Don't be a Bench Press Dummy... Always use collars on the barbell.
It takes 3 seconds to put on the collars and that is 3 seconds well spent.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
ABB To Sponsor 2009 NPC Natural Ohio Bodybuilding, Figure & Bikini Championships
ABB is coming on strong at the 2009 NPC Natural Ohio Bodybuilding, Figure & Bikini Championships Saturday, April 4th at the Lakewood Civic Auditorium in Lakewood, Ohio. This official NPC drug-tested event is notable for including the new Bikini Division, which promises to become a favorite with fans new and old to posedown performances.
“As an event sponsor and exhibitor, American BodyBuilding will be actively sampling new Speed Shot Intensity along with our popular Diet Turbo Tea,” said Bob Corbett, Tradeshow & Events Manager for ABB in Aurora. “We’re looking forward to making a big impression at this major all-natural event.”
The Force in the Gym since 1985, American Body Building instituted a number of sports nutrition industry firsts, including developing the original power activator (Blue Thunder) and performance carbohydrate (Carbo Force) drinks. Quality and consistency are assured through in-house product formulation and manufacturing.
Source: prweb
“As an event sponsor and exhibitor, American BodyBuilding will be actively sampling new Speed Shot Intensity along with our popular Diet Turbo Tea,” said Bob Corbett, Tradeshow & Events Manager for ABB in Aurora. “We’re looking forward to making a big impression at this major all-natural event.”
The Force in the Gym since 1985, American Body Building instituted a number of sports nutrition industry firsts, including developing the original power activator (Blue Thunder) and performance carbohydrate (Carbo Force) drinks. Quality and consistency are assured through in-house product formulation and manufacturing.
Source: prweb
NPC Contest Preview
Why do you workout and what is your fitness motivation?
By just being here and reading this article right now you have taken an important step in the right direction towards achieving your fat loss and muscle building goals. We all want to have the perfect body, but as you know most people just "hope" that someday they'll get around to losing the fat and getting in shape. However, you are actually taking action and looking for a solution. So for that I have a lot of respect for you and what you are trying to achieve.
Now with that being said, there is no shortage of "fitness solutions". Heck, a single google search on how to lose fat or how to build muscle will bring up literally millions of results. And here on my Total Fitness Bodybuilding website I share some of my very best "How To" tips with regards to proper weight training, cardio, eating, supplementation, etc. that you'll need to follow in order to transform your physique.
But knowing what to do isn't enough. Let's face it everyone knows "What To Do" to some extent. We all know that we should exercise regularly, that we should eat a healthy diet, that we should drink plenty of water, and all that stuff. But how many people have the fitness motivation to actually do it?
You need to have a big enough reason "Why" you want to be lean, fit, athletic, and muscular in order to have the motivation and determination to do all the "How To" stuff to begin with, and then actually stick to your program over the long term so that you achieve your fitness goals.
Why Do You Want To Burn Bodyfat, Gain Lean Muscle, And Transform Your Body?
Here is an important exercise that you can do RIGHT NOW that will help move you even closer towards achieving the body of your dreams.
Open up a new word processing document on your computer right now and just jot down at least a dozen reasons for why you want to get in your best shape ever. And get real honest with yourself, what are those deep emotional and often irrational selfish reasons that you have for wanting to get in great shape?
Very often the logical and practical ones like: it will improve my health, lower my blood pressure, lower my cholesterol, reduce my risk of heart disease, etc. are not the "hot buttons" that will move you to action. No one really gets excited and passionate about lowering your cholesterol (unless your doctor says it is dangerously high and you are in risk of serious health issues).
But most everyone would get excited about the idea of being able to take your shirt off and feel proud of how your body looks, rather then worrying about a soft flabby gut hanging over your belt.
Imagine having the type of body that commands attention and respect everywhere you go, that causes people to stop and do a double take when you walk by because you are in such good shape. Picture how good it will feel to get the attention from the opposite sex and have them hit on you (rather then the other way around :-). And how cool would it be to be one of the fittest guys in the gym and have people complementing you on how good you look and then asking YOU for training advice?
We all have our own reasons for why we want to get in shape, often times the real motivating ones feel so silly and foolish that we wouldn't even tell anyone about them. But those are the ones that will actually keep you on track, help you stick to your plan and follow through. So take a few minutes right now and think about what those reasons are for you.
Think of all the benefits you'll experience from being lean and ripped. Maybe it is so you can fit into your old clothes again. Or so you can go out and buy new clothes that will highlight your new athletic physique. Or maybe it has nothing to do with the clothes and you just want to look good naked. Imagine how awesome it would feel to get "intimate" with that special someone while sporting a lean muscular body with a trim waist and visible 6-pack abs!
And also think of all the negative things you'll move away from and the embarrassments and frustrations you'll avoid...
Maybe you are fed up with feeling like a fat lazy slob and now you are going to do something about it. Maybe you are sick and tired of being made fun of for being chubby and out of shape. Or on the other side; maybe you've been picked on for being too skinny and were called "Chicken Legs" one too many times and had enough. Maybe it is to avoid feeling self conscious and inadequate compared to the more athletic guys at the gym. Maybe it is your way of getting back at someone and getting your revenge, or to make an ex-girl friend jealous for leaving you (that's one I heard someone mention recently).
Whatever it is, write it down. You don't have to share this with anyone but keep it for yourself and review it on a regular basis. Use the carrot and the stick so that you have every possible motivating factor working to your advantage and pushing you towards achieving the body of your dreams.
Psychologists have proven over and over again that the reason for doing something is much more powerful than how you get the job done. If you have a strong enough reason WHY you want to burn fat, gain muscle, and transform your body then you will find a way to do it. It's as simple as that.
Obviously, you probably already have an idea of what some of the motivating factors are right now. Otherwise you wouldn't even be here and reading this article right now. But take the time to write them down and make them even more clear and specific. Then review this daily, tweak it, and refine it so that you know EXACTLY what you want, and also know what you DON'T want when it comes to achieving your best body ever!
And if you are looking for some killer "How To" information then you should pick up a copy of my Total Fitness Bodybuilding Video Training System. This isn't just anther "workout video", it's a complete system for muscle building success. If you are looking for a straight forward and honest no hype, no BS, no gimmicks type of training program that delivers the FACTS of what you need to do and how to do it when it comes to building muscle, burning bodyfat, and getting in the best shape of your life, then you owe it to yourself to get your copy today at:
Now with that being said, there is no shortage of "fitness solutions". Heck, a single google search on how to lose fat or how to build muscle will bring up literally millions of results. And here on my Total Fitness Bodybuilding website I share some of my very best "How To" tips with regards to proper weight training, cardio, eating, supplementation, etc. that you'll need to follow in order to transform your physique.
But knowing what to do isn't enough. Let's face it everyone knows "What To Do" to some extent. We all know that we should exercise regularly, that we should eat a healthy diet, that we should drink plenty of water, and all that stuff. But how many people have the fitness motivation to actually do it?
You need to have a big enough reason "Why" you want to be lean, fit, athletic, and muscular in order to have the motivation and determination to do all the "How To" stuff to begin with, and then actually stick to your program over the long term so that you achieve your fitness goals.
Why Do You Want To Burn Bodyfat, Gain Lean Muscle, And Transform Your Body?
Here is an important exercise that you can do RIGHT NOW that will help move you even closer towards achieving the body of your dreams.
Open up a new word processing document on your computer right now and just jot down at least a dozen reasons for why you want to get in your best shape ever. And get real honest with yourself, what are those deep emotional and often irrational selfish reasons that you have for wanting to get in great shape?
Very often the logical and practical ones like: it will improve my health, lower my blood pressure, lower my cholesterol, reduce my risk of heart disease, etc. are not the "hot buttons" that will move you to action. No one really gets excited and passionate about lowering your cholesterol (unless your doctor says it is dangerously high and you are in risk of serious health issues).
But most everyone would get excited about the idea of being able to take your shirt off and feel proud of how your body looks, rather then worrying about a soft flabby gut hanging over your belt.
Imagine having the type of body that commands attention and respect everywhere you go, that causes people to stop and do a double take when you walk by because you are in such good shape. Picture how good it will feel to get the attention from the opposite sex and have them hit on you (rather then the other way around :-). And how cool would it be to be one of the fittest guys in the gym and have people complementing you on how good you look and then asking YOU for training advice?
We all have our own reasons for why we want to get in shape, often times the real motivating ones feel so silly and foolish that we wouldn't even tell anyone about them. But those are the ones that will actually keep you on track, help you stick to your plan and follow through. So take a few minutes right now and think about what those reasons are for you.
Think of all the benefits you'll experience from being lean and ripped. Maybe it is so you can fit into your old clothes again. Or so you can go out and buy new clothes that will highlight your new athletic physique. Or maybe it has nothing to do with the clothes and you just want to look good naked. Imagine how awesome it would feel to get "intimate" with that special someone while sporting a lean muscular body with a trim waist and visible 6-pack abs!
And also think of all the negative things you'll move away from and the embarrassments and frustrations you'll avoid...
Maybe you are fed up with feeling like a fat lazy slob and now you are going to do something about it. Maybe you are sick and tired of being made fun of for being chubby and out of shape. Or on the other side; maybe you've been picked on for being too skinny and were called "Chicken Legs" one too many times and had enough. Maybe it is to avoid feeling self conscious and inadequate compared to the more athletic guys at the gym. Maybe it is your way of getting back at someone and getting your revenge, or to make an ex-girl friend jealous for leaving you (that's one I heard someone mention recently).
Whatever it is, write it down. You don't have to share this with anyone but keep it for yourself and review it on a regular basis. Use the carrot and the stick so that you have every possible motivating factor working to your advantage and pushing you towards achieving the body of your dreams.
Psychologists have proven over and over again that the reason for doing something is much more powerful than how you get the job done. If you have a strong enough reason WHY you want to burn fat, gain muscle, and transform your body then you will find a way to do it. It's as simple as that.
Obviously, you probably already have an idea of what some of the motivating factors are right now. Otherwise you wouldn't even be here and reading this article right now. But take the time to write them down and make them even more clear and specific. Then review this daily, tweak it, and refine it so that you know EXACTLY what you want, and also know what you DON'T want when it comes to achieving your best body ever!
And if you are looking for some killer "How To" information then you should pick up a copy of my Total Fitness Bodybuilding Video Training System. This isn't just anther "workout video", it's a complete system for muscle building success. If you are looking for a straight forward and honest no hype, no BS, no gimmicks type of training program that delivers the FACTS of what you need to do and how to do it when it comes to building muscle, burning bodyfat, and getting in the best shape of your life, then you owe it to yourself to get your copy today at:
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Training To Failure
The Rule of One Hundred
By Kevin Welsh
I've looked at many workout routines and many stress "training to
failure". "Training to failure" has always been described as doing
reps until you absolutely cannot get one more. But, how many is that?
I often found myself trying to guess for a particular exercise and
selected weight what number was going to be my "failure" point and I
would always try to get to that number and some how I would be
at "failure" when I hit that number. I bet I could've done more. I've
come up with a theory on how to break the "training to failure" platuea
many of us are probably on.
Recently I have started running. Not just on a treadmill but I entered
and completed my first marathon last year (time of 4:07:01). Not record
pace but not bad for a guy who at 5'8" was weighing in at a solid 225
when I took up running a couple years ago at the age of 30. Anyway, I
am training for another marathon again and during my training runs I
often find myself running as hard as I know I need to run to make it to
the finish. What I'm trying to say is that when you know where the
finish line is you work just hard enough to get there. When I am
running a route that I do not know I realize that my pace is quite
faster than when I run my usual recovery run route and I know all the
mileage markers. This got me thinking when I am "training to failure"
when I am in the gym.
For example, let's do flat chest dumbell presses. I know I can get
about 10 reps at 80lbs. So that number is precoded in my mind when I
am working to failure and I will only work as hard as necessary to
achieve my predetermined (mental) amount. Same as running my five
mile recover run. I know when I have only 1 mile remaining so I kind
of glide in, not really pushing since I know the finish is near.
I have started rethinking my "training to failure". I now start with
a number that I know is unatainable. I call it the "rule of one
hundred". I know I cannot get one hundred reps at 80lbs on flat bench
chest. However, I tell myself that is the number I am going for. I
begin and surprisingly enough I am getting past my 10 reps, more
around 14 now. Hmmm? Let's try that on shoulder, didn't
make one hundred but I can do a few more reps to failure than I
normally do. Let's take this a new route, 5 miles,
don't know the mile markers. Hmmm...might beat the 4 hour mark at
the marathon this year.
Happy training. Yes you can.
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2009 NPC San Diego Bodybuilding Results and Photos
2009 NPC San Diego Bodybuilding
March 21, 2009
San Diego, California
March 21, 2009
San Diego, California
National Qualifier
2009 Overall Winner: Rob Pyfer
Super Heavyweight
1. Ronald Sargeant
2. James Ross
1. Jamie Grote
2. Bradly Castleberry
3. David Whittaker
4. Daniel Rivera
5. Juan Calderon
6. Ryan Dewitt
7. Darrin Flowers
8. Louis Uridel
9. Gabe McClure
10. Johnny Ocampo
Light Heavyweight
1. Rob Pyfer
2. Paulo Bueno
3. Sam Seps
4. Rory Love
5. Dylan Mitchell
6. Brandon Rold
7. Eric Blankership
8. Jay Burkett
1. Craig Jones
2. Rene Rivas Chavez
3. Adam Berkovits
4. John Hill
5. Adam Strachman
6. Dan Schiller
7. AJ Frazier
8. Junie Vicente
9. Michael Maso
10. Alex Collier
11. Nathan Basso
12. Philippe Freed
13. Stevan Shobert
14. Kyle Veltri
15. Daniel Araiza
1. Enrique Ortiz
2. Eric Rapoza
3. Ryan Johnson
4. Eddie Diaz
1. Tyler Anderson
2. Beau Garner
3. Eugene Neal
4. Daniel Garcia
5. Robert Fain
6. Brian Redfield
7. J.R. McCumber
2009 Novice Overall Winner: Ronald Sargeant
Novice Heavyweight
1. Ronald Sargeant
2. Alex Fuller
3. Daniel Rivera
4. Sam Seps
5. Darrin Flowers
6. Waymond Fermon
7. Louis Uridel
8. Brandon Rold
9. Gabe McClure
10. John Blaze
11. Kenneth Harrison
12. Jose Dominicis
13. Carey Ross
14. Johnny Ocampo
Novice Middleweight
1. Paulo Bueno
2. Junie Vicente
3. Anthony Pomponio
4. Rory Love
5. Michael Maso
6. JR Newman
7. Dylan Mitchell
8. Alex Collier
9. Daniel Araiza
Novice Lightweight
1. Ryan Johnson
2. John Hill
3. Tyler Anderson
4. Beau Garner
5. Eddie Diaz
6. Daniel Chumra
7. LaGarian Smith
8. Sairgon Ibrahim
9. Brian Redfield
10. Joey Giberson
11. Dani Younan
12. Benjamin Serrtuche
13. J.R. McCumber
1. Ronald Sargeant
2. Juan Calderon
3. Enrique Ortiz
4. John Hill
5. Dan Schiller
6. Rory Love
7. Jose Dominicis
8. Ron Mason
9. Rodney Jacobs
10. Philippe Freed
11. Jay Burkett
12. Shon Buzzard
1. Robert Sherman
2. Mike Douglass
3. David Van Til
4. Tom Nista
5. Scott Fuqua
6. Jerry Moylan
7. Jay Burkett
8. James Ross
1. Randy Criner
2. David Van Til
For Contest Photos Go Here:
2009 NPC San Diego Bodybuilding Results and Photos
CONFUSED by all those SUPPLEMENT INGREDIENTS? Get your Free Supps eBook at Start decoding them now!

