
Monday, March 2, 2009 Proves Consumers Still Value Health, Even in Down-Turning Economy, the Internet's most-visited bodybuilding and fitness site and largest retailer of nutritional supplements, proves that consumers still value health, even in a down-turning economy. Despite the depressing waves of bankruptcies, down-sizing, and budget cuts many companies are currently facing, is experiencing a record 34% year-over-year growth rate, and sales are continuing to climb.

With the obesity epidemic still on the rise and fast-food restaurants placing even more emphasis on their “Value Meals”, it’s great to see consumers aren’t seeing their health as a discretional area to make economic cutbacks. customers aren’t hesitating to load their shopping carts with the supplements they need either—the average order size has increased 7.4% over the previous year.

The company mission focuses on helping their visitors reach their health, fitness and appearance goals through free information, real life motivation and cost-competitive supplementation. By working hard to stay focused on their bottom line—the success of their customers— continues to prosper.

People realize their health is all they have, and that without good health they don’t have anything. No matter what economic change someone experiences, their health is the one thing they have control of and always have the power to change,” explains CEO Ryan DeLuca. offers more than 8,500 health and fitness supplements & accessories to help people achieve their fitness goals. They offer more than 25,000 pages of FREE bodybuilding & fitness information, including more than 12,000 articles (written by 525+ writers), video & audio segments, and new content added daily.'s TOP 50 selling products!

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