
Friday, July 31, 2009

A few excerpts from Obama's Health Care Plan

The below excerpts from the propose Bill pending before Congress—are incredible—and important to read below—it will only take you a moment- and then—please communicate to your US Congressional Representatives & US Senators by email– using the below easy link – and let them know what you think and what you want them to do --

While the Health Care System really needs reform, the current bill is not the right thing to do ---

it is an expensive catastrophe in the making.

please take the time to look at a few of the cited points.

This is Brave, New World stuff --- a not good for your health, your health insurance, or the health of our country, if you conceive freedom of choice and liberty, to be a hallmark of living in the USA.

Let's get it right the first time. Please get in contact with your Congressional representatives and US senators

to let them know how you feel.

Following is a partial analysis of the first 472 pages (of the 1051 pages) of the Health Care Reform Bill. This analysis was done by I did check out several of the statements made below (by noted page and section in the bill) and found that the ones I checked were accurate. Needless to say, I did not check all of them. If you are interested, below is a link to the actual Bill for your reference.

I think it is very important for all of us to be informed. To put it mildly, this is a very diabolical and horrific bill and needs to be stopped in all forms and variations!

More on the health plan... from a quick inventory by

Pg 22 of the HC Bill mandates the Government will audit books of all employers that self insure.

Pg 30 Sec 123 of HC bill — a Government committee will decide what treatments/benefits a person may receive.

Pg 29 lines 4-16 in the HC bill — YOUR HEALTHCARE WILL BE RATIONED!

Pg 42 of HC Bill — The Health Choices Commissioner will choose your HC Benefits for you.

PG 50 Section 152 in HC bill — HC will be provided to ALL non US citizens, illegal or otherwise.

Pg 58 HC Bill — Government will have real-time access to individual's finances and a National ID Healthcard will be issued!

Pg 59 HC Bill lines 21-24 Government will have direct access to your bank accts for election funds transfer.

PG 65 Sec 164 is a payoff subsidized plan for retirees and their families in Unions & community organizations

Pg 72 Lines 8-14 Government will create an HC Exchange to bring private HC plans under Government control.

PG 91 Lines 4-7 HC Bill — Government mandates linguistic appropriate services. Example — Translation for illegal aliens.

Pg 95 HC Bill Lines 8-18 The Government will use groups, i.e. ACORN & Americorps, to sign up individuals for Government HC plan.

PG 85 Line 7 HC Bill — Specifics of Benefit Levels for Plans. AARP members — your Health care WILL be rationed.

PG 102 Lines 12-18 HC Bill — Medicaid Eligible Individuals will be automatically enrolled in Medicaid. No choice.

pg 124 lines 24-25 HC No company can sue Government on price fixing. No "judicial review" against Government Monopoly.

pg 127 Lines 1-16 HC Bill — Doctors/ AMA — The Government will tell YOU what you can earn.

Pg 145 Line 15-17 An Employer MUST auto enroll employees into public option plan. NO CHOICE.

Pg 126 Lines 22-25 Employers MUST pay for HC for part time employees AND their families.

Pg 170 Lines 1-3 HC Bill Any NONRESIDENT Alien is exempt from individual taxes. (Americans will pay.)

Pg 195 HC Bill -officers & employees of HC Admin (the GOVERNMENT) will have access to ALL Americans' finances and personal records.

PG 203 Line 14-15 HC — "The tax imposed under this section shall not be treated as tax" Yes, it says that.

Pg 239 Line 14-24 HC Bill Government will reduce physician services for Medicaid. Seniors, low income, poor affected.

Pg 241 Line 6-8 HC Bill — Doctors — doesn't matter what specialty — will all be paid the same.

PG 253 Line 10-18 Government sets value of Doctor's time, professional judgment, etc. Literally, value of humans.

PG 265 Sec 1131 Government mandates & controls productivity for private HC industries.

Pg 317 L 13-20 OMG!! PROHIBITION on ownership/investment. Government tells Doctors what/how much they can own.

Pg 317-318 lines 21-25,1-3 PROHIBITION on expansion — Government will mandate hospitals cannot expand.

Pg 354 Sec 1177 — Government will RESTRICT enrollment of Special needs people!

