
Sunday, August 30, 2009

Nathan Gained 50 Pounds On His One Rep Max Bench...

This is an e-mail I got the other day from one of my Blast Your Bench program followers. He followed the program to the letter and added an extra 50 pounds to his one rep max bench press!

Hey Lee!

My name is Nathan Simmons, I am 20 years old, and I am currently deployed in Iraq. I want to thank you for this incredible workout! The gym up here is not really that stacked so my lifts are limited, but my gains are climbing. I gained 50 lbs on my bench. When I first started the program my max was 235. Now after I completed the 3 week bench press phase, my new max is 285. I am very happy with my results. I look forward to gaining more and more through your "coaching."

When I was following the program a lot of people were telling me that I wouldn't be able to. That the program was a scam, and that you weren't who you were. But they can't really say anything now, due to my tremendous results with the program. I just wanted to show that your program works and is not fake at all.

Nathan Simmons

If you'd like to make fast strength and muscle gains like Nathan did then download your own copy of the Blast Your Bench program at:

Friday, August 28, 2009

Steve-O Vs. Lee...

Almost every time I post up a training video someone makes a comment saying:

"...that guy looks like Steve-O..."

Heck, even with the most recent video I posted all the comments were about how I look like Steve-O.

So I went out and did some research on this. Yes folks it's official... Steve-O and I are brothers from different mothers. I'm the jacked-up jackass and here are the pics to prove it :-)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

I owe you an appology...

I owe you an apology...
God only knows how many weeks I've had listed on my website that our Total Fitness Bodybuilding Talk Shows start at 8:30 PM Eastern Time. And you know what, I've been frigging up the time zones. I've actually been starting the show at 9:00 pm eastern time...
(Blame it on the stupid half hour time zone here in Newfoundland)...

I always wondered why everyone was showing up so early, now I know, you weren't early I was late LOL

Even through we've been having good audience turn outs, I can only wonder how many people signed in at 8:30 pm EST then got pissed off waiting for me to show up and left. So if this has happened to you I sincerely apologize, it was a stupid error on my part that I should have picked up on long before now.

Now with that being said, I think I'll keep the show going as we have been at 9:00 pm EST. I think most people prefer the later time (at least in North America anyway). But I'm open to your suggestions.

Please leave me a comment to this blog post and let me know what times you would prefer to have the show.

You can watch the replay of our August 27 show at:

Live Total Fitness Bodybuilding Talk Show Tonight!

Tonight August 27 at 8:30 pm EST we're having our live Bodybuilding & Fitness video talk show at:

If you can make it tonight I'd love to have you participate in tonights talk show. You can ask any questions you may have regarding your workouts, building muscle, losing fat, nutrition, supplements, etc.

I'm looking forward to chatting with you later tonight!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

NPC Figure Competitor Ava Cowan Signs With Gaspari Nutrition

Ava Cowan, one of the most recognizable and inspirational personas in figure today, is now an official member of Team Gaspari. With stunning beauty and perfect lines, the shapely Pompano Beach brunette will return to the NPC in September 2009.

“The Gaspari team has been aware of Ava for quite some time and that she was a fan of our products” notes Rich. “Her strong following, great personality and willingness to get out and meet the people will be of great value to Gaspari Nutrition. As a true natural figure champion and certified personal trainer, she truly lives the lifestyle and understands how to motivate people, not to mention that her look epitomizes what Gaspari stands for. We couldn’t be happier to have her as a member of Team Gaspari.”

As she sets her sites on the 2009 NPC Team Universe, Ava is thrilled to have access to the world’s most respected supplement line and the full support of Gaspari Nutrition. Rest assured they’ll be no stopping Ava in her quest to grace the biggest stages in all of figure for 2009 and beyond. Look for her training series to launch on GASPARI TV this Fall.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

2009 NPC Tampa Bay Extravaganza Bikini Results and Photos

2009 NPC Tampa Bay Extravaganza Bikini Results and Photos
August 7th, 2009
Tampa Bay, Florida

2009 Overall Champion: Ashley Zito

Short Class
1. Laurel Marchado
2. Hazel Egizi
3. Mary Johnson
4. Susana Decoursy

Tall Class
1. Ashley Zito
2. Michelle Evans
3. Samantha Morris
4. Yamilet Guzman
5. Kylee Morris

