
Monday, July 13, 2009

Steroid Dealer at 24 Hour Fitness Greater Threat to Community Than Suicidal Man Firing Gun at Police

Bruce Zaccaria has been detained without bail as an unacceptable “danger to the community” based solely on an allegation of selling 250 vials of anabolic steroids to bodybuilders who were members of a Houston-area 24 Hour Fitness almost two years ago. By contrast, a judge in an unrelated Dallas-area case apparently feels that a suicidal man firing a gun at police does not represent a threat to society.

Bruce Zaccaria’s pre-trial detention highlights the significant disparities in sentencing for defendants awaiting trial in Texas in court cases where anabolic steroids are involved.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Calvin Botley seems to have concluded that the safety of the community is at considerable risk from steroid use by bodybuilders. Judge Botley determined there were absolutely no conditions that could possibly protect the community from the dangerous Zaccaria if he were released on bail. Zaccaria was charged with “conspiracy to manufacture/possess with intent to distribute anabolic steroids” punishable by up to 5 years in prison.

Read The Full Story Here:

Steroid Dealer at 24 Hour Fitness Greater Threat to Community Than Suicidal Man Firing Gun at Police

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