
Friday, September 11, 2009

500+ pound bench press!

I just got this e-mail the other day and I had to share it with you!

It's from William Blackstone who bought the "Blast Your Bench" program 4 years ago. And during that time he has taken his bench press from 385 pounds to a whopping 525 pounds! At 48 years of age! And just in case you are wondering, this is a RAW lift, meaning no bench press shirt. Anyway you slice it that is one heck of an impressive lift by anyone's standards.

This is what William wrote me:

Hi Lee,

I don't know if this will reach you or not, but I have purchased your bench press work out almost 4 years ago. I still receive your e-mails and I love receiving the communications from you.

I feel that your routine is the best on the market. I took a 385 press @ 194 BW age 45. To a 525 press @ 214 BW age 48. I have used your system 3 times a year since the initial purchase. Every time through I've always set a new personal strength record gaining more on my bench.

In October 2009, I hope to be contending for the all time 220 weight class 100% clean Bench press. This I give a lot of credit to you and your system. I am constantly asked how I do it. I just tell them to get Lee Hayward's BLAST YOUR BENCH.

Do to your program I have gone up in weight class (do to muscle mass) Gone up in pressing abilities. Hold numerous World, National, State Bench press records. I lift totally drug free and only RAW.

Again thanks a quarter ton :)

William C. Blackstone
"Big Arm"
B.M.F. Pro Bench Press Team

To prove these lifts William has even posted up a video page showing his training in the gym. This video below is of him doing a 465 pound bench in training.

You can see more of his lifts at:¤t=20090903175717.flv

And if you'd like to get your very own copy of the "Blast Your Bench" program and make strength gains like William, then you can do so right now at:

Heck, even if you only did half as good as William you'd still be benching 260+ pounds which is a lot more then the average Joe you see in the gym.

Why not give the program a shot for yourself. You've got nothing to lose and a whole lot of strength to gain...

Let's get busy!

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