
Monday, July 27, 2009

Dumbbell Shoulder Workout For Building Big Round Delts

This is a shoulder workout that Vince DelMonte and myself did while we were on vacation down in Las Vegas a couple months ago (yeah, we shot a lot of workout videos LOL)

Workout Summary:
Exercise 1: Standing Arnold Presses
Exercise 2: Standing W Presses
Exercise 3: Upright Rows
Exercise 4: Bent Over V Raises
Exercise 5: Standing High Lateral Raises

"Don't count reps on this workout"
Find a weight you can handle 10-15 times and take each set to failure.
Rotate through each exercise without any rest.
Repeat circuit 3-5 times with 2 minute rest between each complete circuit.

For more workouts like this check out Vince's No-Non-sense Muscle Building Program at:

You can also get a copy of my Total Fitness Bodybuilding DVD Training System at:

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