Photo Credit: Bill Comstock
2009 Overall Winner: Rob Pyfer

Super Heavyweight
1. Ronald Sargeant
2. James Ross
1. Jamie Grote
2. Bradly Castleberry
3. David Whittaker
4. Daniel Rivera
5. Juan Calderon
6. Ryan Dewitt
7. Darrin Flowers
8. Louis Uridel
9. Gabe McClure
10. Johnny Ocampo
Light Heavyweight
1. Rob Pyfer
2. Paulo Bueno
3. Sam Seps
4. Rory Love
5. Dylan Mitchell
6. Brandon Rold
7. Eric Blankership
8. Jay Burkett
1. Craig Jones
2. Rene Rivas Chavez
3. Adam Berkovits
4. John Hill
5. Adam Strachman
6. Dan Schiller
7. AJ Frazier
8. Junie Vicente
9. Michael Maso
10. Alex Collier
11. Nathan Basso
12. Philippe Freed
13. Stevan Shobert
14. Kyle Veltri
15. Daniel Araiza
1. Enrique Ortiz
2. Eric Rapoza
3. Ryan Johnson
4. Eddie Diaz
1. Tyler Anderson
2. Beau Garner
3. Eugene Neal
4. Daniel Garcia
5. Robert Fain
6. Brian Redfield
7. J.R. McCumber
2009 Novice Overall Winner: Ronald Sargeant
Novice Heavyweight
1. Ronald Sargeant
2. Alex Fuller
3. Daniel Rivera
4. Sam Seps
5. Darrin Flowers
6. Waymond Fermon
7. Louis Uridel
8. Brandon Rold
9. Gabe McClure
10. John Blaze
11. Kenneth Harrison
12. Jose Dominicis
13. Carey Ross
14. Johnny Ocampo
Novice Middleweight
1. Paulo Bueno
2. Junie Vicente
3. Anthony Pomponio
4. Rory Love
5. Michael Maso
6. JR Newman
7. Dylan Mitchell
8. Alex Collier
9. Daniel Araiza
Novice Lightweight
1. Ryan Johnson
2. John Hill
3. Tyler Anderson
4. Beau Garner
5. Eddie Diaz
6. Daniel Chumra
7. LaGarian Smith
8. Sairgon Ibrahim
9. Brian Redfield
10. Joey Giberson
11. Dani Younan
12. Benjamin Serrtuche
13. J.R. McCumber
1. Ronald Sargeant
2. Juan Calderon
3. Enrique Ortiz
4. John Hill
5. Dan Schiller
6. Rory Love
7. Jose Dominicis
8. Ron Mason
9. Rodney Jacobs
10. Philippe Freed
11. Jay Burkett
12. Shon Buzzard
1. Robert Sherman
2. Mike Douglass
3. David Van Til
4. Tom Nista
5. Scott Fuqua
6. Jerry Moylan
7. Jay Burkett
8. James Ross
1. Randy Criner
2. David Van Til
For Contest Photos Go Here:
2009 NPC San Diego Bodybuilding Results and Photos
CONFUSED by all those SUPPLEMENT INGREDIENTS? Get your Free Supps eBook at Start decoding them now!
Photo Credit: Bill Comstock
Men's Bodybuilding
NPC Bodybuilding
NPC Contest Results
2009 NPC Wheelchair Nationals Bodybuilding Results and Photos
2009 NPC Wheelchair Nationals Bodybuilding
March 21, 2009
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
2009 Overall Champion: Jason Greer
1. Nick Scott
2. Ken Ray
Light Heavyweight
1. Johnny Quinn
2. Jack McCann
1. Jason Greer
2. Colt Wynn
3. Adelfo Cerame
1. James McCarry
2. Patrick Lahseralde
Masters 40+
1. Jack McCann
2. John McClay
Womens Bodybuilding
1. Fallon Turner
For Contest Photos Go Here:
2009 NPC Wheelchair Nationals Bodybuilding Photos
101 Ways to motivate yourself and get in shape. Number 43 may surprise you. Read all 101 NOW at!

Photo Credit: Ian C Ware
March 21, 2009
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
2009 Overall Champion: Jason Greer

1. Nick Scott
2. Ken Ray
Light Heavyweight
1. Johnny Quinn
2. Jack McCann
1. Jason Greer
2. Colt Wynn
3. Adelfo Cerame
1. James McCarry
2. Patrick Lahseralde
Masters 40+
1. Jack McCann
2. John McClay
Womens Bodybuilding
1. Fallon Turner
For Contest Photos Go Here:
2009 NPC Wheelchair Nationals Bodybuilding Photos
101 Ways to motivate yourself and get in shape. Number 43 may surprise you. Read all 101 NOW at!
Photo Credit: Ian C Ware
2009 NPC Sunshine Classic Fitness and Bikini Results and Photos
2009 NPC Sunshine Classic Fitness and Bikini
March 29, 2009
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
March 29, 2009
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
National Qualifier
Fitness Short Class
1. Judy Del-Amor Fitness
1. Jamie Kirkham
2009 Bikini Overall Champion: Jennifer Snider
Bikini Short Class
1. Jennifer Snider
2. Rachel Erringer
Bikini Tall Class
1. Vanessa Pinto
2. Christy VanNess
3. Shellie Andrew
4. Chelsea H
5. Stephanie Ankner
For Contest Photos Go Here:
2009 NPC Sunshine Classic Fitness and Bikini Results and Photos
See the Specials of the Week at!
Photo Credit: Ian C Ware
Fitness Short Class
1. Judy Del-Amor Fitness
1. Jamie Kirkham
2009 Bikini Overall Champion: Jennifer Snider

