
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Ron Partlow: Canadian Bridesmaid

Big Ron Partlow, weighing in at 263lbs, was the first runner up in the super heavies for the umpteenth time at the 2010 CBBF Nationals back on August 14.

Partlow has lost the his class at the CBBF Nationals to such current IFBB pros as Fouad Abiad (2006), Ben Pakulski (2008) and Mike Van Wyck (2009) so the phrase "always the bridesmaid never the bride" quickly comes to mind. The one year that Partlow won the super heavy class (in 2007 when he beat out Pakulski) he lost that year's pro card to middleweight Vince Wawryk.

Partlow will compete at the North Americans in Cleveland Labor Day weekend, where he hopes to come in tighter anf fuller! In the meantime the following shots are from a 2009 photo shoot with Anita Robicheau:

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