For Contest Photos Go Here:

101 Ways to motivate yourself and get in shape. Number 43 may surprise you. Read all 101 NOW at!

Photo Credit: Jodi Carpenter-Nolley

2009 NPC Tampa Bay Extravaganza Figure Results and Photos

2009 NPC Tampa Bay Extravaganza Figure
August 7th, 2009
Tampa Bay, Florida

2009 Overall Champion: Dara LaPorta

Class A
1. Dara LaPorta
2. Sasha Pavicic
3. Katie Root
4. Kay Elkhaldi

Class B
Jennifer Ferreira
Kate Cahill

Class C
1. Belinda Hope
2. Natalie Sarracino

Masters 30+
1. Jennifer Oppy
2. Heather Henson

Masters 40+
1. Dana McLaughlin
2. Silke Harkin
3. MaryJo Espy

For Contest Photos Go Here:

Photo Credit: Jodi Carpenter-Nolley

2009 NPC Tampa Bay Extravaganza Women's Bodybuilding Results and Photos

2009 NPC Tampa Bay Extravaganza Women's Bodybuilding
August 7th, 2009
Tampa Bay, Florida

1. Katherine Marini
2. Janet Gerber

Masters 40+
1. Maria Flores

For Contest Photos Go Here:

See the Specials of the Week at!

2009 NPC Tampa Bay Extravaganza Men's Bodybuilding Results and Photos

2009 NPC Tampa Bay Extravaganza Men's Bodybuilding
August 7th, 2009
Tampa Bay, Florida

2009 Overall Champion: Mark Antonek

1. Mark Antonek
2. Tom Toy
3. Jeffrey Matthews

Light Heavyweight
1. Andre Martins
2. Matthew Cena
3. Jay Sherinsky
4. Lonnie Spencer
5. Jeff Johnson
Edgar York
Robert Lynch

1. Jonathan Fernandez
2. Robert Lynch

1. Jarrod Bertsch
2. Brian Garcia
3. Josh Treseler

1. Peter Farhedian
2. Jason Cantrell
3. Tim Gordon

Masters 40+
1. Phil Cooper
2. Doug Trimble

Masters 50+
1. Jim Talkie
2. Lorenzo Rodriguez
3. Peter Haina

For Contest Photos Go Here:

Photo Credit: Jodi Carpenter - Nolley

Super Strong Kid - you gotta check this out!

I seen this video today and was just blown away.
This 4 year old kid can do some amazing bodyweight
exercises and strength moves that most of us
could only dream of being able to do.

Not only is he super strong, but at the end of
the video it shows him hitting a few poses and
he even has ripped rock hard six pack abs!

You gotta check this out...

IFBB professional Cristiana Casoni

Cristiana Casoni-bodybuilding

This is beautiful Italian IFBB professional Cristiana Casoni.
I did a write up on her back in 2007 on my other female fitness blog, but I think she deserves more than one look.

Cristiana is 5'4 and weighs 136 pounds.
She was born on July 11th, 1968.
Cristiana has been in the fitness scene quite awhile as you can see here in her contest history.....

1997 IFBB Italian Pro Fitness, 5th place
1997 IFBB Norway Pro Fitness, 11th place
1998 IFBB Arnold Classic And Internationals, 14th place
1998 IFBB France Pro Fitness, 9th place
1998 IFBB Italian Pro Fitness, 8th place
1998 IFBB Jan Tana Pro, 16th place
1998 IFBB Fitness Olympia, 11th place
1999 IFBB Mid-West Pro Fitness, 3rd place
1999 IFBB Olympia, 12th place
2000 IFBB Rimini Pro Fitness, 6th place
2005 IFBB Toronto Pro, 5th place

Cristiana Casoni-competition female

And it looks like Cristiana is coming back.
Here's a clip on YouTube of Mauro Sassi training Cristiana for the Atlantic City Pro Bodybuilding 2009 (September 11-12).

You can see more of Cristiana Casoni at her website here:

Monday, August 24, 2009

Do Barbell Squats Hurt Your Neck & Traps?