Bikini Short Class
1. Jennifer Snider
2. Rachel Erringer
Bikini Tall Class
1. Vanessa Pinto
2. Christy VanNess
3. Shellie Andrew
4. Chelsea H
5. Stephanie Ankner
For Contest Photos Go Here:
2009 NPC Sunshine Classic Fitness and Bikini Results and Photos
See the Specials of the Week at!
Photo Credit: Ian C Ware
NPC Bikini
NPC Contest Results
NPC Figure
2009 NPC Sunshine Classic Figure Results and Photos
2009 NPC Sunshine Classic Figure
March 21, 2009
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
March 21, 2009
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
1. Carol Medina
2. Tammy Ossa
3. Heidi Eckstein
4. Alicia Meza
5. Annelise Perez
6. Mimi OConnell
Class B
1. Ivonne Costa
2. Nancy Tremblay
3. Kati Williams
4. Tracey Vanella
5. Jaime Pierce
6. Ashley Taylor
7. Maja Hlebec
Class C
1. Maria Lewis
2. Tanje Janssen
3. Lorraine Haddad
4. Sury Nieves
5. Jena Robertson
6. Jackie Spinazola
7. Nicki Williams
Class D
1. Megan Aran
2. Tibisay Robles
3. Iloiko McShea
4. Ashley Cass
5. Britanie Brooks
Masters 30+
1. Alicia Meza
2. Kati Williams
3. Teri Zambrano
4. Sury Nieves
5. Ashley Taylor
6. Maja Hlebec Masters
1. Tracey Vanella
2. Britanie Brooks
3. Annelise Perez
4. Amy Kaplan
Masters 50+
1. Mimi OConnell
2. Deborah Keas
Novice Short
1. Maria Lopez
2. Teri Zambrano
3. Tanje Janssen
4. Jena Robertson
5. Amy Kaplan
For Contest Photos Go Here:
Photo Credit: Ian C Ware
NPC Contest Results
NPC Figure
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Do squats hurt your shoulders?
If you have been involved with the iron game for any length of time then you probably know that good old fashion barbell squats are one of the best overall muscle building exercises you can do.
Not only do squats target the legs, but they also provide muscle stimulation all through the hips, glutes, abs, obliques, lower back, spinal erectors, traps, shoulders, and even to a smaller degree the chest, lats, and arms.
Now even though squats are a "super exercise" they are one of the most challenging and uncomfortable exercises to perform. Part of the reason is that there is a big learning curve when it comes to getting the proper form, coordination, and confidence to perform a proper squat.
One of the big hurdles that holds most beginners and intermediate lifters back from progressing faster in the squat is that the bar digs into the back of their shoulders causing pain and discomfort.
Can you relate to this? Have you felt the pain in your upper back from squatting and then wrapped a foam pad or towel around the bar to try and make it easier on the shoulders? If you have then chances are it didn't provide as much padding as you thought it would, and most likely it threw off your squatting form even more as the padding often causes the bar to slide down your back.
So how do we over come this painful squatting dilemma?
You toughen up your back so you can comfortably handle the bare bar on your back with the help of Hise Shrugs...
The Hise Shrug was invented by Joseph Curtis Hise, who also happened to invent the 20 rep squat routine (aka: Squats & Milk Program) back in the 1930's.
Chances are you have never heard of Hise Shrugs before even though it is an awesome movement for building up the traps, upper back, and all the muscles of the shoulder complex.

You do this exercise by shouldering a barbell, just like you were going to do a set of squats (skip the padding and just use the bare bar). Keep your legs straight during the entire exercise. Simply shrug or hunch your shoulders up. You will feel your traps contract hard, hold this position for a second. Then relax your shoulders back down, then repeat.
Do this exercise 2 times per week for 4 sets of 10-15 reps. You can do it as part of a back or shoulder workout, as these are the muscles that come into play.
Within a few weeks you should be able to handle just as much weight as you can squat. Granted this exercise will feel a bit uncomfortable at first, but it's a lot easier then squatting because you just have to worry about shrugging the bar.
After about month of doing Hise Shrugs in a progressive overload fashion you'll be able to do regular barbell squats with the bare bar across your back and experience no pain.
It's a small investment in time and effort for a huge pay off in muscle building results. Give it a try in your workouts and leave me a comment below to let me know how it works for you.
If you would like to learn about more unique muscle building exercises then get a copy of my Total Fitness Bodybuilding DVD. In this 3 disc set I cover over 100 muscle building exercises that will help you take your overall muscular development to a whole new level.
Not only do squats target the legs, but they also provide muscle stimulation all through the hips, glutes, abs, obliques, lower back, spinal erectors, traps, shoulders, and even to a smaller degree the chest, lats, and arms.
Now even though squats are a "super exercise" they are one of the most challenging and uncomfortable exercises to perform. Part of the reason is that there is a big learning curve when it comes to getting the proper form, coordination, and confidence to perform a proper squat.
One of the big hurdles that holds most beginners and intermediate lifters back from progressing faster in the squat is that the bar digs into the back of their shoulders causing pain and discomfort.
Can you relate to this? Have you felt the pain in your upper back from squatting and then wrapped a foam pad or towel around the bar to try and make it easier on the shoulders? If you have then chances are it didn't provide as much padding as you thought it would, and most likely it threw off your squatting form even more as the padding often causes the bar to slide down your back.
So how do we over come this painful squatting dilemma?
You toughen up your back so you can comfortably handle the bare bar on your back with the help of Hise Shrugs...
The Hise Shrug was invented by Joseph Curtis Hise, who also happened to invent the 20 rep squat routine (aka: Squats & Milk Program) back in the 1930's.
Chances are you have never heard of Hise Shrugs before even though it is an awesome movement for building up the traps, upper back, and all the muscles of the shoulder complex.

You do this exercise by shouldering a barbell, just like you were going to do a set of squats (skip the padding and just use the bare bar). Keep your legs straight during the entire exercise. Simply shrug or hunch your shoulders up. You will feel your traps contract hard, hold this position for a second. Then relax your shoulders back down, then repeat.
Do this exercise 2 times per week for 4 sets of 10-15 reps. You can do it as part of a back or shoulder workout, as these are the muscles that come into play.
Within a few weeks you should be able to handle just as much weight as you can squat. Granted this exercise will feel a bit uncomfortable at first, but it's a lot easier then squatting because you just have to worry about shrugging the bar.
After about month of doing Hise Shrugs in a progressive overload fashion you'll be able to do regular barbell squats with the bare bar across your back and experience no pain.
It's a small investment in time and effort for a huge pay off in muscle building results. Give it a try in your workouts and leave me a comment below to let me know how it works for you.
If you would like to learn about more unique muscle building exercises then get a copy of my Total Fitness Bodybuilding DVD. In this 3 disc set I cover over 100 muscle building exercises that will help you take your overall muscular development to a whole new level.
2009 NPC Sunshine Classic Women's Bodybuilding Results and Photos

March 21, 2009
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
National Qualifier
2009 Overall Champion: Janis Garrido
1. Janis Garrido
2. Susan Jeck
Light Heavyweight
1. Heather Mirden
1. Suki Patterson
Masters 40+
1. Susan Jeck
For Contest Photos Go Here:
2009 NPC Sunshine Classic Women's Bodybuilding Photos
101 Ways to motivate yourself and get in shape. Number 43 may surprise you. Read all 101 NOW at!

Photo Credit: Ian C Ware
2009 Overall Champion: Janis Garrido
1. Janis Garrido
2. Susan Jeck
Light Heavyweight
1. Heather Mirden
1. Suki Patterson
Masters 40+
1. Susan Jeck
For Contest Photos Go Here:
2009 NPC Sunshine Classic Women's Bodybuilding Photos
101 Ways to motivate yourself and get in shape. Number 43 may surprise you. Read all 101 NOW at!
Photo Credit: Ian C Ware
female bodybuilding
NPC Bodybuilding
NPC Contest Results
2009 NPC Sunshine Classic Men's Bodybuilding Results and Photos
2009 NPC Sunshine Classic Men's Bodybuilding's TOP 50 selling products!

