
Monday, September 14, 2009

Pre-Workout Warm Up Exercise Routine

One of the most neglected aspects of weight training and one of my biggest pet peeves is NOT performing a proper warm up. How often have you seen a novice lifter walk into the gym right off the street, and then go straight into a set of bench presses or bicep curls?

(Note: I hope you aren't that guy, and if you are then you really need to watch this video below :-)

This exact scenario happened not too long ago at the gym when
I was in the middle of my workout and it was down right sad...

This skinny young guy walked in by himself, I'd say he was in
his early 20's. He went over to the bench press, tossed his
jacket on the rack next to him and then put 185 on the bar.

He plopped his butt down on the bench, un-racked the bar, and
it dropped like a rock and literally stapled him to the bench!
All he could do was yell out "Help!"

I was amazed that someone could be so stupid...

First to attempt a 1 rep max with no warm up,
and second to do it with out having a spotter.

Anyway, I walked over deadlifted the bar off his chest,
racked it for him, and just shook my head in disbelief.
I didn't need to say a word, he was already embarrassed
enough as it was.

While he maybe lucky and get away with this kind of careless
training for a little while, he is eventually going to get
seriously hurt, it's just a matter of time.

The stronger you get, the more intensity you can generate
with your training, and the more important doing a proper
warm up becomes.

That's why I just posted up a YouTube video showing my personal warm up exercise ritual that I like to perform before each and every workout I do in the gym. It only takes about 10 minutes, and trust me it's time well invested.

The key here is to simply get the blood flowing, elevate your core temperature, warm up your tendons, joints, and ligaments and prepare your body both mentally and physically for the workout that's to follow.

Check out the video clip below to see my personal "Pre-Workout Warm Up Ritual"...

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Female Powerlifter Natalie Freed Profile

What is your first and last name?Natalie Freed on
Natalie (Natty) Freed

What is your height and weight?
5" 0' and 110-120, depending on what I have going on

How old are you?
23 years old

Where Where do you currently reside?
Pittsburgh, PA

What is your profession?
Director of Web Content (

How did you get started into lifting weights and training?
I lifted a little in high school for other sports & continued into college since I decided against organized sports. In Sept 04, my neck & lower back were fractured in an accident. When I got back to the gym after finishing physical therapy in Feb 06, I started training for powerlifting and competed for the first time 7 months later. I went home with a WABDL world record deadlift!

Read The full Story and See the Photo Gallery Here:

Natalie Freed Profile

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Breaking Free: The Amazing Story Of IFBB Figure Pro Hazal Nelson

It was 5:30pm on Saturday night in Cleveland at the 2006 North American’s. Hazal Nelson was trying to get out of her hotel room so she could make it to the meeting on time and look somewhat put together for the night show. Everyone else was doing much the same except that while her fellow competitors were concerned with last minute adjustments to their suits,
tan, and hairstyles, Hazal was literally begging for her life as her husband was savagely beating her.

(We did this interview in Dallas at the Europa this year in the hotel restaurant. Sitting in stunned silence, listening as she quietly recounted the events that night it was impossible to remain objective, calm, or rational – or free of guilt. I had seen her compete that night. She even did a photo shoot the next morning with me for while he stood by watching and making pleasant conversation. I recall that Hazal forced a smile that morning doing her best to feel beautiful for the camera but it wasn’t sincere. She didn’t say more than a few words and left quietly when we were done. Something was wrong but there was no way of knowing how bad it was. As she continued on with her story I couldn’t help but feel sick to my stomach, angry, even frustrated that I was so close yet she couldn’t feel safe. Had someone only known maybe she could have gotten out sooner. Mostly I felt sad for her, and women like her that feel they have no option so they keep it a secret and simply try to survive.)

Read The Full Story Here:

Breaking Free

IFBB Fitness Pro Kim Seeley Under The Knife

After seriously injuring her right knee a few years back now and being misdiagnosed, IFBB Fitness Pro Kim Seeley’s fitness career prematurely came to an end. She has been absent from the competitive stage since then but has been training others and living her passion for fitness and figure vicariously to some degree, through them.

