
Monday, August 3, 2009

Female Bodybuilder Britt Miller Retires From Competitive Bodybuilding

In a huge shocker to fans of female bodybuilding, fan favorite Britt Miller has announced her retirement from competitive bodybuilding.

Inside Bodybuilding wishes Britt the best of luck with all of her future endeavours.

"There are so many things in life that I want to do but have always been restricted due to bodybuilding. I admit that these restrictions were self-made but I wanted to be the best and I was willing to do anything to get there. To elaborate, I restricted myself from serious relationships, family, friends, and just life in general. I felt that I had to have that sense of independence and control to be my absolute best. Now I can see how silly this all appears.

Things that seem so important one day can seem completely irrelevant the next. I think this all ties in with me growing older and realizing what really matters in life, understanding that my friends and family and strong relationships create happiness for me. For the last 2 years I have been struggling to let bodybuilding go; feeling scared and afraid of being lost without my sense of achievement. I am so happy to say that I have finally come to ends with those thoughts.

I can not say that I will “never” compete again but I can say that I am the happiest I have ever been just living life day to day, knowing that I have made a positive difference in women’s bodybuilding and others lives."

End of Year Clearance at!

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