
Thursday, June 11, 2009

Bodybuilding Talk Show Replay Posted

Last night we had our June 11th Total Fitness Bodybuilding Talk show with special guest coach Andy Pratt who has just created an MMA style conditioning workout program called:
"Warrior Built – How To Transform Your Body and Build a Fighters Physique!"

Check out the trailer clip below...

I've got a demo copy of the training DVD's and I've already went through my first workout this morning right at home in my living room. And I have to say that it kicks ass! Just trying to keep up with the circuit got me totally pumped, jacked, and dripping with sweat.

These workouts combine bodyweight exercises, dumbbell exercises, and cardio conditioning. Sort of similar to a crossfit or P90X style workout. But the unique thing about Warrior Built is that all the workouts are organized into 5 minute rounds (just like an MMA fight) which makes it more fun and challenging.

This is totally different from the typical workouts that I normally do and it was an awesome change of pace. I can already tell just from the soreness in my muscles right now that I'm going to make some killer gains over the next 6 weeks just from the unique style of training and muscle stimulation.

If you missed the show last night, then you can watch the video replay or download the MP3 audio recording and save it to your ipod or burn off on CD-ROM at:

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