
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Blast Your Bench Success Story

I just got this awesome e-mail the other day from one of my Blast Your Bench students that I wanted to pass along to you...

Hey Lee,

I had to write you and let you know that I just finished the 3 week Blast Your Bench program. And I have Great News, I packed on 40 lbs. to my bench in just 3 weeks!!

Here's a short back ground, I'm 37 yrs old, body weight 200 lbs., my 1 rep max was 175lbs. I've lifted before a few years ago and had fair results, But I hit a plateau and simply gave up. So this time I'd been lifting for a few months but didn't do much bench pressing because it wasn't my strong exercise.

Then I came across the Blast Your Bench program, I was very skeptical and I researched all I could find on you and this routine and after a couple weeks I thought:

"What the hell, it's less then 40 bucks and if it doesn't work I can get a refund".

So I began my 3 week bench blasting adventure...

And I took my bench from 175lbs. to 215lbs. in 3 short weeks, Lee I am not only extremely satisfied but you couldn't buy this routine back for triple the price! LOL

I've just started the 12 week routine of yours and I look forward to having you in my corner.

Thank you!
Rocky Bozarth

If Rocky can break past his bench press plateau in just
a few short weeks, what kind of results can you get from
a "3 week Bench Blasting adventure" ?

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