"Do Barbell Squats Hurt Your Neck & Traps?"

A common complaint that I hear quite often from
a lot of new lifters who are starting to include
barbell squats into their workouts is:

"The bar digs into my shoulders & hurts my neck
what can I do to make squats more comfortable?"

In fact someone made a post about this on the
Total Fitness Bodybuilding Messageboard recently.

Now a lot of people and most so called "experts"
will tell you to wrap a towel or pad around the
bar to try and cushion the pain and make it more
comfortable to squat.

However, I actually disagree with this because
it throws off your exercise form, especially
once you start working up to heavy weights.

Not only that, but the risk of having the pad
roll and the bar slide down your back during
the exercise is quite high.

Instead of trying to cushion the pain with pads
and using a "band aid" type of approach, I say
tackle the problem head on and toughen up your
traps so that the bar doesn't dig in and cause
pain to begin with.

One of the best exercises for strengthening your
traps is the "Hise Shrug". This is an old time
exercise that works awesome for building up your
entire upper back and toughening up your traps.

I just posted a quick video clip below that
shows how to do the Hise Shrug.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Bodybuilding Video Talk Show Replay Posted...

Here is a pic of yours truly, being a goof, and hitting a pose before the show. You can go check out the replay online at:

Thursday, August 20, 2009

IFBB Pro Bodybuilder Victor Martinez Opens Muscle Maker Grill

The grand opening is this weekend for world-famous bodybuilder Victor Martinez’s Muscle Maker Grill in Edgewater, which already is fast becoming a people magnet, thanks to in large part to Victor’s magnetic personality and a crack staff that runs its own form of circuits every day. Several local athletes and celebs plan to attend (we promised not to reveal names). Noon to 9 p.m. Sunday.

The place is going great guns — pun intended. “Nice portions, not too skimpy,” Victors says. No kidding: Steaks, chops, wraps, salads, pasta, burgers. You name it, Victor’s got it, in generous sizes. Even protein smoothies are 32 oz.

Read The Full Story Here:

World bodybuilding champ Victor Martinez opens Muscle Maker Grill

Looking for an easier way to get all the latest health and fitness news? Sign up for your FREE Newsletter!

2009 NPC Dexter Jackson Classic Fitness and Bikini Results and Photos

2009 NPC Dexter Jackson Classic Fitness and Bikini Results and Photos
August 1st, 2009
Jacksonville, Florida

1. Counsela Whitfield
2. Julia Stackhaus
3. Amy Peterson

2009 Bikini Overall Champion: Ashley Zito

Bikini Short Class
1. Ashley Bell
2. Bonnie Tyler
3. Lynsey Wilson

Bikini Tall Class
1. Ashley Zito
2. Nadia Lombardo
3. Angela Gallinger
4. Virginia Russell
5. Sara Uttech
6. Emily Danielson
7. Clementine Cordero
8. Kelly McEntee
9. Chelsea Selph
10. Marianne Helms
11. Lisa Armele

For Contest Photos Go Here:

See the Specials of the Week at!

Photo Credit: Jodi Carpenter - Nolley

2009 NPC Dexter Jackson Classic Figure Results and Photos

2009 NPC Dexter Jackson Classic Figure Results and Photos
August 1st, 2009
Jacksonville, Florida

2009 Overall Champion: Shirley Hughes

Class A
1. Sylvia Smith
2. Kawana McCough
3. Nancy Tremblay
4. TJ Wiltz
5. Alison Heinz
6. Janelle Lavoie
7. Jill Frew
8. Myra Treadwell
9. Reagan Rowser
10. Brandi Faircloth
11. Ria Black
12. Lindsey Wolfe
13. kay Bloser
14. Lori McClendon
15. Alicia Kelley
16. Jessica Norton
16. Jodie Kofod

Class B
1. Alicia King
2. Counsela Whitfield
3. Amanda Steinmetz
4. Sidney Jones
5. Tina Nichols
6. Melissa Cafaro

Class C
1. Shirley Hughes
2. Joy Whited
3. Corey Pettitt
4. Talibah Jones
5. Jessica Guinn
6. Wanda Gil
7. Lisa Occhipinti
8. Michelle Gasparre
9. Janet Dagher
10. Emily Zaler
11. Tiffany Hunter