As of today that career and the heartbreak that has never left her is no longer at an end. You can now call it “on pause”. Seeley recently discovered that her injury was misdiagnosed and she actually had a torn ACL and Meniscus in her right knee and was booked for surgery this week.

Read The Full Story Here:

101 Ways to motivate yourself and get in shape. Number 43 may surprise you. Read all 101 NOW at!

IFBB Pro Fitness Drops One Piece and Short Routines

The IFBB just issued an advisory notice that starting with the 2009 IFBB Ft Lauderdale Pro Fitness show there will no longer be a one piece round or a 45 second routine round in IFBB pro fitness.

As is to be expected there are many mixed feelings about the changes, most notably the expense competitors have already gone to purchasing one piece suits and of course the suit makers will take a big shot over this one.

The upside is that shows will move more quickly now and in light of that, more promoters may potentially be interested in offering pro fitness at shows as the time required is more manageable. The reduced expense of a second suit will also be a welcome addition for most competitors as well.

Read The Full Story and Comment Here:

Need a BETTER WORKOUT? Find one here FREE! Only at

IFBB Fitness Pro Michelle Mayberry Injured, Switches to Figure

“Last Friday night I was doing bent over reverse grip barbell rows and when I stood up something didn’t feel right so I did one more set and it started getting tighter so I stopped doing that. I stopped and did lat pull downs and I was able to do them but it still hurt when I got up after the set. By the time I got to biceps I couldn’t stabilize to do those. I was laying on the ground doing dumbbell curls and it wasn’t working very good. I realized I couldn’t go any further and I was done. I rode the bike for cardio then went home.

One week out from the IFBB Atlantic City Pro show Michelle Mayberry injured her back, probably not seriously but bad enough that she pulled out of the fitness event and will compete in open and masters figure this weekend.

When she injured herself she was not doing anything unusual or risky at the time, I wasn’t going that heavy either, I knew I had the show coming up and didn’t want to get hurt.”

Read The Full Story Here:

Mayberry Injured, Switches to Figure

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Friday, September 11, 2009

German Female Bodybuilder Sybille Eleftheriadis

German Female Bodybuilder Sybille Eleftheriadis has a name that's very hard to pronounce but a physique that's very easy to appreciate...

HUGE 25% OFF SALE at - Act Fast! Save on a gazillion products!

500+ pound bench press!

I just got this e-mail the other day and I had to share it with you!

It's from William Blackstone who bought the "Blast Your Bench" program 4 years ago. And during that time he has taken his bench press from 385 pounds to a whopping 525 pounds! At 48 years of age! And just in case you are wondering, this is a RAW lift, meaning no bench press shirt. Anyway you slice it that is one heck of an impressive lift by anyone's standards.

This is what William wrote me:

Hi Lee,

I don't know if this will reach you or not, but I have purchased your bench press work out almost 4 years ago. I still receive your e-mails and I love receiving the communications from you.

I feel that your routine is the best on the market. I took a 385 press @ 194 BW age 45. To a 525 press @ 214 BW age 48. I have used your system 3 times a year since the initial purchase. Every time through I've always set a new personal strength record gaining more on my bench.

In October 2009, I hope to be contending for the all time 220 weight class 100% clean Bench press. This I give a lot of credit to you and your system. I am constantly asked how I do it. I just tell them to get Lee Hayward's BLAST YOUR BENCH.

Do to your program I have gone up in weight class (do to muscle mass) Gone up in pressing abilities. Hold numerous World, National, State Bench press records. I lift totally drug free and only RAW.

Again thanks a quarter ton :)

William C. Blackstone
"Big Arm"
B.M.F. Pro Bench Press Team

To prove these lifts William has even posted up a video page showing his training in the gym. This video below is of him doing a 465 pound bench in training.

You can see more of his lifts at:¤t=20090903175717.flv

And if you'd like to get your very own copy of the "Blast Your Bench" program and make strength gains like William, then you can do so right now at:

Heck, even if you only did half as good as William you'd still be benching 260+ pounds which is a lot more then the average Joe you see in the gym.

