
Thursday, September 10, 2009

Health News

Psychiatric drug side effects database & search engine

Every year, thousands of reports of side effects to psychiatric
d rugs are reported to the U.S. FDA. These are all encoded and
unavailable to the public...until now. See CCHR's psychiatric
d rug side effects search engine and look up any type of
psychiatric d rug -- see what doctors, consumers, pharmacists
have reported to the US FDA (both individual reports and
summaries.) Psychiatric Drug
Side Effects Search Engine

Protein, Carbohydrates and Fat

Protein - This is the major source of building material for
everything from blood and muscle to skin, hair, nails and
internal organs. Protein helps control metabolism and
regulates water balance. It also is extremely useful in
maintaining muscle tone and muscle mass.

1 gram of protein = 4 calories.

Carbohydrates - These are sugars and starches and are the
main source of energy for all muscle and body functions.
Carbohydrates, or "carbs", are converted by the body to a
simple sugar called glucose. Whatever glucose is not used
as energy is converted to glycogen and stored in the
muscles and liver, or converted to fat and stored throughout
the body for later use.

1 gram of carbs = 4 calories.

Fats - Known as lipids, these are the most densely caloric
source of energy in the diet. Fats are difficult to digest
and are mostly stored throughout the body rather than used
immediately as energy. Recommended foods are typically
low in fat.

1 gram of fat = 9 calories

Bodybuilding Rep Range

It used to be thought that: Less that 5 reps build strength, but not
muscle size, 6-8 are reps for size, 10-12 reps are for shape, and 20
or more reps are for definition.

People beginning in bodybuilding, generally do best using an 8-12 rep
range. As they get more experience most will try...

For the rest of this article go to
Bodybuilding Rep Range

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