March 21, 2009
William T. Dwyer High School Auditorium
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
National Qualifier
Super Heavyweight
1. Jarred Griek
2. Raul Magallenas
3. Jody Williams
1. Inaci Maryarro
2. Ben Asmann
3. Brian Lasalle
4. Shane Tradeauyes
Light Heavyweight
1. Raul Martinez
2. Ricky Gonzalez
3. Michael Gonzalez
4. Julio Hernandez
5. Carlos Ramirez
1. Miguel Senior
2. Roger Ferrer
3. Jonathan Fernandez
4. Keith Napolitan
5. Humberto Avila
1. Chris Weis
Masters 35+
1. Michael Gonzalez
2. Jody Williams
Masters 40+
1. Keith Napolitan
2. Raul Magallenas
3. Leo Baillargeon
Masters 60+
1. Mario Wuszezyna
2. Bill Long
For Contest Photos Go Here:'s TOP 50 selling products!
Photo Credit: Ian Ware
Men's Bodybuilding
NPC Bodybuilding
NPC Contest Results
Friday, March 27, 2009
ON Supports NPC Mid-Illinois Bodybuilding & Figure Championship
The 2009 NPC Mid-Illinois Bodybuilding & Figure Championship will be held April 4th at Ottawa High School in Ottawa, Illinois. Now in its 19th year, the show promises to be an event to remember with over 100 contestants and a very special appearance by 8-time Mr. Olympia, Ronnie Coleman, who will guest pose for a crowd estimated to top 1000.
“Over the years, the NPC Mid-Illinois Bodybuilding & Figure Championship has grown into the nation’s largest novice competition,” said Bob Corbett, Tradeshow & Events Manager for Optimum Nutrition (ON) in Aurora. “Optimum Nutrition is proud to be a sponsor of this show and participate as an exhibitor at this very popular event.”
The ON Team will be giving show attendees one more experience to savor when they begin handing out free samples of NitroCore 24, an incredibly versatile and delicious protein blend from 10 unique sources, as well as Natural 100% Oats % Whey, the industry’s first smooth drinkable oatmeal protein shake. Sampling will commence as soon as the venue doors open and continue until supplies run out.
Recognized for leadership and innovation, Optimum Nutrition offers a full range of products in every category. Unique among companies in the sports nutrition industry, ON established an in-house product development laboratory and built stat-of-the art manufacturing facilities to maintain hands-on control and assure consistent quality throughout its diverse product line.
“Over the years, the NPC Mid-Illinois Bodybuilding & Figure Championship has grown into the nation’s largest novice competition,” said Bob Corbett, Tradeshow & Events Manager for Optimum Nutrition (ON) in Aurora. “Optimum Nutrition is proud to be a sponsor of this show and participate as an exhibitor at this very popular event.”
The ON Team will be giving show attendees one more experience to savor when they begin handing out free samples of NitroCore 24, an incredibly versatile and delicious protein blend from 10 unique sources, as well as Natural 100% Oats % Whey, the industry’s first smooth drinkable oatmeal protein shake. Sampling will commence as soon as the venue doors open and continue until supplies run out.
Recognized for leadership and innovation, Optimum Nutrition offers a full range of products in every category. Unique among companies in the sports nutrition industry, ON established an in-house product development laboratory and built stat-of-the art manufacturing facilities to maintain hands-on control and assure consistent quality throughout its diverse product line.
Industry News
NPC Contest Preview
Nice Workout
For some reason unknown to me this video is titled "nice workout."
To me it's actually somewhat strange. She's outside on a windy day in front of what looks like a public restroom at the beach. Her suit won't stay in place. She's using a tiny green plastic weight. And she keeps pointing with her index finger.
Besides that, I think its a great video! :)
To me it's actually somewhat strange. She's outside on a windy day in front of what looks like a public restroom at the beach. Her suit won't stay in place. She's using a tiny green plastic weight. And she keeps pointing with her index finger.
Besides that, I think its a great video! :)
female bodybuilding
IFBB Figure Pro Kim Becker Armwrestling
My guess is that this guy never stood a chance as he was obviously very distracted by IFBB Figure Pro (retired unfortunately) Kim Becker and her some smokin' guns!
IFBB Figure
NPC Bodybuilder Kim Kilper Armwrestling
I hope NPC Bodybuilder Kim Kilper decides to compete again, she has some amazing arms...
female bodybuilding
Total Fitness Bodybuilding Video Blog...
I just picked up a flip video camera and this is my initial test run video with it and I'm quite surprised with the overall video quality for such a small camera. I'm going to be using this camera to help me create even more workout and nutrition video clips along with a Total Fitness Bodybuilding DVD of the month program. This will provide you with more in depth training and nutrition information, motivation, along with practical tips that you can use day to day to make it easier to stick to a healthy bodybuilding lifestyle and build the lean muscular body that you truly want.
Jamie Eason
Who doesn't like Jamie Eason?
She's very popular on the internet, and she seems to be a very nice young lady, who actually goes into forums and posts.
To get into the incredible shape you see here, Jamie used a personal trainer and nutritionist.
It looks like it really paid off.
I can't really find much on her in the way of contest history....
Maybe someone out there can tell us where she has competed.
Besides being a fitness model, she is a computer software consultant.
Jamie has been on the cover of Oxygen Magazine twice.
Her website isn't up yet, but until then, you can visit Jamie at her MySpace page:
female fitness model
fitness magazine
fitness model
fitness training
Jamie Eason
personal trainer
physical fitness
women's fitness
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Does eating frequent meals increase metabolism?
A lot of diet and nutrition experts recommend eating several smaller meals per day rather than eating the typical 3 square meals per day. The thinking behind this is that frequent feedings will help speed up the metabolism and burn more calories from the energy used to digest the food.
But does this really work in the real world?
There was a study done by Drs. M A Taylor and J S Garrow from King's College London UK (Int. J. Obesity 25: 519-528, 2001) that measured the energy expenditure from eating 6 meals per day vs. 2 meals per day. The test subjects ate the same number of total calories, but the first group ate that food in 6 small meals and the second group ate the same amount of food in 2 big meals.
The results of the study showed that there was No Difference in the energy expenditure from eating 6 meals per day or 2 meals per day. This goes to show that the key to losing weight (or gaining it) is the total caloric intake and not the meal frequency.
Now with that being said there is still some benefits to dividing up your food intake up over the course of the day because it is easier to digest and generally more comfortable on the stomach to eat lighter more frequent meals.
However, when it comes to sticking with a serious fat loss diet, one trick that I've used personally and have shared with several of my personal coaching students with great results, is once you are following a structured fat loss eating plan and you want to further reduce your caloric intake to create an even greater caloric deficit. Rather then cutting back on your portion sizes and eating smaller meals to the point where you have to eat a few bites of food and then leave the table hungry. Keep the meal size the same and just eat fewer meals.
When I start a pre-contest fat loss diet I'll begin with 6 meals per day, then cut back to 5 meals, then 4 meals, and for the last few weeks before a show I'll even drop down to just 3 meals per day. The meal size stays consistent and this allows me to leave the table comfortably full, but I'm creating a caloric deficit simply by eating fewer meals and less food over the course of the day.
This is one of the tricks I used to shed over 40 pounds of ugly bodyfat and get contest ripped in just the matter of months as you can see in the pics below:

If you'd like to get more advanced fat loss diet strategies then you should pick up a copy of my new book "Your First Bodybuilding Competition" this is a complete fat loss training guide that is designed to help bodybuilders and figure competitors get super lean and ripped in record time.
Check it out for yourself at:
But does this really work in the real world?
There was a study done by Drs. M A Taylor and J S Garrow from King's College London UK (Int. J. Obesity 25: 519-528, 2001) that measured the energy expenditure from eating 6 meals per day vs. 2 meals per day. The test subjects ate the same number of total calories, but the first group ate that food in 6 small meals and the second group ate the same amount of food in 2 big meals.
The results of the study showed that there was No Difference in the energy expenditure from eating 6 meals per day or 2 meals per day. This goes to show that the key to losing weight (or gaining it) is the total caloric intake and not the meal frequency.
Now with that being said there is still some benefits to dividing up your food intake up over the course of the day because it is easier to digest and generally more comfortable on the stomach to eat lighter more frequent meals.
However, when it comes to sticking with a serious fat loss diet, one trick that I've used personally and have shared with several of my personal coaching students with great results, is once you are following a structured fat loss eating plan and you want to further reduce your caloric intake to create an even greater caloric deficit. Rather then cutting back on your portion sizes and eating smaller meals to the point where you have to eat a few bites of food and then leave the table hungry. Keep the meal size the same and just eat fewer meals.
When I start a pre-contest fat loss diet I'll begin with 6 meals per day, then cut back to 5 meals, then 4 meals, and for the last few weeks before a show I'll even drop down to just 3 meals per day. The meal size stays consistent and this allows me to leave the table comfortably full, but I'm creating a caloric deficit simply by eating fewer meals and less food over the course of the day.
This is one of the tricks I used to shed over 40 pounds of ugly bodyfat and get contest ripped in just the matter of months as you can see in the pics below:

If you'd like to get more advanced fat loss diet strategies then you should pick up a copy of my new book "Your First Bodybuilding Competition" this is a complete fat loss training guide that is designed to help bodybuilders and figure competitors get super lean and ripped in record time.
Check it out for yourself at:
Widow of World's Strongest Man Keeps Up With Training

On June 10, 2007, Callie gave birth to their daughter, Jessica Joy.
Six weeks later, Jesse suffered a massive heart attack during a workout and died. He was 27, the victim of a genetic heart defect.
Today, Callie Marunde, a fitness-contest competitor since long before she met Jesse, must draw on another kind of strength, to move through life without her mate.
Jesse has been gone for almost two years -- yet he's here, Marunde said, in his extended family members, in photographs and letters, and most of all as a force of inspiration.
"After losing Jesse, my whole life is a struggle: Everything I do, from getting out of bed in the morning to making the right nutrition choices to creating a healthy environment for my child," Marunde said on a recent afternoon at her home just outside Sequim.
"Nothing is different," she added, "except his physical absence. My standard of excellence in parenting, in personal relationships, personal goals -- nothing has changed."
Marunde and J.J. are a blond, blue-eyed, fit pair who, on their daily walks, could stop traffic. To a stranger, they look as carefree as any mom and toddler.
But Marunde, at 29, has a steely determination behind her fitness-competition smile.
Marunde has been competing in fitness and figure contests for nine years now, and has no plans to back off. Instead, she has made it her mission to set an example of healthful living, for her daughter, for the women who come to her for personal training and for other single mothers.
Children are faced with temptation every waking hour: candy, fatty fast food, television and computer screens that immobilize the body.
"It's probably even harder for adults," Marunde said, "with all that money that is spent to trick people into buying things."
"That's the hardest thing for me as a trainer, making my clients realize all of the fallacies" inherent in marketing and advertising of packaged foods."
"I'm a big fan of whole foods. If you can pick it, if you can grow it, you should eat it," Marunde said, adding that she and J.J. live on fresh produce, whole grains and lean meat and fish.
"You only have one body," she's fond of saying.
Marunde also believes in moderation, not deprivation.
Her advice for her personal-training clients and anyone who wants to be in good shape: "Eat."
And when it comes to lifting weights, "a little bit goes a long way," to prevent osteoporosis and sculpt Michelle Obama-esque arms.
On Saturday, she will compete in the Natural Bodybuilding Championships in Vancouver, Wash., and then in the Emerald Cup, another competition in Bellevue.
Also competing were two of her clients, Laurie Joslin and Leticia Swanson, both of Sequim.
Marunde said a key to feeling fine as she steps before the judges, wearing only muscles and a bikini: Don't "cheat" on a meal by slipping yourself a little sweet treat, and don't miss a meal.
For the past seven months, Marunde has also served as a personal trainer to staff and volunteers at the Boys & Girls Club in Sequim.
Read The Full Story Here:'s TOP 50 selling products!
Industry News
2009 IFBB Europa Show of Champions Men's Bodybuilding Competitors List
2009 IFBB Europa Show of Champions Men's Bodybuilding
April 17th and 18th, 2009
Orlando, Florida
Competitors List *:
George Farrah
Andy Haman
Jonathan Rowe
Nathan Worlsey
Francisco Bautista
Raul Carrasco
Darrem Charles
* Final Date to Submit Application is April 13th, 2009
See the Specials of the Week at!
April 17th and 18th, 2009
Orlando, Florida
Competitors List *:
George Farrah
Andy Haman
Jonathan Rowe
Nathan Worlsey
Francisco Bautista
Raul Carrasco
Darrem Charles
* Final Date to Submit Application is April 13th, 2009
See the Specials of the Week at!
IFBB Bodybuilding
IFBB Contest Previews
Men's Bodybuilding
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
2009 IFBB Arnold Amateur Figure Championships Results and Photos
2009 IFBB Arnold Amateur Figure Championships
March 5-7, 2009
Columbus, Ohio
March 5-7, 2009
Columbus, Ohio
National Qualifier
2009 Overall Champion: Jayme Galloway
A Class
1) Nicole Coleman, US
2) Juana Guadalupe Esparza Guerra, MX
3) Gloria Keplinger, US
4) Sara Schumann, US
5) Lindsey Bundy, US
6) Tina Francis, US
7) Kelli Ann Correa, US
8) Joni Starkey, US
B Class
1) Jayme Galloway, CA
2) Rachel Delmotte, US
3) Christina Rieder, US
4) Claudia Sofronia, US
5) Stephanie Martini, US
6) Heather Misra, US
7) Tracy Grogg, US
8) Jennifer Kaye, CA
9) Christine Lanois, CA
10)Giada Simari, IT
11) Jill Vadala, US
12) Romina Laura Lameiro, AR
13) Agata Radziwoniuk, PL
14) Shelley Oplotnik, US
15) Lorna Cavin, US
16) Jennifer Wilson, US
C Class
1) Shonda Lewis, US
2) Nina Cash, US
3) Nancy Tremblay, US
4) Ivonne Acosta, US
5) Stacey Walker, AU
6) Sara Swanson, US
7) Rachel Vienneau-Leblanc, CA
8) Terri Sileno, US
9) Michelle Yatsuk, US
10) Orah Bigio, CA
11) Elsa Patricia Giraldo Castro, MX
12) Anita Kus-Roberts, CA
13) Aleisha Hart, CA
14) Essie Numminen, US
15) Claudia Olvera, US
16) Lauren Arnold, CA
17) Nikki Christides, US
18) Patricia Felicita Gomez Chumpitaz, PE
19) Nina Loos, NL
20) Olivia McGuire, CA
21) Paula Adriana Frega Peredo, AR
22) Laura Richards, US
23) Jennifer Robinson, US
24) Jessica Sheppard, US
D Class
1) Laura Lee Pine, US
2) Heather Grace, US
3) Teresa Brant, US
4) Laura Bailey, US
5) Kathleen Lamberson, US
6) Amanda Schenk-Darce, US
7) Amy Boeckmann, US
8) Lauri Faraschuk, US
9) Katerina Tarbox, US
10) Erin Coleman, US
11) Ester Parisi, IT
12) Elizabeth Karlin, US
13) Alice Simmons, US
14) Debbie Schmitmeyer, US
15) Monica Varrasso, US
16) Marilyn Merino, PE
17) Rachel Omolewu, US
18) Viviana Alejandra Casarubbia, AR
19) Debbie Cox, US
20) Kristina Dybdahl, DK
21) Tina Ellison, US
22) Lee Anne Graham, US
23) Kathy Marcos, US
24) Gloria Mohninger, CA
25) Stacey Widger, US
E Class
1) Lea-Ann Ellison, US
2) Dannie Allison Hogan, US
3) Jocelyn Langton, US
4) Marie-Christine Deblock, FR
5) Wendy Bogard, US
6) Allison Moyer, US
7) Shelly Yakimchuk, CA
8) Gina Wilson
9) Angela Myers, US
10) Tibisay Robles, US
11) Ginette Delhaes, CA
12) Katy Unruh, CA
13) Mirian Sanchez, ES
F Class
1) Lori Mork, CA
2) Kimberly Lairet, US
3) Stephanie Billings, US
4) Sheri Fisher, CA
5) Andrea Lyons, US
6) Amanda Moran, US
7) Andrea Ternes, US
8) Viveca Williams, US
9) Tiffany Vik, CA
10) Marie-Pierre Ripert, FR
11) Jennifer Peckham, US
12) Marina Richardson, SE
13) Yulia Zabelina, RU
For Contest Photos Go Here:
2009 IFBB Arnold Amateur Figure Championships Results and Photos
101 Ways to motivate yourself and get in shape. Number 43 may surprise you. Read all 101 NOW at!
Photo Credit: Gene X Hwang