Why not give the program a shot for yourself. You've got nothing to lose and a whole lot of strength to gain...

Let's get busy!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Female Physique of the Day: Jennifer Searles

Sexy and sultry Jennifer Searles could stop traffic with those pair of dynamic legs and a killer ass that just wont quit. Aside form her earning her pro status by winning her class at the 2004 National Figure Championships, she also holds the titles of 2002 Women’s Extravaganza Overall Fitness Champion and 2003 Atlantic States Overall Figure Champion. One buff fitness girl that is a sweet delight to get a glimpse of.

Now an IFBB figure pro, Jennifer grew up in Nantucket, Massachusetts and attended Saint Michael’s College in Burlington, Vermont and obtained a BA in Business Administration and minors in both Biology and Drama, then moved to New York City.

Health News

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Protein, Carbohydrates and Fat

Protein - This is the major source of building material for
everything from blood and muscle to skin, hair, nails and
internal organs. Protein helps control metabolism and
regulates water balance. It also is extremely useful in
maintaining muscle tone and muscle mass.

1 gram of protein = 4 calories.

Carbohydrates - These are sugars and starches and are the
main source of energy for all muscle and body functions.
Carbohydrates, or "carbs", are converted by the body to a
simple sugar called glucose. Whatever glucose is not used
as energy is converted to glycogen and stored in the
muscles and liver, or converted to fat and stored throughout
the body for later use.

1 gram of carbs = 4 calories.

Fats - Known as lipids, these are the most densely caloric
source of energy in the diet. Fats are difficult to digest
and are mostly stored throughout the body rather than used
immediately as energy. Recommended foods are typically
low in fat.

1 gram of fat = 9 calories

Bodybuilding Rep Range

It used to be thought that: Less that 5 reps build strength, but not
muscle size, 6-8 are reps for size, 10-12 reps are for shape, and 20
or more reps are for definition.

People beginning in bodybuilding, generally do best using an 8-12 rep
range. As they get more experience most will try...

For the rest of this article go to
Bodybuilding Rep Range

Lose Fat, Gain Muscle, Shape Up. Sign up for our Free Weekly Bodybuilding,
Fitness and Health Tips Newsletter, and you will be automatically entered
in our monthly drawing to win Free Bodybuilding Supplements and other great prizes.
Stay informed, stay motivated, win free stuff, join today!

Click Here To Sign Up Free

Lisa Giesbrecht

Lisa Giesbrecht - fitness muscle

This lovely young lady is Lisa Giesbrecht.
Lisa resides in Armstrong, British Columbia and stands 5'8".
Besides competing, she is studying to become a personal trainer.

Contest History:
2009 CBBF Canadian National Bodybuilding Championships - 7th Place
2009 CBBF Canadian National Bodybuilding Championships - 2nd Place

You can follow Lisa Giesbrecht on her Facebook page here:

posted to, Sept 10th, 2009

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

It's Thursday... You Know What That Means...

Thursday has rolled around again and you know what that means...
The Total Fitness Bodybuilding Talk Show is tonight!

I really enjoy doing these shows and helping you along in your journey towards building a leaner more muscular physique. Since I started doing these shows I've gotten a ton of feedback from viewers like you, thankfully most of it has been positive.

However, the biggest complaint that I get is from people who live in different parts of the world who can't make our 9:00 pm EST shows and they never get a chance to have their questions answered on the show.

So what I'm going to do tonight is let you submit your questions in advance. This way even if you can't make the live show you can watch the replay the next day and have your questions answered.

So if you have a question or topic that you would like to have discussed on the talk show just post it here as a comment to this blog post below, and later tonight I'll answer your questions

Again the live show starts at 9:00 pm EST at:

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

IFBB Pro Hidetada Yamagishi Signs With Gaspari Nutrition

According to a post on, IFBB Pro Bodybuilder Hidetada Yamagishi has signed with Gaspari Nutrition.

