
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Low Carb Meal Idea

By Mark Giardini

I know for many of you who are on a high protein, low carb diet, that
meals tend to get boring. The same old meal of tuna, chicken breast
etc gets pretty bland.

Here's another idea I have.

Scrambled egg whites, with ham and tomato.

* 1/2 liter of frozen egg whites (thawed).

* 500g shaved adelphi ham.

* 1-2 medium tomatoes.

* low fat cottage cheese or low fat cheese (optional).

1. get your wok and heat it up. Add the egg white, ham, tomatoes
and cottage cheese or low fat cheese if you want.

2. stir, and continue to stir / blend until the mixture solidifies -
about 6-7 minutes, depending how runny / firm you want it.

I usually eat 1/2 what I just cooked for lunch and half in the
afternoon. In total there is about 80-90g in the total meal, so
you are looking at 40-45 g per serve.

Sometimes instead of ham and tomatoes I add corn, broad
beans, peas.

Sure beats tuna in spring water every day!

For more great recipes check out the Bodybuilders Cookbook

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