2009 Overall Champion: Jayme Galloway

A Class
1) Nicole Coleman, US
2) Juana Guadalupe Esparza Guerra, MX
3) Gloria Keplinger, US
4) Sara Schumann, US
5) Lindsey Bundy, US
6) Tina Francis, US
7) Kelli Ann Correa, US
8) Joni Starkey, US
B Class
1) Jayme Galloway, CA
2) Rachel Delmotte, US
3) Christina Rieder, US
4) Claudia Sofronia, US
5) Stephanie Martini, US
6) Heather Misra, US
7) Tracy Grogg, US
8) Jennifer Kaye, CA
9) Christine Lanois, CA
10)Giada Simari, IT
11) Jill Vadala, US
12) Romina Laura Lameiro, AR
13) Agata Radziwoniuk, PL
14) Shelley Oplotnik, US
15) Lorna Cavin, US
16) Jennifer Wilson, US
C Class
1) Shonda Lewis, US
2) Nina Cash, US
3) Nancy Tremblay, US
4) Ivonne Acosta, US
5) Stacey Walker, AU
6) Sara Swanson, US
7) Rachel Vienneau-Leblanc, CA
8) Terri Sileno, US
9) Michelle Yatsuk, US
10) Orah Bigio, CA
11) Elsa Patricia Giraldo Castro, MX
12) Anita Kus-Roberts, CA
13) Aleisha Hart, CA
14) Essie Numminen, US
15) Claudia Olvera, US
16) Lauren Arnold, CA
17) Nikki Christides, US
18) Patricia Felicita Gomez Chumpitaz, PE
19) Nina Loos, NL
20) Olivia McGuire, CA
21) Paula Adriana Frega Peredo, AR
22) Laura Richards, US
23) Jennifer Robinson, US
24) Jessica Sheppard, US
D Class
1) Laura Lee Pine, US
2) Heather Grace, US
3) Teresa Brant, US
4) Laura Bailey, US
5) Kathleen Lamberson, US
6) Amanda Schenk-Darce, US
7) Amy Boeckmann, US
8) Lauri Faraschuk, US
9) Katerina Tarbox, US
10) Erin Coleman, US
11) Ester Parisi, IT
12) Elizabeth Karlin, US
13) Alice Simmons, US
14) Debbie Schmitmeyer, US
15) Monica Varrasso, US
16) Marilyn Merino, PE
17) Rachel Omolewu, US
18) Viviana Alejandra Casarubbia, AR
19) Debbie Cox, US
20) Kristina Dybdahl, DK
21) Tina Ellison, US
22) Lee Anne Graham, US
23) Kathy Marcos, US
24) Gloria Mohninger, CA
25) Stacey Widger, US
E Class
1) Lea-Ann Ellison, US
2) Dannie Allison Hogan, US
3) Jocelyn Langton, US
4) Marie-Christine Deblock, FR
5) Wendy Bogard, US
6) Allison Moyer, US
7) Shelly Yakimchuk, CA
8) Gina Wilson
9) Angela Myers, US
10) Tibisay Robles, US
11) Ginette Delhaes, CA
12) Katy Unruh, CA
13) Mirian Sanchez, ES
F Class
1) Lori Mork, CA
2) Kimberly Lairet, US
3) Stephanie Billings, US
4) Sheri Fisher, CA
5) Andrea Lyons, US
6) Amanda Moran, US
7) Andrea Ternes, US
8) Viveca Williams, US
9) Tiffany Vik, CA
10) Marie-Pierre Ripert, FR
11) Jennifer Peckham, US
12) Marina Richardson, SE
13) Yulia Zabelina, RU
For Contest Photos Go Here:
2009 IFBB Arnold Amateur Figure Championships Results and Photos
101 Ways to motivate yourself and get in shape. Number 43 may surprise you. Read all 101 NOW at!
Photo Credit: Gene X Hwang
IFBB Contest Results
IFBB Figure
2009 IFBB Arnold Amateur Bikini Championships Results and Photos
2009 IFBB Arnold Amateur Bikini Championships
Do you know how much PROTEIN you Need? Find out with our Free Protein Calculator at!

March 5-7, 2009
Columbus, Ohio
National Qualifier
2009 Overall Champion: Ali Sonoma
2) Kristal Marshall
3) Beth Roedersheimer
4) Brooke Johnson Griffin, US
5) Joleen Axworthy
6) Janet Harding
7) Holly Schrader, US
8) Adrienne Gatch, US
9) Mehrak Radparvar
10) Kimberly Castle, US
11) Venus Ramos
12) Amanda Olson, US
13) Lisa Browning
14) Nadine Koakoush, US
15) Gina Grayce Narlock, US
16) Alicia Meza
2) Sonya LaGore, US
3) Melissa Pittman, US
4) Nicolle Long, US
5) Kimberlee Strickland
6) Dorothy Nilsen, US
7) Kimberly Foreman, US
8) Jessica Slivka, US
9) Charla Cormier, US
10) Candy Meiring
11) Jessica Amy Reynolds
12) Diana Portlock, US
13) Tara Beck
14) Melanie Dana, US
15) Leyla Yurchick, US
For Contest Photos Go Here:
Do you know how much PROTEIN you Need? Find out with our Free Protein Calculator at!
Photo Credit: Gene X Hwang
IFBB Bikini
IFBB Contest Results
2009 IFBB Arnold Amateur Fitness Championships Results and Photos
2009 IFBB Arnold Amateur Fitness Championships
March 5-7, 2009
Columbus, Ohio
March 5-7, 2009
Columbus, Ohio
National Qualifier
2009 Overall Champion: Sylvia Tremblay
1) Sylvia Tremblay, CA
2) Allison Ethier, CA
3) Malena Marquez, US
4) Patricia Venus Nguyen, US
5) Lee Michelle Yeager, US
6) Skye Fisher, US
7) Delphine Lhotte, CA
8) Wendy Gardner, US
1) Meredith Miller, US
2) Lauren Niehaus, US
3) Morgan Spoon, US
4) Patricia Sordoni
5) Lee Randell, CA
1) Autumn Edwards, US
2) Tamee Marie, US
3) Tatiana Tishchenko, RU
For Contest Photos Go Here:
2009 IFBB Arnold Amateur Fitness Championships Photos's TOP 50 selling products!

Photo Credit: Gene X Hwang
2009 Overall Champion: Sylvia Tremblay

1) Sylvia Tremblay, CA
2) Allison Ethier, CA
3) Malena Marquez, US
4) Patricia Venus Nguyen, US
5) Lee Michelle Yeager, US
6) Skye Fisher, US
7) Delphine Lhotte, CA
8) Wendy Gardner, US
1) Meredith Miller, US
2) Lauren Niehaus, US
3) Morgan Spoon, US
4) Patricia Sordoni
5) Lee Randell, CA
1) Autumn Edwards, US
2) Tamee Marie, US
3) Tatiana Tishchenko, RU
For Contest Photos Go Here:
2009 IFBB Arnold Amateur Fitness Championships Photos's TOP 50 selling products!
Photo Credit: Gene X Hwang
IFBB Contest Results
IFBB Figure
2009 IFBB Arnold Amateur Women's Bodybuilding Championships Results and Photos
2009 IFBB Arnold Amateur Women's Bodybuilding Championships
March 5-7, 2009
Columbus, Ohio
March 5-7, 2009
Columbus, Ohio
National Qualifier
See the Specials of the Week at!