PG 425 Lines 4-12 Government mandates Advance Care Planning Consultations. Think Senior Citizens end of life prodding.

PG 425 Lines 22-25, 426 Lines 1-3 Government provides approved list of end of life resources, guiding you in how to die.

PG 427 Lines 15-24 Government mandates program for orders for end of life. The Government has a say in how your life ends.

PG 429 Lines 10-12 "advanced care consultation" may include an ORDER for end of life plans. AN ORDER from the Government to end a life!

Page 472 Lines 14-17 PAYMENT TO COMMUNITY-BASED ORGANIZATION. 1 monthly payment to a community-based organization. (Like ACORN?)

This bill would drive unemployment, taxes, and the deficit through the stratosphere. It would turn hospitals into the DMV, dramatically reduce our access to healthcare, let bureaucratic slime decide when it's time for us to die, and guarantee that no one in his right mind goes to medical school. As for the damage this would do to individual liberty, well you decide.

New road trip pics posted...

I've updated our motorcycle road trip page, there are a few really cool pics posted up :-)

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Inside Bodybuilding Female Physique of the Day: Darla Benfield

I wish the female construction workers around here looked half as good as Darla Benfield...






Photo Credit: Juan Carlos Lopez /

Healthy 'N Fit Owner Robert Sepe Get Maximum Sententance For Killing His Fiancee

The family of bludgeoning victim Janette Carlucci rejected an apology from Robert Sepe, who was sentenced yesterday to 25 years to life in prison for beating her to death with a baseball bat last year.

"There is no excuse, no explanation, no apology we accept," said Melissa Smith, the victim's cousin.

Sepe, a Cortlandt businessman, had been convicted of second-degree murder for killing Carlucci - his 41-year-old fiancee - on March 22, 2008, in their home.

The attack happened when Carlucci would not cancel plans to host Easter dinner. She was beaten so badly she had to be identified through dental records.

Sepe, meanwhile, fled upstate to Binghamton, where he kept state police at bay for hours, threatening to kill himself by jumping off an overpass.

Westchester County Judge Barbara Zambelli, who presided over Sepe's trial in May, said it was impossible to imagine the horror Carlucci felt as her pleas for mercy were ignored during the vicious attack. She gave Sepe the maximum sentence allowed by law.

As the judge told Sepe his fate, the victim's teenage daughter, Candice Carlucci, fought back tears as she nodded her head in approval. Outside the courtroom, she threw her arms around her father, Anthony Carlucci, who held her in a comforting embrace.

Sepe, 54, had claimed he suffered from an "extreme emotional disturbance" and testified in his own defense that he was in a frenzied, delusional state when he hit Carlucci. He also testified that he had been taking several prescription medications for panic attacks and depression at that time.

Defense attorney Bruce Bendish asked the judge yesterday for a sentence of 15 years to life, noting Sepe's history with psychological problems.

Read The Full Story Here:

Businessman gets max for killing fiancee's TOP 50 selling products!

I'm on the road...

I'm writing to you from an old hotel room
in Central Newfoundland. This place is no
5 star resort by any stretch of the
imagination, in fact it could be the
ideal set for a cheesy 70's porno flick LOL

But I don't care because I'm on week long
motorcycle road trip with my girlfriend
Patricia and we only need a place to crash
each night while we are on the road.

Over the next week we plan to ride through
Atlantic Canada; going across Newfoundland,
Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward
Island, and back again.

Anyway the reason I'm writing is to let you
know that tonight July 30 we are having our
live Total Fitness Bodybuilding Talk Show at:

I've got a mini laptop here with me and it has
a built in webcam so as long as I have internet
access we'll be good to go.

So if you want to participate in
our live chat show and discuss your plans and
strategies for building muscle and losing fat,
then be sure to tune in tonight July 30 at
8:30 pm eastern time and we can chat then.