There's nothing official posted on the Gaspari website so it looks like we'll just have to wait until the 2009 IFBB Olympia to see if fan favorite Hidetada is at the Gaspari booth...

Vitamin Intake For Bodybuilders

When most bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts think of proper nutrition they usually only focus on the macronutrients and caloric intake (i.e. how much protein, carbs, fat, and calories you eat).

While this is a good start and certainly better than nothing, there is a whole other level of nutrition which gets less attention, but is equally, if not more important... Micronutrients (i.e. vitamins and minerals) are critical, not only for your overall health and well being, but for building muscle as well.

Now the easy way out is to simply pop a multi-vitamin and "fuhgeddaboudit" (forget about it). But this simple "Band-Aid" approach is not the best way to deal with your muscle building nutrition.

In fact if you have a micronutrient deficiency you could short change the entire muscle building process and bring your gains in the gym to a screeching halt... Even if you are eating a high calorie diet!

Thanks to the modern invention of processed food, we now live in a society where it is possible to overeat to the extent that one becomes obese (i.e. big as a friggen whale), yet can still be malnourished from a nutrient perspective.

How can this be?

Because most processed foods today are stripped of their healthy vitamins and minerals and then loaded with preservatives, so they are nothing more then empty calories.

(The Evolution Of Fat...)

Not only that, but if you are in the gym working out on a regular basis (which you most likely are if you are here reading this) then you are placing even more demand and stress on your body and you need more micronutrients then the average Joe.

So what I've posted below is a listing of the top 25 most critical vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes. Along with the recommended daily intake for bodybuilders and the best food sources where you can get these micronutrients.



Vitamin A (carotene) - recommended intake 5000 IU/day

Is used for the formation and maintenance of skin, hair, and mucous membranes. Vitamin A helps with bone and tooth growth. It helps you see in dim light.

Best sources of vitamin A are: yellow and orange fruits and vegetables, green leafy vegetables, fortified oatmeal, liver, and dairy products.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - recommended intake 50 mg/day

Helps the body release energy from carbohydrates. Helps with growth and muscle tone.

Best sources of vitamin B1 are: fortified cereals and oatmeal, meats, rice, pasta, whole grains, and liver.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - recommended intake 15 mg/day

Helps the body release energy from protein, fat, and carbohydrates.

Best sources of vitamin B2 are: whole grains, green leafy vegetables, organ meats, milk, and eggs.

Vitamin B3 (niacin) - recommended intake 25 mg/day

Involved in carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolism

Best sources of vitamin B3 are: meat, poultry, fish, enriched cereals, peanuts, potatoes, dairy products, and eggs.

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) - recommended intake 10 mg/day

Helps in release of energy from fats and carbohydrates.

Best sources of vitamin B5 are: meats, whole grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) - recommended intake 15 mg/day

Helps build body tissue and aids in metabolism of protein.

Best sources of vitamin B6 are: fish, poultry, lean meats, bananas, prunes, beans, whole grains, and avocados.

Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) - recommended intake 6 mcg/day

Aids cell development, functioning of the nervous system, and the metabolism of protein and fat.

Best sources of vitamin B12 are: meats, dairy products, and seafood.

Biotin - recommended intake 500 mcg/day

Involved in metabolism of protein, fats, and carbohydrates.

Best sources of biotin are: grain products, yeast, legumes, and liver.

Folic acid - recommended intake 1 mg/day

Aids in genetic material development and involved in red blood cell production.

Best sources of folic acid are: green leafy vegetables, organ meats, peas, beans, and lentils.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - recommended intake 3000 mg/day

Essential for structure of bones, cartilage, muscle, and blood vessels. Helps maintain capillaries and gums, aids in the absorption of iron. Helps boost the immune system and is good for reducing muscle soreness after a workout.

Best sources of vitamin C are: citrus fruits, berries, and vegetables

Vitamin D - recommended intake 600 IU/day

Aids in bone and tooth formation, helps maintain heart action and nervous system.