1. Kawana McCough
2. Nancy Tremblay
3. TJ Wiltz
4. Counsela Whitfield
5. Amanda Steinmez
6. Joy
7. Corey Pettitt
8. Jennifer Tutten
9. Talibah Jones
10. Melinde Clonic
11. Dane McLaughlin
12. kay Bloser
Melissa Cafaro

1. Jill Frew
2. Wanda Gil
3. Alicia King
4. Sidney Jones
5. Jodie Kofod
6. Janet Dagher
7. Michel Gasperre
8. Mimi OConnell
9. Tina Nichols
10. Deg Callum
11. Tammy Fleck
12. Doris Chakur
13. Bethzaira Melendez
14. Loraine Tersak

1. Payton Lee

For Contest Photos Go Here:'s TOP 50 selling products!

Which Type Of Meat Is Lowest In Fat And Calories?

a) Buffalo
b) Turkey
c) Beef
d) Chicken

In a 3 ounce serving:

Chicken: 3 grams of fat and 140 calories;
Beef: 8.7 grams of fat and 183 calories;
Turkey: 3 grams of fat and 125 calories;
Buffalo: 1.8 grams of fat and 93 calories.

Buffalo (American Bison) were the primary food
source of the Plains Indians of the American
Midwest. Although the buffalo tastes a little like
beef, it's much more lean, and it's even the
lowest in cholesterol of the four meats.

Nutritional data courtesy Jackson Hole Buffalo Meat Co.

We are happy to announce the New Cybergenics Quick Trim 6 Week
Kit is in and available for immediate shipment.

For Full info on go to: Cybergenics Quick Trim 6 Week Mega-Weight Loss Diet System

Lose Fat, Gain Muscle, Shape Up. Sign up for our Free Weekly Bodybuilding,
Fitness and Health Tips Newsletter, and you will be automatically entered
in our monthly drawing to win Free Bodybuilding Supplements and other great prizes.
Stay informed, stay motivated, win free stuff, join today!

Click Here To Sign Up Free

Back Workout Exercises - Part 2

This is the second part of the back workout that myself and my girlfriend Trish did on Aug. 18, 2009. The workout is split over 2 videos. This video here is the second part of the back workout. The first part is in the previous blog post.

If you would like to get more workouts like this, then check out the Total Fitness Bodybuilding DVD at:

In this 2 disc DVD set you'll get over 3 hours of weight training instruction showing you complete workouts for each and every bodypart.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Fitness Competitor: Jen Cook

Fitness Competitor-Jen Cook

This 5' 2", 115 pound beauty is fitness competitor and IFBB pro Jen Cook.
Jen has a huge modeling background including fitness, swimsuit, glamour and fashion modeling, commercial and print appearances, and being the spokesmodel for companies.
And besides being an IFBB Professional Athlete, she is a published international fitness and fashion model calendar model, and commercial actor.

Contest History:

1999- NPC Southwest USAs
Short Class, Fitness - 2nd place

1999- NPC Muscle Beach (Galveston, TX)
Short Class, Fitness - 1st place and Overall Winner

2000- NPC Jr. Nationals
Short Class, Fitness - 1st place

2000- NPC Nationals
Short Class, Fitness - 7th place

2001- NPC USAs
Short Class, Fitness - 2nd place
(IFBB Pro qualifier)

2002 - IFBB Jan Tana
Pro Fitness - 10th

2007 – IFBB Atlantic City Pro
Pro Figure – 8th

And besides being a fitness competitor, she is also a judge.

You can find out more about Jen at her website:

Or her MySpace page here:

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Back Workout Exercises - Part 1

This is a back workout that myself and my girlfriend Trish did on Aug. 18, 2009. The workout is split over 2 videos. This video here is the first part of the back workout. The second part of the workout will be in a later video.

If you would like to get more workouts like this, then check out the Total Fitness Bodybuilding DVD at:

In this 2 disc DVD set you'll get over 3 hours of weight training instruction showing you complete workouts for each and every bodypart.

2009 NPC Dexter Jackson Classic Women's Bodybuilding Results and Photos

2009 NPC Dexter Jackson Classic Women's Bodybuilding
August 1st, 2009
Jacksonville, Florida

2009 Overall Champion: Alisa Allen

1. Alisa Allen
2. Emanuela Silvagni
3. Paulette Steeves
4. Terri Vono
5. Danna Burk
6. Kathy Cook

Melissa Rice
Amanda Thorton
Amy Kubale

Masters 40+
1. Emanuela Silvagni
2. Michelle Shakeed
3. Barbara Ericsen

1. Kathy Cook
2. Diana Hodges
3. Bea Lewis

For Contest Photos Go Here: Logo

2009 NPC Dexter Jackson Classic Men's Bodybuilding Results and Photos

2009 NPC Dexter Jackson Classic Men's Bodybuilding
August 1st, 2009
Jacksonville, Florida

Guest Posers:
Dexter Jackson
Troy Alves
Ronnie Coleman
Jay Cutler
Phil Heath

2009 Overall Champion: Carlos Rodriguez
Super Heavyweight
1. Bobby Allen
2. Brian Dietz
3. Antonio Racanelli

1. Carlos Rodriguez
2. Frankie Paulk
3. William Rodriguez
4. Jim Holcomb
6. Anthony Eliopulos
7. Derek Morr
8. Rim Burandt
9. Ronald Olibrum
10. Caleb Sutton

Light Heavyweight
1. Ken Hensley
2. Tim Davis
3. Tristan Moore
4. Carlos Villeta
5. Pablo Corella
6. Daniel Wallace
7. Andre Martins
8. Frank Sapienza
9. Keith Seamann
10. Ed Melendez
11. David Brown
12. Donnie Campbell
13. Eiffel Gilyana
14. Michael Peskin

1. Scott Henson
3. Demario Forest
4. Michael Stelert
5. Eric Parhem
6. Shane Blair
7. John Skinner

1. David Herskovitz
2. Chad Towery

1. Richard Russo

Novice Heavyweight
1. Frankie Peuik
2. Kaleb Kivicpatrick
3. Ollie Merchbanks

Novice Middleweight
1. Andre Martins
2. John Congo
3. Jordan Newstodt
4. John Aoerbi

Masters 40+
1. Tim Davis
2. Scott Henson
3. Anthony Ricanelli
4. Ed Melendez
5. Keith Seamann
6. Shane Blair
7. Anthony Eliopulos
8. Shannon Mills
9. Donnie Campbell
10. Mike Peskin
11. Thomas Peeks
12. John Acerbi

1. Jim Talkie
2. David Phillips

1. Lee Pharr
2. Richard Jones
3. Robert Drapkin
4. John LaBruzza
5. Skip Hall
6. Bill Long

1. Harry Knegtel
2. Dave Kaufman

1. Marlon Wade
2. John Ohalloran
3. Karl Fong
4. Mark Bizozowski

For Contest Photos Go Here:

Diana Chaloux's Birthday

Diana Chaloux - fitness

Today is the lovely Diana Chaloux's birthday.

I did an entry on Diana awhile back on my other fitness blog here.
She's a fitness model, NPC national level figure competitor, certified personal trainer, fitness coach, fitness columnist, nutrition manager and founder/owner of Destined 2 Be Fit

You can visit her website at:

Or Diana Chaloux's MySpace page here:

Monday, August 17, 2009

*Quick (Strange) Tip* To Raise TESTOSTERONE By 65%!

Ok, this study shocked me when I first saw it!

I mean, who would have thought that THIS one factor could
have such an AMAZING impact on your ability to naturally

In fact, SOME of you may actually be SEVERELY limiting your
ability to build muscle and burn off ugly fat if you're
"challenged" in this area.


Let me explain...


Scientific research has found a DRAMATIC link between your
body's natural testosterone production and, get this...


And we're NOT talking "small numbers" here!

Researchers found that through direct exposure to sunlight
for a specific period of time, your body increases
production of "T-Precursers" by as much as 65%!

Remember, you DON'T want to DIRECTLY increase "T" through
artificial means (like steroids).

That could be VERY dangerous!


Here's how to do it SAFELY...


The absolute BEST way to jack up your hormones is to do it
NATURALLY, by increasing both the DEMAND within your body
and the "support" and raw nutrients you give it.

