
Sunday, August 30, 2009

Nathan Gained 50 Pounds On His One Rep Max Bench...

This is an e-mail I got the other day from one of my Blast Your Bench program followers. He followed the program to the letter and added an extra 50 pounds to his one rep max bench press!

Hey Lee!

My name is Nathan Simmons, I am 20 years old, and I am currently deployed in Iraq. I want to thank you for this incredible workout! The gym up here is not really that stacked so my lifts are limited, but my gains are climbing. I gained 50 lbs on my bench. When I first started the program my max was 235. Now after I completed the 3 week bench press phase, my new max is 285. I am very happy with my results. I look forward to gaining more and more through your "coaching."

When I was following the program a lot of people were telling me that I wouldn't be able to. That the program was a scam, and that you weren't who you were. But they can't really say anything now, due to my tremendous results with the program. I just wanted to show that your program works and is not fake at all.

Nathan Simmons

If you'd like to make fast strength and muscle gains like Nathan did then download your own copy of the Blast Your Bench program at:

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