Monday, May 11, 2009
Benefits of Lycium Berry
What Is Lycium Berry?
Lycium berry is a species of boxthorn in the family of Solanaceae,
which also includes eggplant, chili peppers, potatoes and tomatoes.
It is known commercially as goji berry, and the only significant
commercial cultivation is done in China.
Lycium Berry Extract
Lycium berry extract is made from organic lycium berries (goji),
which have been touted to be one of the most nutritionally
complete foods that exists. It contains polysaccharides which
provide numerous benefits to the body.
Lycium Berry Benefits
Lycium berry provides many excellent benefits. Besides being a
powerful antioxidant, the polysaccharide content has numerous
benefits in the body, one of which is helping to regulate the
immune system. These polysaccharides also help to protect the
kidneys and liver from age related stress, and are shown to
improve insulin resistance caused by diabetes.
Lycium berries are loaded with vitamins and minerals, some
of which are powerful antioxidants. This plant extract
provides more vitamin C than oranges and have more
beta-carotene than carrots. They also contain calcium,
magnesium, vitamin E and many B vitamins. Lycium berry also
contains all nine of the essential amino acids, so you can
see the health benefits this little berry provides!
Lycium Berry Weight Loss
Lycium berries are high in calcium which is known to
strengthen bones and help in weight loss, especially around
the tummy. Other ingredients you will find in these "miracle"
berries are magnesium, potassium, selenium and phosphorus,
all of which are essential to support healthy weight loss.
Lycium berries are also high in several nutrients that help
the body convert the foods you eat into energy, instead
of storing them as fat.
Where To Buy Lycium Supplements?
You can purchase a lycium supplement at nearly any health
food store. They can easily be found online as well at
natural health sites.
Many people buy lycium berry supplements for all of the
extraordinary health benefits they provide. Many effective
w eight l oss supplements contain lycium berry extract as
well, because of the extreme health benefits.
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