Best sources of vitamin D are: fortified milk, sunlight, fish, eggs, butter, and fortified margarine.

Vitamin E - recommended intake 1200 IU/day

Protects body cells, body tissue, and essential fatty acids from harmful destruction in the body. Helps boost the immune system and is good for reducing preventing some of the side effects from overtraining such as infection and sickness.

Best sources of vitamin E are: multigrain cereals, nuts, wheat germ, vegetable oils, and green leafy vegetables.

Vitamin K - recommended intake 125 mcg/day

Essential for blood clotting functions and helps strengthen bones.

Best sources of vitamin K are: green leafy vegetables, fruit, dairy products, and grain products.



Calcium - recommended intake 1000 mg/day

Calcium helps strengthen bones, teeth, and muscle tissue. It regulates heartbeat, muscle action, nervous function, and blood clotting.

Best sources of calcium are: dairy products

Chromium - recommended intake 300 mcg/day

Chromium helps with glucose metabolism and it increases the effectiveness of insulin.

Best sources of chromium are: corn oil, clams, whole grains, and brewers yeast.

Copper - recommended intake 3 mg/day

Helps with the formation of red blood cells, bone growth and health. Works with vitamin C to form elasin.

Best sources of copper are: grain products and white potatoes.

Iodine - recommended intake 150 mcg/day

Iodine is a component of hormone thyroxine; it helps in the production of thyroid hormones, which control metabolism.

Best sources of iodine are: seafood and iodized salt.

Iron - recommended intake 30 mg/day

Iron helps with haemoglobin formation. Improves blood quality. Increases resistance to stress and disease.

Best sources of iron are: meats, organ meats, and legumes.

Magnesium - recommended intake 500 mg/day

Helps with acid / alkaline balance. Important in metabolism of carbohydrates and minerals. Can improve strength by increasing protein synthesis.

Best sources of magnesium are: nuts, green vegetables, and whole grains.

Manganese - recommended intake 5 mg/day

Helps with enzyme activation; carbohydrate and fat production; sex hormone production; skeletal development.

Best sources of manganese are: nuts, whole grains, vegetables, and fruits.

Phosphorous - recommended intake 1000 mg/day

Helps with one development and is important in protein, carbohydrate, and fat utilization.

Best sources of phosphorous are: fish, meat, poultry, eggs, and grains.

Selenium - recommended intake 150 mcg/day

Protects body tissues against oxidative damage from radiation, pollution, and normal metabolic processing.

Best sources of selenium are: seafood, organ meats, meats, and grains.

Zinc - recommended intake 25 mg/day

Involved in digestion and metabolism. Important in the development of the reproductive system. Aids in healing.

Best sources of zinc are: meats, liver, eggs, seafood, and whole grains.



Potassium - recommended intake 4000 mg/day

Helps with fluid balance. Controls activity of heart muscle, nervous system, and kidneys.

Best sources of potassium are: fruits and vegetables.

Sodium - recommended intake 2000 mg/day

Helps regulate fluid balance. Helps regulate acid/base balance in the bloodstream and facilitates active cellular transport across cellular membranes.

Best sources of sodium are: salt


Eating a well balanced diet that includes lean meats, poultry, fish, fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and grain products will cover most of your vitamin and mineral needs. It would be a good idea to include a multivitamin and mineral supplement as well. To help ensure that you are getting ample amounts of vitamins and minerals in your daily diet. If you sweat a lot during the day (i.e. during your workouts) than you should also use salt on your food to help replace lost sodium and prevent muscle cramps.

If you would like some personalized help with creating your own healthy muscle building nutrition eating and workout plan then check out my Customized Diet & Training Plans and One-On-One Coaching Programs at:

Monday, September 7, 2009

Deb Leung: Insane Biceps

What more can I say?
Deb Leung has some of the most amazing biceps on the planet.
Check out this video and see for yourself...

Need a BETTER WORKOUT? Find one here FREE! Only at

Ab News on FOX News with Diane Falzone

Thanks to Amaz0ns for posting this great video from Red Eye on FOX News.
I had never seen Diane Falzone before...

