Tuesday, March 24, 2009
How To Make Muscle Gains
This checklist is sub-divided into 3 parts. Working out correctly,
Eating right and resting.
Workout Right
Workout 3-4 times a week (no more than 2 days in a row)
Between :45 and 1:15 in duration
Generally do the larger bodyparts/movements first
Do compound movements before isolation movements
Use barbells, dumbbells, lever/plate loaded machines and cable
machines in appropriate volumes
Don't neglect any bodypart
Priority train - a chain is only as strong as it's weakest link
Cycle your training
Have short term as well as long term specific goals
Generally do 2-6 sets for each bodypart depending on size of muscle
Generally do 6-10 reps each set
Stretch out and warm up major muscles and joints before training
Do warm up sets early in the workout to get blood flowing and
heart going
Use a spotter when required
Use belts, wraps and straps only when required
If you do cardio, do it after your strength training
Eat Right
Eat a high protein diet - approx. .8g/lb
Get all 3 macronutrients in you diet - don't neglect anything
Consume protein every 3 hrs. for 6 meals/day
Never miss a meal
Always consume a high protein, high carb, liquid drink immediately
after a workout
Eat another full meal within 2 hours of the post-workout meal
Eat a high protein meal as close to bed time as possible
Try to have a liquid protein meal first thing in the morning
Drink lots of water
Sleep Right
Get plenty of sleep
Rest/nap throughout the day if needed & possible
Support Your Joints
It's true bodybuilders, powerlifters and others involved
in athletics cause a lot of stress, wear and tear on
their joints.
Each and every workout you do subjects your joints and
tendons to the work load volume of tons of w eight along
with the wear and tear of stretching and contracting over
and over again.
Today millions of people have joint disorders.
Joint supplements can aid in joint and connective tissue
health and repair.
If you have been training hard for years, joint
supplements can really make a big difference.
Even younger trainers should use joint support supplements
to prevent future joint problems.
For more information on joint health go to
Joint Support Supplement
Lose Fat, Gain Muscle, Shape Up. Sign up for our Free Weekly Bodybuilding,
Fitness and Health Tips Newsletter, and you will be automatically entered
in our monthly drawing to win Free Supplements and other great prizes.
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