Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Food Separation
by Don Lemmon
You have to learn to combine/mix/separate your foods correctly
every meal to get anywhere with yourself. The stomach has no
means by which to separate poorly combined foods. The digestive
processes of protein, carbohydrate and fat food groups is so
different that digestion cannot occur efficiently if the wrong
food groups are in the stomach at the same time. For instance,
the enzymes that act upon carbohydrates are not the ones that
act upon proteins and fats. It isn't a bucket of acid like you
think it is down there. The body wasn't designed to release all
the different fluids needed to breakdown all the different
types of foods at once. Come to respect digestive enzymes and
their limitations. Once you do, as I have witnessed countless
times before, you will achieve that dream body in a fraction
of the time and see not only food allergies almost completely
disappear but health become restored. Why? Because you're
finally allowing yourself to receive nourishment from properly
digested meals and foods.
Improperly mixed foods sit in your digestive tract and spoil.
They go undigested. You receive little or none of the nutrients
you are needing and expecting to get that are in those foods this
way. Not only is that a waste but the spoiling process creates
toxins and other poisons that can make you sick. That is why you
should try not to let more than 2 1/2 hours go between feedings
all day, every day. (Assuming it takes 1/2 hour to finish each meal,
and scheduling meals 3 hours apart.) In case something doesn't get
efficiently digested, then that last meal can be pushed through
your digestive tract by another incoming meal. Think of the food
in your stomach as a clog in a drain. Something must be put on
top of that food to shove it through by applying enough pressure
behind it that moves it down and out your drainage (digestive)
You need to be able to receive your nourishment and that is
unfortunately only possible in bits and pieces that you can handle,
from frequent, properly mixed meals. Properly combine your foods
if for only this one last reason (not just to remain healthy, but)
to live longer and you will watch all of your needs be met at the
same time. Once you determined how to fit all six feedings a day
into your schedule (or at least five), remember to also alternate
between two or three carbohydrate and three protein/fat meals.
Two of your meals are actually snacks, not full meals. Try cottage
cheese, or peanut butter (no sugar added) on celery as a snack or
fruit and yogurt. If you can't do three snacks and have time for
only five feedings, plan either breakfast and lunch OR both snacks
being the carb meals. You should never have two carbohydrate
feedings in a row. That sets off a trigger response for your body
to burn muscle tissue and store fat, where as the opposite, two
fat/protein meals in a row, is optimal and gets you burning fat
instead but there has to be twice the calories in fat there
are from protein.
Sounds good, but it's confusing because you haven't heard this
before? Beats me why not. But what I have taught you thus far
should have explained to most of you why what you do may work and
why what some of you are doing cannot. Then again, I know some are
still panicking because it looks as though I suggest one of those
higher fat diets or something completely off the wall like that.
If you have been mixing proteins, fats and carbohydrates on a
diet, all you have to do to get started is to place the carbs you
eat in meals separate from the proteins and fats. It's pretty
simple really.
For more information on food separation go to Don Lemmon's Know How
Lose Fat, Gain Muscle, Shape Up. Sign up for our Free Weekly Bodybuilding,
Fitness and Health Tips Newsletter, and you will be automatically entered
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