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Awesome Abdominal Exercise Decline Barbell Sit Ups

This is an great weighted ab exercise that will work the entire mid-section. Decline bench sit ups are one of my favourite abdominal movements and this is an advanced variation of the decline bench sit up.

To get early notification of my latest workout videos, just go to my YouTube Channel at: and click on the yellow "Subscribe" button.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Swedish Giant Martin Kjellstrom 2009 Mr Olympia Prep Pics

Swedish giant IFBB Pro Bodybuilder Martin Kjellstrom posted some progress pics for his assault on the on 2009 IFBB Mr Olympia on August 10th weighing in at 302 lbs...

Check Them Out Here:

Need a BETTER WORKOUT? Find one here FREE! Only at

Pamela Soper - Figure Competitor and Fitness Model

Pamela Soper - fitness beauties

This beautiful young lady is personal trainer, figure competitor and fitness model, Pamela Soper.
Pamela is 5'4 and weighs 125-135 and is from Flint, Michigan.

Contest History:
2005 Mellissa Frabielle Classic, 3rd place, short
2005 Michigan Figure, 3rd place, short
2005 GNC National Championships Collegiate division 4th place, class B
2006 Michigan Figure, 3rd place short
2006 Julie Palmer Ultimate Bodybuilding and figure, 3rd place Medium
2006 IFBB north American, 14th place class C
2007 NPC Team Universe Bodybuilding, Fitness And Figure Championships, 5th place
2007 NPC Junior Nationals Bodybuilding, Fitness And Figure Contest
2008 NPC Team Universe Bodybuilding, Fitness & Figure National Championships, 4th place
2008 IFBB North American Bodybuilding and Figure Championships, 5th place
2008 NPC Junior National Bodybuilding, Fitness & Figure Championships, 3rd place
2008 NPC Junior USA Bodybuilding, Fitness and Figure Championships, 5th place
2008 IFBB Arnold Classic Bodybuilding, Fitness And Figure Contest, 1st place
2009 IFBB North American Championships, 1st place
2009 NPC USA Bodybuilding & Figure Championships, 10th place
2009 NPC Junior National Bodybuilding, Fitness & Figure Championships, 5th place
2009 NPC Julie Palmers Ultimate Bodybuilding Championships, 1st place

You can keep up with Pamela at her MySpace page here:

Or Pamela Soper's website here:

Pamela Soper - certified personal trainer

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Reigning IFBB Figure Olympia Champion Jenn Gates Out of Figure Olympia 2010

There will definitely be a new IFBB Figure Olympia champion in 2009, as we just received news from JM Manion and the IFBB Pro League confirming that reigning IFBB Ms Figure Olympia Jenn Gates will be skipping this year’s IFBB Figure Olympia.

Here is the official press release:

Reigning Figure Olympia champion Jenn Gates has had to withdraw from the competition after discovering she is pregnant with her third child. Jenn was already well into her contest preparation when she discovered the magnificent news. We look forward to Jenn’s return to the competitive stage in the future, including another run at winning the Figure Olympia title, and wish her and her family the best during this time.blessed time.

Need a BETTER WORKOUT? Find one here FREE! Only at

Rich Gaspari Awarded the Ben Weider Lifetime Achievement Award

On Saturday August 8th, 2009 as the bodybuilding community gathered in Tampa, Florida for the annual IFBB Pro Bodybuilding Weekly Championships, the evening included the presentation of the 2nd Annual Ben Weider Lifetime Achievement Award.

Last years recipient IFBB Pro Bodybuilder Chris Dickerson was on hand for the presentation, along with Dan Solomon, Bob Cicherillo, Rob Wilkins, and event promoter Tim Gardner.

With the blessing of IFBB Pro League Chairman Jim Manion, this years recipient was Rich Gaspari. A 2004 inductee into Joe Weider’s Bodybuilding Hall of Fame, Gaspari’s achievements on and off stage have helped inspire others, much the same as the man for whom the award was named.