On the "demand" need to TRAIN!

That's what Jeff Anderson's, Optimum Anabolics, program was
designed for because it SPECIFICALLY focuses on a unique
"natural triggering" process to increase your body's own
hormone production.

You can get more information at: <= Click To See "Optimum Anabolics"


As for the "support" side...


By increasing "precursers", you provide your endocrine system
with the raw materials it needs to NATURALLY increase

...WITHOUT the harmful side effects!

So how much sunlight do you need?

Scientists discovered that 50-60 minutes exposure of EARLY
MORNING sunlight worked best at increasing these powerful

Unfortunately, MOST guys DON'T actually get this much


You could be SABOTAGING "T" production if...


=> If you work in an INDOOR OFFICE, your exposure is only
20% of what you need!

=> If you live in an area that's often OVERCAST, you may
only be getting 10% of what you need!

This may also explain the higher incidence of DEPRESSION
in areas of the world that don't get a lot of sunlight.

The solution?


It's simple...but it helps (a LOT!)


Do things like:


=> Walk or bike to work if you live close enough and weather permits

=> Eat your breakfast and lunch outside

=> Go for an early morning jog

=> Do bodyweight exercises at a local park

=> Ask your boss for that corner office! (Tell them it's for your
testosterone levels...he/she will understand! ;-)


If you've read this far, then it's OBVIOUS that you're
interested in raising your body's own natural hormone
production, right?

You can tell by the shameless plug in this article that I
HIGHLY recommend Jeff Anderson's "Optimum Anabolics" program.

The reason WHY is because unlike other programs, OA was designed
for the SOLE PURPOSE of building muscle and burning fat by safely
and naturally jacking up your body's production of "T" and gr0wth
hormone (GH).

You can learn more about exactly HOW it works at: <= Click To See "Optimum Anabolics"

Sunday, August 16, 2009

2009 IFBB Europa Super Show Fitness Results and Photos

2009 IFBB Europa Super Show Fitness
August 14th - 15th, 2009
Dallas, Texas

1. Adela Garcia
2. Myriam Capes
3. Nicole Duncan
4. Bethany Wagner
5. Laticia Jackson
6. Kristina Rojas
7. Michelle Mayberry
8. Stephanie Irick
9. Nita Marquez
10. Siene Silva
11. Amanda Marinelli
12. Leslie Rae-Newton
13. Jo Marriner
14. Maggie Blanchard
Mandy Polk

For Contest Results Go Here:

Photo Credit: Bill Comstock

2009 IFBB Europa Super Show Figure Results and Photos

2009 IFBB Europa Super Show Figure Results and Photos
August 14th - 15th, 2009
Dallas, Texas

1. Jenny Lynn
2. Krissy Chin
3. Meriza DeGuzman
4. Alicia Harris
5. Siobhan Tewari
6. Amy ONeil
7. Katina Maisterllis
8. Michelle Craven
9. Tivisay Briceno
10. Rojas Consuelo-Figueroa
11. Julie (D.J.) Wallis
12. Alicia Marie
13. Sue Upson
14. Rosalind Vanterpool
15. Tonya Burkhardt
16. Cynthia Sharp
17. Jacqui Jarrett

For Contest Photos Go Here:

Photo Credit: Bill Comstock

2009 IFBB Europa Super Show Men's Bodybuilding 202 & Under Results and Photos

2009 IFBB Europa Super Show Men's Bodybuilding 202 & Under
August 14th - 15th, 2009
Dallas, Texas

1. Ricky "Tricky" Jackson
2. Charles Dixon
3. Kris Dim
4. Lee Powell
5. John Hodgson
6. Pedro Barron
7. Curtis Bryant
8. Stan McQuay
9. Jose Raymond
10. Peter Putnam
11. Mike Ergas
12. Myoba Edwards
13. Tamer El Shahat
14. Vincent Wawryk
15. Abiu Feliz
16. Derik Farnsworth
16. Randy Jackson
Juan Marquez
Roland Huff
Jeffrey Long
David Marinelli
Patrick Richardson

For Contest Results Go Here:

Photo Credit: Bill Comstock