We'll that's it for me, I've got to go fire
up the bike and hit the open road. I'm looking
forward to chatting with you later tonight.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

2009 NPC USA Championships Bikini Results and Photos

2009 NPC USA Championships Bikini
July 24th - July 25th, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada

2009 Overall Champion: Kristal Marshall

Earned IFBB Pro Card
Amanda Latona
Michele DAngona
Michelle Gullett
Kristal Marshall
Jamie Baird
Monique Minton

Class A
1. Michele DAngona
2. Angela Harrell
3. Alicia Meza

Class B
1. Michelle Gullett
2. Sheyla Solano
3. Jacquelyn Geringer
4. Donnalene Campbell
5. Clare Cui
6. Elena Andrade
7. Keysha Gonzalez
8. Toniann Rotante
9. Valeria Abarca
10. Angela Herblet

Class C
1. Kristal Marshall
2. Toby Tokunaga
3. Kelly Willis
4. Andrea Taylor
5. Michelle Hutton
6. Christina DeVille
7. Michelle Lamb
8. Abby Marie-Lindemann
9. Heather Chittick
10. Jennifer Dietrick
11. Venus Ramos
12. Lisa Taylor
13. Kimber Cotton
14. Melissa Grady
15. Janel Leader
16. Rowina Cariquitan
16. Brittany Glasner
16. Jennifer Golding
16. Mercedes Schaffer

Class D
1. Amanda Latona
2. Mary Jarmolowich
3. Tisha Des-Marteau
4. Kat Holmes
5. Angela Dixon
6. Jamie Polk
7. Noelle Joy
8. Jennifer Long
9. Tanya McCort
10. Melissa Marx
11. Heidi Skyhock-Picoli
12. Tina Carcione
13. Nicole Yochum

Class E
1. Jamie Baird
2. Natalie Pennington
3. Maysa Quy
4. Dianna Dahlgren
5. Yvonne Vaicius
6. Jennifer Buckles
7. Michelle Maxwell
8. Loraine Toone
9. Angel Whitmore
10. Tori Briggs
11. Brenda Jones
12. Emily Carey
13. Angela Leong
14. Melissa Pittman
15. Kendra Harbaugh
Elke Hanschke
Kelly Murray
Vanessa Mays
Jennifer Meadows

Class F
1. Monique Minton
2. Brendy Scheerer
3. Tricia Montoya
4. Rhiannon Genov
5. Shameen Cochrell
6. Stephanie Bentley
7. Milene Young
8. Beverly Tedesco
9. Traci Abraham
10.Deidra Bryant
11. Renee Jars
12. Joselynne Boshen
13. Dona Pohl

Photo Credit: Bill Comstock

NPC Figure Competitor Jodie Minear

NPC Figure Competitor Jodie Minear

This stunning young lady is NPC figure competitor Jodie Minear.
Not only has Jodie got a great physique, but those piercing green eyes could stop anyone in their tracks.
Jodie appeared in the 2009 FLEX Swimsuit Issue.

Contest History:
2008 NPC Ronnie Coleman Classic, Figure: Overall, Figure: Class D (1st)
2008 NPC Figure Nationals Figure: Class F (2nd)

This is one figure competitor I am sure we will be seeing a lot more of.
You can keep up with her at her MySpace page here:

Figure Competitor Jodie Minear

2009 NPC USA Championships Figure Results and Photos

2009 NPC USA Championships Figure
July 24th - July 25th, 2009
Las Vegas Nevada

2009 Overall Champion: Listy Allen

Earned IFBB Pro Card
Akane Nigro-Ismeal
Listy Allen
Candice Houston
Emily Nicholson
Jennifer Woodruff
Taylor Waldrop

Class A
1. Akane Nigro-Ismeal
2. Mandy Henderson
3. Susan Salazar
4. Ann Claiborne
5. LaVonda Ezell
6. Wendy Fortino
7. Gloria Keplinger
8. Christine Gonzalez
9. Tina Francis
10. Noy Debeer
11. Ali Stewart
12. Sunny Day
13. Dannielle Marez
14. Kelli Dominguez
Nicole Coleman
Marie Cabading-Popov
Amalia Ralar
Lorna Cavin
Marie Silva
Lori Cruz
Christina Hillis
Trish Wood
Sandra Augustin
Traci Hall
Joni Starkey
Shawna Kondo
Margie Araujo

