
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Erik Fankhouser: It's the Legs!

I've posted the picture above before (left to right it's Ben Pakulski, Jeff Long and Erik), but below are some other I have not. This post is a little response to some recent comments about Erik, I was surprised in particular that people brought up his teeth again (in a photo where I thought you could barely see them) and that he was "blocky" and "overrated."

Erik seemed to come out of nowhere and made it quickly up the ranks, earning his pro card in 2007. He did so around the same time as the likes of Jose Raymond and Flex, Evan Centopani, Mike Liberatore, Paluski, Brandon Curry, Grigori Atoyan, et al.

He hasn't done so great in his pro outings (his best being the 2010 New York Pro where he was 5th), but he seems to be making progress. He's been up against other rising stars, who have been rising more quickly (Centopani and Seth Feroce spring immediately to mind), and yes he doesn't quite compare.

But he does have pretty awesome legs, and certainly calves...

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