2009 IFBB Houston Pro Figure Results and Photos

2009 IFBB Houston Pro Figure Results and Photos
August 29th, 2009
Houston, Texas

1. Heather Mae French
2. Erin Stern
3. Meriza DeGuzman
4. Krissy Chin
5. Katina Maisterllis
6. Tivisay Briceno
7. Nicole Pitcher-Scott
8. Rosa-Maria Romero
9. Petra Mertl
10. Michelle Craven
11. Hazal Nelson
12. Sherlyn Roy
13. Christina Vargas
14. Candice Houston
15. Laura Sutter
16. Sabrina Gibson
17. Jacqui Jarrett
18. Karen Mullarkey
19. Allison Jones-Williams
19. Denise Starling-Steele
19. Susanne Bock

For Contest Photos Go Here:

Photo Credit: Jodi Carpenter-Nolley

If You Got Questions... I Got Answers...

If you have any questions about your workouts, nutrition, building muscle, getting ripped, or any other bodybuilding and fitness related topic then you are in luck because...

Tonight at 9:00 pm EST I'm hosting a live bodybuilding Q and A style coaching session at:

And the best thing is the price... It's 100% FREE!

That's right, I don't charge a cent for this service, not a red raw copper. I'm doing this simply because I want to help you maximize the results you get from your workouts. So be sure to tune in tonight at:

I look forward to chatting with you then!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Taboo: Female Bodybuilders Documentary

This is a great documentary from the National Geographic television series ‘Taboo’ that focuses on female bodybuilders.

National Geaographic bills the series like this: "Taboo takes you on a journey beyond the comfort zones and across cultural borders to explore rituals and customs that are acceptable in some cultures, but forbidden, illegal or, reviled in others. Understand seemingly bizarre and shocking practices from around the world."

Watch IFBB Pro Female Bodybuilders Betty Pariso and Rosemary Jennings prepare for the pinnacle of competition - the IFBB Ms. Olympia...

HUGE 25% OFF SALE at - Act Fast! Save on a gazillion products!

Overcoming Emotional Eating

Know your triggers. You have to know which moods send you to
the cookie jar before you can do anything about it. Once you
know your triggers, have a list of alternate things to do when
the mood strikes. "When I get tired or discouraged, I get an
'I don't care attitude,'" says Rebecca. For those times,
taking a walk or reading can help.

Quiz yourself. Determine if you're really hungry or eating for
other reasons. "I'll ask myself 'Do you really need this, or
is it something else, like boredom?' About 80% of the time
it's not hunger," says Geren.

Call a friend. Talking about what's bothering you can keep you
from eating. "I had to be willing to call my support people at
9 o'clock on a Friday night," says Barbara, 46, who's kept off
46 p ounds for more than 15 years.

Challenge the power of food. Ice cream is a poor companion if
you're lonely. "If I eat the whole bag of chocolate chip
cookies, am I going to be any happier? Probably not," says

Take an emotional inventory. Ask yourself: "What do you feel?
anger? resent? fear? regret? What are you upset about?" Then
deal with it, says Barbara. Talk to the person involved, talk
to others, or write a letter -- even if you don't send it.

Editors note: For more information on overcoming unwanted and
negative emotions read the book Dianetics.

Lose Fat, Gain Muscle, Shape Up. Sign up for our Free Weekly Bodybuilding,
Fitness and Health Tips Newsletter, and you will be automatically entered
in our monthly drawing to win Free Bodybuilding Supplements and other great prizes.
Stay informed, stay motivated, win free stuff, join today!

Click Here To Sign Up Free

20 Minute Bodyweight Circuit Workout Routine

There are always going to be times when you are running
a bit late and have to get things done in a hurry...

Grab a quick protein shake...
Send off a quick e-mail...
Have a "quickie" in the morning... LOL
And of course get in a quick workout.

I just posted up a bodyweight upper body circuit
routine on YouTube that will give you a kick A$$
workout in just 20 minutes.

To get early notification of all my latest workout videos
make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel at: