Anyway, Joel recently sent me a couple videos clips where he goes into detail about some of the major pitfalls of dieting and how you can actually use your favorite high calorie "junk foods" to keep your metabolism high and lose bodyfat faster!
Now before you say that it sounds "too good to be true", there is some merit to this train of thought. If you who have worked with me one-on-one in the past or have read my new book Your First Bodybuilding Competition you know that I utilize a similar strategy by using "carbohydrate cycling" when training for fat loss.
But I have to admit that Joel's approach works better for the regular gym goer who doesn't quite have the dietary discipline of a competitive bodybuilder and would like to "eat their cake & lose the fat too".
When Joel gets all his videos uploaded I'll post the links here on my blog so you can go check them out for yourself.
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