Class B
1. Candice Houston
2. Monica Mark
3. Josie Zamora
4. Jennifer Smythe
5. Ann Pratt
6. Tina Cross-Arabia
7. Danielle Agrapides
9. Shannon Bennett
10. Sandra Lombardo
11. Michelle Krause
12. Rebecca Canez
13. Kiana Phil-Lewis
14. Lisa Hahn
15. Jocelyn Baum
Ashley King
LuAnn Van-Atkin
Jill Nix
Dani Freitas-Ronquilo
Sarah McKinney
Rosalou Traughber
Yenny Polanco
Heather Misra
Kimberly LaMountain-Hane
Kim Currie
Jennifer Nixon
Melanie Burger
Tina Cross-Arabis
Sharle Killorn
Stephanie Martini

Class C
1. Emily Nicholson
2. Nichole Guenther
3. Ann Titone
4. Kalani Barber
5. Casey Brocato
6. Khristy Poteat
7. Ana Tigre
8. Alexandra Porshnikoff
9. Tina Davis
10. Pamela Soper
11. Stephanie Spencer
12. AJ Jerome
13. Megan Phi
14. Chelsey Morgenstern
15. Lisa Lopez
Sara Fiore
Priscilla Shaw
Monica Vargas
Betty Vasquez
Shannon Dahlum
Lori Brooks
Yvette Briant
Vanessa Aragon
Shonda England
Billi Stephens
Anna Cervantes
Lisa Madison
Cynthia Colon
Holly Semanoff
Amy Faulkner
Heather Blahovec
Ana Sanchez
Heather Colleen-Smith
Jeni Hanson
Tracey Gaither
Michele Bigler
Heather Ruelan
Brenda Dunsmore
Bea Fox
Elena Renteria
Carrie Cocchi
Angel Allison
Amanda Merlo
Jessica Colvin
Jenna Boyer
Grace Rivera

Class D
1. Listy Allen
2. Jenny Lewis
3. Ryan Everson
4. Kristy McKinney
5. Tiffany Waddell
6. Teale Mueller
7. Meredith Berthelson
8. Bree Marsh
9. Wendi Edwards
10. Heather Udy
11. Danyell Johnson
12. Kisha Wilson
13. Heather Grace
14. Amanda Darce
15. Ashley Cooper
Laticia Harrell
Laura Bailey
Corey Valentine
Mariaha Vander-Veen
Amanda Butz
Sheri Suppes
Stacie Hunt
Jessica Temple
Stacy Hoeder
Andrea Rosenbaum
Holly Doulgerakis
Marlinea Echohawk
Joni Neilson
Jami DeBernard
Robin Sinclear
Yvonne Herrera
Cindy Braaksma
Rene Racicot
Jessica Moyer
Summer Reece
Courtney Bynog
Mikaila Soto
Jillian Reville
Jennifer McCowan
Laura Pine
Dani Pendika
Wendy Ida

Class E
1. Jennifer Woodruff
2. Kimberly Sheppard
3. Stephanie McDonald
4. Patricia Nguyen
5. Danielle Edmonds
6. Elizabeth Earhart
7. Alissa Parker
8. Katie Heath
9. Lee-Ann Ellison
10. Parilee Bryngelson
11. Alexandra Johnston
12. Michelle Abraminko
13. Tielle Monette
14. Hannah Fox
15. Betty Maguid
Sandy Scamman
Wendy Bogard
Pam Dotson
April Slutbsky
Jill Heggemeier
Ursula Cristofaro
Jackie Wallace
Meaghan Faragasso
Lisa Calhoun
Jennifer StJohn
Danielle Rouleau
Paisley Miller
Kat Morrill
Erin Tucker

Class F
1. Taylor Waldrop
2. Jeanne Nimmer
3. Nicole Miles
4. Hannah Ringholm
5. Katie Coles
6. Amanda Bollinger
7. Cindy McIntyre
8. Ranee Elder
9. Catherine Zidell
10. Colleen Smith
11. Anissa Payne
12. Cynthia Glickman
13. Darlene Tafoya
14. Kristy STabler
15. Sunshine Smith
Becky Youngberg
Michelle Bazen
Amanda Pozsony
Stephanie Gruner
Cheryl Lenzer
Brigitte Brodksi
Marty Hames

Need a BETTER WORKOUT? Find one here FREE! Only at

Photo Credit: Bill Comstock

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Female Bodybuilder Raye Hollitt Armwrestles TV Game Show Host Bob Eubanks

Seeing American Gladiator, Female Bodybuilder, and Actress Raye Hollit armwrestle TV Game Show Host in pink spandex is well worth the next 5 minutes.