1. Maria Rita-Bello
2. Alevtina Goroshinskaya
3. Geraldine Morgan
4. Dawn Elsea
5. Marcia Ferguson
6. Debra Baker
7. Evy Rustad
1. Elena Shportun
2. Jill Lundy
3. Jo Stewart
4. Salla Kauranen
5. Krista Schaus
6. Roxanne Edwards
7. Nidia Hermosilla-Ocampos
9. Michelle Kennedy
10. Heather Manuel
1. Johanna Dejager
2. Mille Cleveland
3. Stacey Pillari
4. Alisha Morrow
5. Denise Dinger
6. Violetta Sprus
7. Matilde Juarez
8. Lisa Janusz
9. Julie Sleight
10. Barbara Stannard
11. Dee Lazard
12. Penny Ruff
13. Xinli Cao
For Contest Photos Go Here:
See the Specials of the Week at!
Photo Credit: Bill Comstock
female bodybuilding
IFBB Bodybuilding
IFBB Contest Results
Benefits of Tangerine Peel
What Is Tangerine Peel?
Tangerine peel is the outermost layer of a tangerine, a popular
fruit widely known also as a mandarin. In Japan, it is known as
a satsuma, and the general botanical name for a tangerine is
Citrus reticulata. It is now known that tangerine peel contains
far more flavonoids and anti-oxidants that are beneficial for
good health than fruit juices do.
Tangerine Peel Benefits
Two major tangerine peel benefits are its cholesterol lowering
capabilities and more recently its use in fighting cancer. The
disease fighting flavonoids tangeretin and nobiletin are found
in higher concentrations in peels that in the juice we commonly
drink. Other benefits of tangerine peel are a lower risk or
heart disease and obesity.
The super-flavonoids found in tangerine peels are even thought
by some to effectively lower cholesterol. Tangeretin and
nobiletin are easily absorbed and metabolized.
Tangerine peel is beneficial for treating nervous tension,
depression, emotional stress and sleep related problems. It
helps to calm and soothe the nervous system, as well as the
digestive system. Many digestive disorders are easily remedied
by using this ingredient on soups, salads and other
foods you eat.
Tangerine Peel Weight Loss
Nutrients in tangerine peel promote weight loss, and are one
of the most effective ways to fight obesity.
Tangerine peel also helps with absorption, and controls
bloating and nausea. It has also been shown to stimulate the
lymph system which helps eliminate excess fluid, and help
combat obesity.
Tangerine peel is extremely effective for a multitude of
digestion problems, which sometimes interfere with weight
loss. This is why it is important to make sure your weight
loss supplement contains this ingredient. Proper
digestion is essential for weight loss.
Tangerine Peel Supplement
By choosing supplements that contain tangerine peel
as an ingredient, you are insuring good digestion, less
bloating and an increased metabolic rate.
Tangerine Peel is just one of the supplements in...
The New Cybergenics Quicktrim 14 Day Weight Loss Kit
Specifically Designed to Promote the Fastest, Most Dramatic
Fat Loss Possible in Only 2 Weeks! A Revolutionary approach
to rapid body shaping. Designed for those who need to lose
body fat NOW.
For full info go to Quick Trim
Lose Fat, Gain Muscle, Shape Up. Sign up for our Free Weekly Bodybuilding,
Fitness and Health Tips Newsletter, and you will be automatically entered
in our monthly drawing to win Free Supplements and other great prizes.
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Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Hand Grip Training - Working The Forearm Extensors With A Rubber Band
The forearm extensors are the most neglected muscle group when it comes to grip and forearm training. Most people just focus on the muscles that close the hand, but the forearm extensors (the muscles that open the hand) must be trained as well for maximal development. Just like you wouldn't train your biceps and forget about your triceps, the same idea applies when it comes to your forearms.
One of the best forearm extensor exercises for strengthening the grip is Rubber Band Finger Extensions.
Just get a thick rubber band and place your fingers and thumb inside the band. Spread your fingers as wide as possible, close them, and repeat. You can also do the same thing with your thumb and each finger individually.
This is also an excellent exercise for anyone who suffers from elbow tendonitis and carpal tunnel syndrome because it helps balance out the muscles in the wrists and forearms, which can help relieve the pain and strain on the tendons.
One of the best forearm extensor exercises for strengthening the grip is Rubber Band Finger Extensions.
Just get a thick rubber band and place your fingers and thumb inside the band. Spread your fingers as wide as possible, close them, and repeat. You can also do the same thing with your thumb and each finger individually.
This is also an excellent exercise for anyone who suffers from elbow tendonitis and carpal tunnel syndrome because it helps balance out the muscles in the wrists and forearms, which can help relieve the pain and strain on the tendons.
How To Make Muscle Gains
This checklist is sub-divided into 3 parts. Working out correctly,
Eating right and resting.
Workout Right
Workout 3-4 times a week (no more than 2 days in a row)
Between :45 and 1:15 in duration
Generally do the larger bodyparts/movements first
Do compound movements before isolation movements
Use barbells, dumbbells, lever/plate loaded machines and cable
machines in appropriate volumes
Don't neglect any bodypart
Priority train - a chain is only as strong as it's weakest link
Cycle your training
Have short term as well as long term specific goals
Generally do 2-6 sets for each bodypart depending on size of muscle
Generally do 6-10 reps each set
Stretch out and warm up major muscles and joints before training
Do warm up sets early in the workout to get blood flowing and
heart going
Use a spotter when required
Use belts, wraps and straps only when required
If you do cardio, do it after your strength training
Eat Right
Eat a high protein diet - approx. .8g/lb
Get all 3 macronutrients in you diet - don't neglect anything
Consume protein every 3 hrs. for 6 meals/day
Never miss a meal
Always consume a high protein, high carb, liquid drink immediately
after a workout
Eat another full meal within 2 hours of the post-workout meal
Eat a high protein meal as close to bed time as possible
Try to have a liquid protein meal first thing in the morning
Drink lots of water
Sleep Right
Get plenty of sleep
Rest/nap throughout the day if needed & possible
Support Your Joints
It's true bodybuilders, powerlifters and others involved
in athletics cause a lot of stress, wear and tear on
their joints.
Each and every workout you do subjects your joints and
tendons to the work load volume of tons of w eight along
with the wear and tear of stretching and contracting over
and over again.
Today millions of people have joint disorders.
Joint supplements can aid in joint and connective tissue
health and repair.
If you have been training hard for years, joint
supplements can really make a big difference.
Even younger trainers should use joint support supplements
to prevent future joint problems.
For more information on joint health go to
Joint Support Supplement
Lose Fat, Gain Muscle, Shape Up. Sign up for our Free Weekly Bodybuilding,
Fitness and Health Tips Newsletter, and you will be automatically entered
in our monthly drawing to win Free Supplements and other great prizes.
Stay informed, stay motivated, win free stuff, join today!
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Monday, March 23, 2009
My Bodybuilding Posing Routine From The 2007 HWC
Here is a video clip of my posing routine from the 2007 Heavyweights Classic Bodybuilding Championships where I won the light-heavyweight division and overall.
Note: if you would like to know exactly how I trained and ate to prepare for that show then check out
Benefits of Licorice Root
What Is Licorice Root?
Licorice is the root of Glycyrrhiza glabra, meaning sweet root.
The actual plant is a legume (like peas and beans) and is native
to Europe and certain sections of Asia.
Chinese Licorice Root
Chinese Licorice root, or Glycyrrhiza, is one of the most
beneficial herbs in existence. It is a natural detoxifying agent
and can rid the body of a vast spectrum of toxins, without any
unwanted side effects.
Licorice Root Uses
Licorice root is an excellent digestive tonic, and helps
increase energy levels. In hypoglycemia cases, licorice root
helps to regulate blood sugar level. It is also effective for
delivering nutrition to the adrenal glands, and helps build and
strengthen muscle. Licorice root has been used for centuries as
an anti-inflammatory, and is also beneficial for treating ulcers.
Licorice Root Benefits
The benefits of licorice root are a mile long. From depression
and chronic fatigue to asthma, arthritis and viral infections,
licorice root is perhaps one of the most over-looked of all the
herbal remedies available.
In the respiratory system, licorice root has a soothing and
healing action which helps reduce irritation and inflammation.
It is also known to help lower cholesterol levels.
Hormonal changes in women can cause weight gain. Licorice root
is an ingredient in many natural products for balancing
hormones, which can help with w eight reduction.
Licorice Root Weight Loss
Licorice root is widely used in weight loss supplements, because
of the general support it gives in the total health of your
body. It also helps to "blend" the other natural herbs found in
w eight l oss products to insure maximum effectiveness.
Licorice Root Supplement
Licorice root supplements have very beneficial and rejuvenating
effects on the cells of the digestive system. It is also proven
to be a powerful anti-oxidant, and aids in nearly every aspect
of good health.
Licorice root is found in many of the most effect weight loss
supplements, because of its powerful effects on the digestive
and respiratory systems. The adrenal gland support that this
natural ingredient offers is important for maintaining fitness
levels, and is often used by bodybuilders and athletes.
Licorice Root is just one of the supplements in...
The New Cybergenics Quicktrim 14 Day Weight Loss Kit
Specifically Designed to Promote the Fastest, Most Dramatic
Fat Loss Possible in Only 2 Weeks! A Revolutionary approach
to rapid body shaping. Designed for those who need to lose
body fat NOW.
For full info go to Quick Trim
Lose Fat, Gain Muscle, Shape Up. Sign up for our Free Weekly Bodybuilding,
Fitness and Health Tips Newsletter, and you will be automatically entered
in our monthly drawing to win Free Supplements and other great prizes.
Stay informed, stay motivated, win free stuff, join today!
Click Here To Sign Up Free
Sunday, March 22, 2009
K.L. Frahn
This beautiful young lady is fitness model K.L. Frahn (Kristen Leigh Frahn).
She's 5'4" and weighs 124 lbs and is not only a fitness model, but is trained in Mixed Martial Arts and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (brown belt).
K.L. started out with fitness training to enhance her martial arts training, and I would say it worked.
You can visit her at her MySpace page here:
fitness model
fitness modeling
fitness training
jiu jitsu
K.L. Frahn
Kristen Leigh Frahn
martial arts
mixed martial arts
mixed martial arts training
mma training
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Tapout “Mask,” Killed in Hit-and-Run Accident
Charles Lewis Jr., better known to MMA fans as “Mask,” was killed in a hit-and-run accident Tuesday night in Newport Beach, Calif.
Lewis was the founder of Tapout Clothing, Inc., and the face of its popular reality show on cable channel Versus. Several sources within the company confirmed his passing.
At 12:57 a.m., a Newport Beach Police cruiser spotted Lewis’ red Ferrari and a white Porsche driving out of control on the southbound side of Jamboree Road, according to Lt. Jim Amormino, a public information officer with the Orange County Sherrif’s Department.
The Ferrari then struck the curb and hit a utility pole, tearing the car in half. After coming to a brief stop, the Porsche fled the scene.
An unnamed female passenger was ejected from Lewis’ car in the crash. Newport Beach paramedics pronounced Lewis dead at the scene.
Newport Beach officers later spotted the Porsche and stopped its passengers, a male and female, who were seen walking away from the vehicle.
Upon further investigation officers determined that the male, Jeffrey David Kirby, a 51-year-old resident of Costa Mesa, Calif., was the driver of the vehicle.
Kirby was arrested for gross vehicular manslaughter and taken to the Newport Beach Police Department. The female passenger, Lynn Marie Nabozny, a 32-year-old resident of Newport Beach, was arrested for public intoxication and released Wednesday morning.
Kirby’s bail is set at $1 million dollars. The results of a blood alcohol test administered at the jail are forthcoming. No further motive for the accident is known at this time, according to
Tapout later in the day released an official confirmation of Lewis' death, saying, “It is with heavy hearts and great sadness that we must regretfully confirm the passing of our beloved friend, brother and co-founder Charles 'Mask' Lewis following a car accident that occurred last night. We are currently in the process of setting up a memorial service in his honor and will release more details as they become available. "Many thanks to all for the outpouring of blessings and well-wishing during this incredibly difficult time.”
Charles "Mask" Lewis was 45 years old
Pics of the aftermath.. Not much left of the car...
101 Ways to motivate yourself and get in shape. Number 43 may surprise you. Read all 101 NOW at!
Lewis was the founder of Tapout Clothing, Inc., and the face of its popular reality show on cable channel Versus. Several sources within the company confirmed his passing.
At 12:57 a.m., a Newport Beach Police cruiser spotted Lewis’ red Ferrari and a white Porsche driving out of control on the southbound side of Jamboree Road, according to Lt. Jim Amormino, a public information officer with the Orange County Sherrif’s Department.
The Ferrari then struck the curb and hit a utility pole, tearing the car in half. After coming to a brief stop, the Porsche fled the scene.
An unnamed female passenger was ejected from Lewis’ car in the crash. Newport Beach paramedics pronounced Lewis dead at the scene.
Newport Beach officers later spotted the Porsche and stopped its passengers, a male and female, who were seen walking away from the vehicle.
Upon further investigation officers determined that the male, Jeffrey David Kirby, a 51-year-old resident of Costa Mesa, Calif., was the driver of the vehicle.
Kirby was arrested for gross vehicular manslaughter and taken to the Newport Beach Police Department. The female passenger, Lynn Marie Nabozny, a 32-year-old resident of Newport Beach, was arrested for public intoxication and released Wednesday morning.
Kirby’s bail is set at $1 million dollars. The results of a blood alcohol test administered at the jail are forthcoming. No further motive for the accident is known at this time, according to
Tapout later in the day released an official confirmation of Lewis' death, saying, “It is with heavy hearts and great sadness that we must regretfully confirm the passing of our beloved friend, brother and co-founder Charles 'Mask' Lewis following a car accident that occurred last night. We are currently in the process of setting up a memorial service in his honor and will release more details as they become available. "Many thanks to all for the outpouring of blessings and well-wishing during this incredibly difficult time.”
Charles "Mask" Lewis was 45 years old
Pics of the aftermath.. Not much left of the car...
101 Ways to motivate yourself and get in shape. Number 43 may surprise you. Read all 101 NOW at!
NPC Masters Nationals changes for 2009
There have been some changes in the Masters Nationals this year.
The following winners are eligible for a pro card in the IFBB: Overall winners of the Men Over 50, Men Over 60, Women’s Bodybuilding Over 35 and Over 45, Figure Over 35 and Over 45 and the top 2 placers in the Men’s Over 40 Overall.
The over 45 cards for women's bodybuilding & women's figure are new.
The 80s class for men is new.
The 50s welter class for men is new (so there are now 6 classes for the men's 50s).
There will be a bikini division, but it isn't a pro qualifier as yet.
BIKINI – Teen (16-19), Collegiate (Up to age 25) and Over 35Class A:Up to and including 5’4”Class B: Over 5’4”
See the Specials of the Week at!

