
Monday, July 13, 2009

Girlfriend of Steroid Dealer Indicted for Hiding Steroids from Federal Agents

The girlfriend of one of the co-defendants in the Brandon Millay (Kong Labs) steroid case has been indicted by a federal grand jury for hiding anabolic steroids from federal agents during the investigation. Mary Kay Hamilton, along with her boyfriend Jimmie Lynn Garrison, allegedly “concealed and covered up anabolic steroids from United States Postal Inspection Service and Food and Drug Administration agents investigating the illegal distribution of anabolic steroids” according the additional charge filed by federal prosecutors on July 8, 2009. Hamilton allegedly helped Garrison obstruct the federal investigation on or about May 6, 2008 shortly after the Brandon Millay steroid ring was busted in April 2008 .

Jimmie Garrison was indicted along with three other co-conspirators in December 2008 on various steroid-related charges. Brandon Millay, the alleged ringleader, is the only defendant to have pleaded guilty thus far; Millay has agreed to completely and truthfully cooperate with the government by testifying before any grand juries and trials upon demand.

Mary Hamilton initially appeared to have escaped prosecution. However, federal prosecutors decided to include her name in the superseding indictment shortly before Brandon Millay was scheduled to be sentenced and prior to the other co-defendants going to trial.

Read The Full Story Here:

Girlfriend of Steroid Dealer Indicted for Hiding Steroids from Federal Agents

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