American Gladiator Raye Hollitt in an Exercise Equipment Informercial

This infomercial featuring American Gladiator and Female Bodybuilder Raye Hollitt is an absolute classic.

Female Bodybuilder Peggy Schoolcraft Reunited with SchoolMate After 20 Years on the Jenny Jones Show

Check out this great clip of the once very skinny Peggy Schoolcraft being reunited with a fairly dorky schoolmate after 20 years on the Jenny Jones Show...'s TOP 50 selling products!

Fitness Recipes

Here are a some excellent fitness recipes.

Fitness Bread Recipe

Ingredients for the bread:

1 1/2 Cups Whole Wheat Flour
1 tsp. Baking Soda
1 tsp. Baking Powder
1/2 tsp. Salt
3 Large Ripe Bananas, mashed
3/4 Cup stevia
2 Egg Whites, beaten
1/2 Cup Apple Sauce
1 Tbsp. Light Sour Cream
1/2 Cup Chopped Nuts (Almonds or Walnuts, your preference) chop slightly
more than a 1/2 Cup because you'll need some for the topping.

In a large bowl combine dry ingredients (except stevia), and mix well.
In another bowl combine the bananas, stevia, egg, applesauce, and sour
cream, mix well. Mix dry and wet ingredients slowly. Grease baking pan
with Pam and pour in mixture.

Bake for 35-40 minutes at 375.

Fitness Chili Recipe

1 1/2 lbs lean ground meat (lean ground turkey works well)
1 large diced red bell pepper
5-6 jalapeno peppers diced (or however hot you like)
2 onions diced
2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 large can crushed tomatoes
1 can of kidney beans or black beans
Half bag frozen corn
2 Tbsp molasses
1 or 2 Tbsp of chili powder
1 or 2 tsp of cumin
1 or 2 Tbsp of crushed garlic
1/2 cup oat bran
1 ripe avocado
1 bag of reduced fat cheddar cheese

Using a large pot, cook meat in olive oil on medium heat. Add all of
the diced vegetables and remaining ingredients (except avocado and
cheese) as you get them ready. Once everything is in the pot, reduce
heat to low and simmer for 45 - 60 minutes.

Top each bowl with freshly diced ripe avocado and sprinkle with
some low-fat cheddar cheese.

For more healthy fitness recipes go to Bodybuilding Cookbook

Lose Fat, Gain Muscle, Shape Up. Sign up for our Free Weekly Bodybuilding,
Fitness and Health Tips Newsletter, and you will be automatically entered
in our monthly drawing to win Free Bodybuilding Supplements and other great prizes.
Stay informed, stay motivated, win free stuff, join today!

Click Here To Sign Up Free

Working Out While On The Road...

I am pretty excited right now because tomorrow morning I'm leaving to go on a week long motorcycle road trip across Atlantic Canada with my girlfriend Trish. You can see all the details of our trip at:

When most people travel they let their bodybuilding and fitness routine go to the wayside, end up skipping workouts, and eating junk.

But it doesn't have to be like this...

Now I admit that traveling does pose a bit of a challenge for sticking to your routine, but with a little planning ahead you can avoid the pitfalls and still make good progress.

In our case we have packed high protein meal replacements and protein bars. Protein supplements can be really helpful for keeping your protein intake high and filling in the nutritional gaps between meals when you are on the road.

We've also packed our gym clothes and sneakers so we'll be able to workout in the hotel gyms along our trip.

Simple planning like this will allow you to still make progress while you are traveling so that when you get back home you can pick up where you left off and set some new personal records in the gym, rather then having to make up for lost progress.

