
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Can Working Out Make You Smarter?

Working out will not only help you get bigger, stronger, and more muscular... But it will also help you get smarter as well!

That's what the research shows. There have been several studies done that show physical activity improves academic performance. One recent study done by the American College of Sports Medicine found that middle-school students in grades 6 through 8 who performed the best on various fitness tests which measured aerobic capacity, strength, endurance, flexibility, and body composition performed better academically as well.

Results from the study showed that the fittest students scored approx. 30% higher on standardized tests then the least fit students.

That's another huge benefit from working out and a good reason for people of all ages to make time for regular exercise in their schedules. You'll not only feel and look better physically, but you'll be at the top of your game mentally as well.

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