The following winners are eligible for a pro card in the IFBB: Overall winners of the Men Over 50, Men Over 60, Women’s Bodybuilding Over 35 and Over 45, Figure Over 35 and Over 45 and the top 2 placers in the Men’s Over 40 Overall.
The over 45 cards for women's bodybuilding & women's figure are new.
The 80s class for men is new.
The 50s welter class for men is new (so there are now 6 classes for the men's 50s).
There will be a bikini division, but it isn't a pro qualifier as yet.
BIKINI – Teen (16-19), Collegiate (Up to age 25) and Over 35Class A:Up to and including 5’4”Class B: Over 5’4”
See the Specials of the Week at!
Men's Bodybuilding
NPC Bodybuilding
NPC Contest Preview
Denise Masino at Comic Con 2008
Sexy superhero MissFit (IFBB Pro Female Bodybuilder Denise Masino) auditions wannabe heroes for her team at Comic-Con 2008 - definitely worth watching...'s TOP 50 selling products!'s TOP 50 selling products!
female bodybuilding
The 2 best core strengthening exercises
You may recall a couple posts ago about a nasty nosebleed deep inside my sinuses that actually put me in hospital for a few days. Well things are on the mend and so far so good. I've been taking it easy all week and never had any problems. In fact today I went to the gym just for some easy cardio on the treadmill, nothing serious but I wanted to do something as I really miss working out. Hopefully by this time next week I should be good to start weight training again.
Anyway, while I was doing my cardio on the treadmill I was flipping through a magazine, not just any magazine, but a Woman's Fitness Magazine...
Now I know you are probably asking yourself; "Why in the world is Lee reading a woman’s fitness magazine?" Well, first of all it was rolled up and tucked in the water bottle holder on the treadmill, but besides that you'll see more pics of hot sexy girls wearing skimpy clothes in a woman's magazine then you will in a men's magazine so it's not that bad at all LOL :-)
As I was flipping through the pages one article in particular caught my attention, it was about Core Training. Now as I'm sure you already know this whole thing about "core training" is the big buzz in the fitness industry these days. Fitness infomercials and exercise gimmicks all talk about how they can strengthen your "core" as if it were the next best thing since sliced bread. But strengthening your core (aka; working your mid-section) is as old as dirt.
So the thing that caught my attention with this particular article was that it said the 2 best exercises you can do to strengthen your core are squats and deadlifts...
Now I know all you regular gym going muscle heads are saying: "Duh, of course squats and deadlifts are the 2 best core exercises, in fact they are 2 of the best exercises period".
But the cool thing was that this was an article in a woman's magazine! Finally some real honest training information and not some stupid lift soup cans workout BS. The article even referenced a study done in the Journal Of Exercise Physiology that showed doing squats and deadlifts were 70% more effective at building the core muscles around the mid-section then doing a workout consisting of 5 different stability ball exercises.
So if you want to build some real muscle, regardless if you are a man or a woman, don't waste your time farting around with the fancy looking isolation mumble jumble moves and get back to the basics of good old fashion barbell squats and deadlifts. Not just for a strong core, but for a strong body all over.
Anyway, while I was doing my cardio on the treadmill I was flipping through a magazine, not just any magazine, but a Woman's Fitness Magazine...
Now I know you are probably asking yourself; "Why in the world is Lee reading a woman’s fitness magazine?" Well, first of all it was rolled up and tucked in the water bottle holder on the treadmill, but besides that you'll see more pics of hot sexy girls wearing skimpy clothes in a woman's magazine then you will in a men's magazine so it's not that bad at all LOL :-)
As I was flipping through the pages one article in particular caught my attention, it was about Core Training. Now as I'm sure you already know this whole thing about "core training" is the big buzz in the fitness industry these days. Fitness infomercials and exercise gimmicks all talk about how they can strengthen your "core" as if it were the next best thing since sliced bread. But strengthening your core (aka; working your mid-section) is as old as dirt.
So the thing that caught my attention with this particular article was that it said the 2 best exercises you can do to strengthen your core are squats and deadlifts...
Now I know all you regular gym going muscle heads are saying: "Duh, of course squats and deadlifts are the 2 best core exercises, in fact they are 2 of the best exercises period".
But the cool thing was that this was an article in a woman's magazine! Finally some real honest training information and not some stupid lift soup cans workout BS. The article even referenced a study done in the Journal Of Exercise Physiology that showed doing squats and deadlifts were 70% more effective at building the core muscles around the mid-section then doing a workout consisting of 5 different stability ball exercises.
So if you want to build some real muscle, regardless if you are a man or a woman, don't waste your time farting around with the fancy looking isolation mumble jumble moves and get back to the basics of good old fashion barbell squats and deadlifts. Not just for a strong core, but for a strong body all over.
Female Bodybuilder Holds Back a Plane
Pretty cool video of a couple of female bodybuilders trying to hold back small planes from taking off.
While the girl in pink beats the plane, I give the blonde the win for the best outfit and the best 80's hair.
Looking to be more fit then you were in 2008? Let provide everything from workout plans to nutritional supplements.
While the girl in pink beats the plane, I give the blonde the win for the best outfit and the best 80's hair.
Looking to be more fit then you were in 2008? Let provide everything from workout plans to nutritional supplements.
female bodybuilding
Stretching For Bodybuilders and Other Athletes
Stretching can optimize an athlete's learning, practice, and performance
of many different types of skilled movements, as well as increase their
mental and physical relaxation and promote development of body awareness.
It can also reduce the risk of joint sprain or muscle strain, the risk
of back problems, muscle soreness, and muscle tension.
There are many ways you can stretch your muscles, joints, and connective
tissue, and what type of stretching you choose is somewhat dependent on
your fitness goals and what assistance you have access to. Here are a
few methods to consider.
Dynamic stretching involves moving parts of your body and gradually
increasing the range of motion and/or speed of movement. Dynamic
stretching, which typically consists of controlled leg and arm swings
that take you to the limits of your range of motion, can improve dynamic
flexibility and is quite useful as part of your warm-up for an aerobic
Active stretching, or "static-active" stretching, is a simple technique
where a stretch position is assumed and held for several seconds. It's
termed active because the individual actively assumes the stretch
position without being assisted by a partner.
Passive stretching is also referred to as relaxed stretching or
"static-passive" stretching. A passive stretch is one where you assume
a position and hold it using the assistance of some other part of your
body or with the assistance of a partner. Passive stretching is good
for "cooling down" after a workout and helps reduce post-workout muscle
fatigue and soreness. A general recommendation is to hold a passive
stretch for 10-60 seconds.
Isometric stretching is a type of static stretching which incorporates
the use of isometric contractions (tensing) of the targeted muscles.
The use of isometric stretching is one of the fastest ways to develop
increased static-passive flexibility and some experts say it can be
much more effective than either passive or active stretching alone.
Isometric stretches may actually develop some strength in the
"tensed" muscles and seems to decrease the amount of pain associated
with stretching. The proper way to perform an isometric stretch is as
Assume the position of a static-active stretch for the desired
Next, contract or tense the stretched muscle for 7-15 seconds.
Repeat the static stretch.
Relax the muscle for at least 20 seconds, and repeat steps 1-3.
PNF stretching is one of the fastest and most effective ways to
increase most forms of flexibility. PNF (proprioceptive neuromuscular
facilitation) is not really a single stretch technique, but rather a
method which combines passive and isometric stretching. First tighten
the muscle opposite to the one you're planning to stretch for a few
seconds. Then relax and immediately stretch the target muscle for
several seconds. An example of opposite or opposing muscle groups are
quadriceps and hamstrings. So if your hamstrings are really tight and
your goal is to increase their flexibility, you would begin a PNF
session with an isometric contraction of the quadriceps. Then relax
the quadriceps and immediately stretch the hamstrings.
What is the purpose of tightening the muscle opposite to the one you
are stretching? Well, when a muscle in a pair tightens, the opposing
muscle receives a signal to relax and "allow" the contraction. In
essence, you have facilitated relaxation and decreased any resistance
in the target muscle before you even begin the stretch.
Lose Fat, Gain Muscle, Shape Up. Sign up for our Free Weekly Bodybuilding,
Fitness and Health Tips Newsletter, and you will be automatically entered
in our monthly drawing to win Free Supplements and other great prizes.
Stay informed, stay motivated, win free stuff, join today!
Click Here To Sign Up Free
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Kentucky Professor Pleads Guilty to Steroids Sale
A professor at a western Kentucky community college has pleaded guilty to a federal charge of selling anabolic steroids.
Federal prosecutors say 41-year-old Brandon Joseph Millay of Owensboro pleaded guilty Thursday to distributing and misbranding anabolic steroids, and failing to register an establishment used to process, package, and change labels on anabolic steroids.
Millay, a professor at Owensboro Community and Technical College, was one of four people charged.
The other three have pleaded not guilty and are awaiting trial.
Millay is scheduled for sentencing before U.S. District Judge Joseph H. McKinley on July 8.
See the Specials of the Week at!

