lateral Raise

Tricep Pushdowns

Barbell Curl

W eighted Crunches

All were done for one set to total muscle failure with
very little rest between exercises.

For more information on Heavy Duty High Intensity Training go to
Mike Mentzer Underground Seminar

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