Monday, July 27, 2009

2009 NPC USA Championships Women's Bodybuilding Results and Photos

2009 NPC USA Championships Women's Bodybuilding
July 24th - July 25th, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada

2009 Overal Champion: Angie Salvagno

Earned IFBB Pro Card
Akila Pervis
Angie Salvagno

1. Holly Geersen
2. Michelle Brent
3. Angela Rayburn
4. Julie Assa
5. Vicki Manfredi
6. Marcia Ferguson
7. Aleesha Young
8. Jill Theobald
9. Yamile Marrero
10. Lunette Johnson
11. Bettina Kadet

Light Heavyweight
1. Angie Salvagno
2. Christine Sabo
3. LaDawn McDay
4. Lisa Boushard
5. Kris Clark
6. Kira Neuman
7. Rebekka Armstrong
8. Fatima Johnson
9. Christy Resendes
10. Holly Nicholson
11. Connie Holt
12. Sherri Enos
13. Lisa Taubenheim
14. Wanda Moore
15. Mia Howard
Amanda Folstaad

1. Akila Pervis
2. Kirsten Haratyk
3. Angie Robertston
4. Patty Corbett
5. Tomefafa Ameka
6. Yolie Martinez-Streets
7. Nola Trimble
8. Christy Donat

1. Margaret Negrete
2. Denise Dinger
3. Laurie Smith
4. Brenda Betia
5. Melinda Williamson
6. Kristen Warner
7. Tracy Bodner

Photo Credit: Bill Comstock

2009 NPC USA Championships Men's Bodybuilding Results and Photos

2009 NPC USA Championships Men's Bodybuilding
July 24th - July 25th, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada

2009 Overall Champion: Mark Alvisi

Earned IFBB Pro Card
Daryl Gee
Mark Alvisi
Grigori Atoyan

Super Heavyweight
1. Grigori Atoyan
2. Keith Williams
3. Robert Burneika
4. Chad LaCount
5. Jason Huh
6. Jerome Ferguson
7. Drew Jemott
8. Brian Yersky
9. Sean Allan
10. David Hughes
11. Ryan Pateracki
12. Rudy Richards
13. Ruben Escobar
14. Eric Posejpal
15. Kenny Gipson
Patrick Murray
Reginald Brantley
Ronald Pereira
Ryan Foxx
Todd Jewell
Malcolm Marshall
Korbie Nitifoo
Ty Young
Stephen Frazier
Carlos Davito
Craig Golias
Les Galloway

1. Mark Alvisi
2. Lee Banks
3. Fred Smalls
4. Vladimir Sizov
5. Zinjun Croon
6. Kevin Sperling
7. Kenneth Jackson
8. David Coleman
9. Parenthesis Devers
10. Jermaine Bell
11. Jeff Long
12. Mark Erpelding
13. Brian Copeland
14. Carl Matthews
15. Tony Bland
David Kalick
Steven Preza
Tony Tauala
David Fenty
Cesar Martinez
Thomas Lackey
Garrett Hawkins
Frank Nezdoba
Scott Stevens
Josh Wade
Scott Stevenson

Light Heavyweight
1. Tamer El-Guindy
2. Branden Ray
3. Matthew Lowden
4. Shaun Crump
5. Pete Ciccone
6. Chulsey Graham
7. Troy Tate
8. George Asmus
9. Chris przybyla
10. Joshua Fred
11. Kali Muscle
12. Christopher Jalali
13. Kiyoshi Moody
14. Naim Abdul-Qadir
15. Marcos Teixeira
Jason Wojo
Benjamin Loehrer
Maxwell Carlisle
Klaus Pritschet
Brock Bentson
Odis McCullough
Mark Smith
Craig A. Torres
Shawn Mack
Eli Walsh
Aaron Jones
Shawn Nieman
Michael Carter
Vince Gumataotao
Daniel Koyama
William Ayoubi

1. Daryl Gee
2. Nico Roberson
3. Shavis Higa
4. Malachi Walker
5. Alexander Dunn
6. Jacob Wilson
7. James Savage
8. Guillermo Escalante
9. Oscar Saucedo
10. Rich Legislador
11. Steve Karnya
12. Tryson Shigemoto
13. Nos Racoma
14. John Bourque
15. Teddy Atkins

1. Luis Santa
2. Eddie Foster
3. Anthony Marmon
4. Daniel Rocha
5. Bryan Renshaw
6. Arleigh Bumanglag
7. Jesse Sabater
8. Jamie Allen
9. Ronald Derby
10. John Noonan
11. Rich Moran
12. Brian Hofer
13. Rene Rivas-Chavez
14. Scott Turner
15. Jesse Lopez
16. Michael Bautista

1. Travis Rogers
2. Marc Bennett
3. Tony Boone
4. Jimmy Nguyen
5. Michael Manibog
6. Carlo Villesenda
7. Brad Askam
8. Josh Sojda
9. Daniel Carraway

