I have some good news if you are a hardgainer who is
looking to quickly pack on some solid muscular bodyweight!
You see the "Muscle Nerd" Jeff Anderson has taken a
bunch of skinny guy hardgainers and used them as his
real life human lab rats by putting them through a
crazy ecto-experiment for his new "Hardgainer Project X".
If you haven't seen his skinny "human lab rats" before
then go check them out now at:
The gains that these guys have made are very impressive
to say the least, especially considering they all have
crappy genetics for building muscle mass.
And on the "Hardgainer Project X" website Jeff has
promised to not only reveal the AFTER PHOTOS of these
guys, but he is going to share some of the BEST TIPS and
strategies that they used to pack on pounds of solid mass.
In addition to that he's ALSO going to be throwing in
some killer "launch bonuses" for the first few skinny
guys who sign up to take part in this new project X.
So if you have been desperately trying to build a
big, buff, muscular physique with sub-par results,
then you DEFINITELY want to go and check out the new
"Hardgainer Project X" program as soon as it's launched
to see if it's a good fit for you.
I was picking Jeff's brain about it this past weekend
and asked him why this new system has produced such
rapid results for his "human lab rats" when other
muscle building programs have failed miserably for
them in the past???
And he let me in on the secret, I guess you could call
it the X factor...
Jeff said that this program was CUSTOM BUILT for the
SERIOUS "hardgainer" (i.e. the ectomorph body type).
In fact, the skinnier and more challenged a person is
with building muscle, the BETTER they responded to the
So if you consider yourself "overweight", then sorry
but this is NOT what you're looking for.
However, if you are one of those guys who can't seem
to gain a pound no matter how hard you try, no matter
much food you shove down your throat. And then if you
do manage to gain anything it goes right to your
stomach, causing the "skinny fat syndrome"...
Or if you are the type of guy who misses a workout and
it feels like you can literally watch yourself shrink
away to nothing, losing any muscle you have...
Then the "Hardgainer Project X" may be the mass
building solution you've been searching for!
If you want to get a taste right now for how "different"
this program is from the other so called mass building
programs that are out there, then check out the site below:
And while you are there make sure to sign up and
download your Free MP3 audio program
"The Hardgainer Curse And What To Do About It"
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