Source: WZTV
Federal prosecutors say 41-year-old Brandon Joseph Millay of Owensboro pleaded guilty Thursday to distributing and misbranding anabolic steroids, and failing to register an establishment used to process, package, and change labels on anabolic steroids.
Millay, a professor at Owensboro Community and Technical College, was one of four people charged.
The other three have pleaded not guilty and are awaiting trial.
Millay is scheduled for sentencing before U.S. District Judge Joseph H. McKinley on July 8.
See the Specials of the Week at!
Source: WZTV
Steroid Arrests
GNC Beats Economy with 4Q, FY08 Gains
General Nutrition Centers, Inc. (GNC) has posted positive gains for its fourth quarter (4Q) and fiscal year 2008 (FY08) ended Dec. 31, 2008.
For the quarter, consolidated revenues rose to $391.7 million, up 4.2 percent from the same quarter the year prior, and included increases in each of its business segments: retail inched up 2.2 percent; franchise was up 6.8 percent and manufacturing/wholesale jumped 13.8 percent. Also 4Q same store sales increased 2.5 percent in domestic company-owned stores (including internet sales) and 3.2 percent in Canadian company-owned stores (in local currency). Net income was $8.1 million compared to $7.3 million in 4Q07.
For FY08, consolidated revenue reached $1.657 billion, an increase of 6.7 percent over FY07 figures, with each segment—retail, franchise and manufacturing/wholesale—posting gains. Same store sales rose 2.7 percent in domestic company-owned stores (including internet sales) and 4.1 percent in Canadian company-owned stores (in local currency). Net income for the year shot to $54.8 million, a marked improvement from a loss of $34.3 million logged the previous year.
GNC reported it did not have any meaningful concentration of sales from any single product or product line. For FY08, sales increased in most product categories: vitamins, minerals and health supplements (VMHS); sports nutrition; and other wellness products. The only category suffering a slight year-over-year decline was diet products.
For its success in FY08, GNC credited strategic initiatives implemented a few years ago, focusing on improving parts of its core retail fundamentals, unifying its corporate and franchise operating systems, and implementing strategies to take advantage of key assets of its business, primarily the strength of the GNC brand.
The company further reported its domestic franchise business is now in line with GNC corporate operating standards, and key performance indicators of its domestic franchise stores are more in line with corporate store results. It also applauded the positive impact of its store-within-a-store concept that has resulted in more than 1,700 GNC locations inside Rite Aid stores.'s TOP 50 selling products!

Sources: GNC Web site: SEC filings
For the quarter, consolidated revenues rose to $391.7 million, up 4.2 percent from the same quarter the year prior, and included increases in each of its business segments: retail inched up 2.2 percent; franchise was up 6.8 percent and manufacturing/wholesale jumped 13.8 percent. Also 4Q same store sales increased 2.5 percent in domestic company-owned stores (including internet sales) and 3.2 percent in Canadian company-owned stores (in local currency). Net income was $8.1 million compared to $7.3 million in 4Q07.
For FY08, consolidated revenue reached $1.657 billion, an increase of 6.7 percent over FY07 figures, with each segment—retail, franchise and manufacturing/wholesale—posting gains. Same store sales rose 2.7 percent in domestic company-owned stores (including internet sales) and 4.1 percent in Canadian company-owned stores (in local currency). Net income for the year shot to $54.8 million, a marked improvement from a loss of $34.3 million logged the previous year.
GNC reported it did not have any meaningful concentration of sales from any single product or product line. For FY08, sales increased in most product categories: vitamins, minerals and health supplements (VMHS); sports nutrition; and other wellness products. The only category suffering a slight year-over-year decline was diet products.
For its success in FY08, GNC credited strategic initiatives implemented a few years ago, focusing on improving parts of its core retail fundamentals, unifying its corporate and franchise operating systems, and implementing strategies to take advantage of key assets of its business, primarily the strength of the GNC brand.
The company further reported its domestic franchise business is now in line with GNC corporate operating standards, and key performance indicators of its domestic franchise stores are more in line with corporate store results. It also applauded the positive impact of its store-within-a-store concept that has resulted in more than 1,700 GNC locations inside Rite Aid stores.'s TOP 50 selling products!
Sources: GNC Web site: SEC filings
Industry News
Download 2 Free Muscle Building & Fat Loss e-books...
Until midnight Friday March 20 you can download 2 killer muscle building & fat loss e-book programs:
Upside Down Training & Razor-Sharp Abdominal Cardio Workouts!

These 2 programs will help you pack on lean muscle while shredding away excess bodyfat, helping you carve out a set of ripped six-pack abs!
These e-books are valued at $57, but now you can download them for Free by clicking on the link below:
There is nothing for you to buy, no catch, and no strings attached. So be sure to download your programs now and start building a head turning body...
Upside Down Training & Razor-Sharp Abdominal Cardio Workouts!

These 2 programs will help you pack on lean muscle while shredding away excess bodyfat, helping you carve out a set of ripped six-pack abs!
These e-books are valued at $57, but now you can download them for Free by clicking on the link below:
There is nothing for you to buy, no catch, and no strings attached. So be sure to download your programs now and start building a head turning body...
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
2009 IFBB Australia Pro Grand Prix Results and Photos
2009 Australia Pro Grand Prix
Saturday March 14th, 2009
Melbourne, Australia
1. Kai Greene *
2. Silvio Samuel *
3. Toney Freeman *
4. Michael Kefalianos *
5. Ivan Sadek
6. Oscar Dexter
7. Rusty Jeffers
8. Con Demetriou
9. Grant Pieterse
* Qualifies for the 2009 IFBB Mr. Olympia
For Contest Photos Go Here:
2009 IBB Australia Pro Grand Prix Photos
See the Specials of the Week at!
Saturday March 14th, 2009
Melbourne, Australia
1. Kai Greene *
2. Silvio Samuel *
3. Toney Freeman *
4. Michael Kefalianos *
5. Ivan Sadek
6. Oscar Dexter
7. Rusty Jeffers
8. Con Demetriou
9. Grant Pieterse
* Qualifies for the 2009 IFBB Mr. Olympia
For Contest Photos Go Here:
2009 IBB Australia Pro Grand Prix Photos
See the Specials of the Week at!
IFBB Bodybuilding
IFBB Contest Results
Men's Bodybuilding
UFC Legend Ken Shamrock Suspended for Steroids
UFC legend Ken Shamrock has been suspended for one year for testing positive for the steroid Stanozolol, as well as two Nandrolone-based substances, 19-Norandrosterone and 19-Noretiocholanolone, according to a statement issued by the California State Athletic Commission on Wednesday.
Shamrock, who turned 45 on Feb. 13, picked up a one-minute victory over super heavyweight Ross Clifton at Wargods “Valentine’s Eve Massacre” on February 14 in Fresno, Calif. Shamrock’s production company also co-promoted the event. Shamrock‘s manager and attorney Rod Donohoo said the fighter has adamantly denied the allegations and will appeal the suspension. “Ken was taking legal over-the-counter products, and based upon our preliminary research, I’m investigating if those products were the result of these findings,” Donohoo told on Wednesday.
Shamrock was scheduled to face fellow WWE pro wrestler Bobby Lashley in a headlining heavyweight bout for the Roy Jones Jr.-helmed Square Ring Promotions “March Badness” on March 21 at the Pensacola Civic Center in Pensacola, Fla. However, the Florida State Boxing Commission will likely uphold the CSAC’s suspension and an appeals process will not be completed before March 21. Donohoo told that he will request an expedited appeal. “Ken is willing to submit to immediate testing in Sacramento to prove his innocence,” said Donohoo.
If the suspension is not overturned, Shamrock will be eligible to re-apply for licensure in California after Feb. 1, 2010 and will pay a $2,500 fine.'s TOP 50 selling products!

Source: Sherdog
Shamrock, who turned 45 on Feb. 13, picked up a one-minute victory over super heavyweight Ross Clifton at Wargods “Valentine’s Eve Massacre” on February 14 in Fresno, Calif. Shamrock’s production company also co-promoted the event. Shamrock‘s manager and attorney Rod Donohoo said the fighter has adamantly denied the allegations and will appeal the suspension. “Ken was taking legal over-the-counter products, and based upon our preliminary research, I’m investigating if those products were the result of these findings,” Donohoo told on Wednesday.
Shamrock was scheduled to face fellow WWE pro wrestler Bobby Lashley in a headlining heavyweight bout for the Roy Jones Jr.-helmed Square Ring Promotions “March Badness” on March 21 at the Pensacola Civic Center in Pensacola, Fla. However, the Florida State Boxing Commission will likely uphold the CSAC’s suspension and an appeals process will not be completed before March 21. Donohoo told that he will request an expedited appeal. “Ken is willing to submit to immediate testing in Sacramento to prove his innocence,” said Donohoo.
If the suspension is not overturned, Shamrock will be eligible to re-apply for licensure in California after Feb. 1, 2010 and will pay a $2,500 fine.'s TOP 50 selling products!
Source: Sherdog
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