1. Alvin Viernes
2. James Schumpert
3. Eddie Damaso
4. Alan Watari
5. Lawrence Wu Logo

Photo Credit: Bill Comstock

Dumbbell Shoulder Workout For Building Big Round Delts

This is a shoulder workout that Vince DelMonte and myself did while we were on vacation down in Las Vegas a couple months ago (yeah, we shot a lot of workout videos LOL)

Workout Summary:
Exercise 1: Standing Arnold Presses
Exercise 2: Standing W Presses
Exercise 3: Upright Rows
Exercise 4: Bent Over V Raises
Exercise 5: Standing High Lateral Raises

"Don't count reps on this workout"
Find a weight you can handle 10-15 times and take each set to failure.
Rotate through each exercise without any rest.
Repeat circuit 3-5 times with 2 minute rest between each complete circuit.

For more workouts like this check out Vince's No-Non-sense Muscle Building Program at:

You can also get a copy of my Total Fitness Bodybuilding DVD Training System at:

Friday, July 24, 2009

2009 IFBB Jacksonville Pro Figure Competitors List

2009 IFBB Jacksonville Pro Figure
August 1st, 2009
Jacksonville, Florida

Competitors List:

Tivisay Briceno
Krissy Chin
Melody Clete
Alicia Harris
Alana Hernandez
Jacqui Jarrett
Kandice Keene
Jenny Lynn
Amanda Merinelli
Petra Metrl
Sandra Simmons
Amy Stephen
Erin Stern
Sabrina Taylor-Gibson
Siobhan Tewari
DJ Wallis
Tessa Wood-Thomes

End of Year Clearance at!

Female Bodybuilder Jana Linke-Sippl Bodypainted

Check out this great video of Female Bodybuilder Jana Linke-Sippl being bodypainted and filmed for a German TV show.

I wish I could speak German to understand what everyone is saying.'s Supplement Awards 2008 set the Industry Standard! See what products our customers voted as #1!

Total Fitness Bodybuilding Talk Show

The replay of our July 23rd Total Fitness Bodybuilding Talk Show has been posted. So if you didn't get a chance to tune in for the live show last night, then you can check it out now at:

Adding Bodyweight Squats To Your Leg Workouts

This is a great way to help increase your work capacity and stimulate more muscle growth in your legs. In between each set of your normal leg exercises, do a set of bodyweight squats. Just 10-15 reps is plenty. What this will do is provide more muscle stimulation and extra work load for your legs without really draining your strength for your other exercises. This way you can easily get 100+ bodyweight squats in over the course of your leg workout and really help to spur on some new muscle growth.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

2009 NPC Los Angeles Bodybuilding, Fitness, Figure & Bikini Championships Bikini Results and Photos

2009 NPC Los Angeles Bodybuilding, Fitness, Figure & Bikini Championships Bikini Results and Photos
July 18th, 2009
Las Angeles, California

2009 Overall Champion: Amanda Latona

Class A
1. Shayle Solano
2. Jennifer Dietrick
3. Heather Chittick
4. Donnalene Campbell
5. Michele DAngona
6. Jessica Lee
7. Kelly Vaupel
8. Vanneza Gonzalez
9. Rina Brown
10. Joanna Sheen
Brittany Glasner
Janel Leader

Class B
1. Amanda Latona
2. Cynthia Czarnecki
3. Jennifer Long
4. Reina St. Thomas
5. Fernanda Rocha
6. Stacey Naito
7. Alicia Girvan
8. Jennifer Meadows
9. Cassi Henderson
10. Victoria Kirsanova
11. AJ English

Class C
1. Dianna Dahlgren
2. Desirae Duby
3. Joselynne Boshen
4. Milene Young
5. Amy Wray
6. Brendy Scheerer
7. Tina Quarles
8. Leanne Schlinger
9. Frances Lara
10. Mystra Tillotson

1. Cynthia Czarnecki
2. Mercedes Shaffer
3. Stacey Naito
4. Mystra Tillotson

For Individual Photos Go Here:

For Comparison Photos Go Here:

For Paparazzi Photos Go Here:

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Photo Credit: Nga Azarian